Simon Cowell Will Write Checks - Not Planning A Relationship With Wife Or Child
When you really delve into this whole Simon Cowell getting a married woman pregnant, you really get a chance to see that he is not a very nice guy. There was some recent quote from him where he says that when he is having sex, he just wants it to be over sometimes so he can get back to smoking and that he enjoys when women are orally servicing him so he does not even have to bother putting his cigarette down. So, it should come as no surprise that Simon was having sex with Lauren Silverman long before she and her husband started having troubles. He just saw her as someone to have sex with and according to several reports, she saw Simon as a way to an even better life and purposely got pregnant. Who knows if that is true, but with as much sex as Simon has had in his life, and never getting anyone pregnant, you get the feeling he is pretty careful, especially considering how much he dislikes kids. So, it should also come as no surprise that Simon has said he will write checks but is not interested in anything more than a sexual relationship with Lauren and I don't get the feeling he is going to make a big effort with the baby either.