Friday, August 30, 2013

Robin Thicke Is A Pig

I think it's been pretty obvious over the past couple of years with the number of reveals and the number of blind items that scream Robin Thicke that he is not a faithful guy. I seem to recall that his father had the same type of issues most of his run while being famous, so it shouldn't come as much of a shock that Robin is the same way. What is surprising for the pinky ringed one is that he's so bold that he's perfectly willing to be a pig while his wife is at the same place with him. After the Video Music Awards, Robin and his wife Paula Patton went to a club. Robin took some time away from his wife to meet his fans. Apparently meeting your female fans now includes an obligatory finger up your skirt and ending up who knows where. I bet wish Robin had known about the mirror, but if you think this will stop him, you're crazy.


  1. I can't be the only one who doesn't get the hype over Blurred Lines, can I? I think it's an awful song.

    And yes, Robin is a pig.

    1. It is awful and people quit blaming your folks for your bs.

      After a certain age it's all your fault.

      And don't feel sorry for Paula. If its true, she can gtfu.

    2. i heard blurred lines in full for the first time the other day and i do not get the hype of that song, then again i've never been a robin thicke fan.

    3. I would love to see the picture taken a few minutes later when he takes a whiff of that finger:)

  2. I also don't understand the women who let him do that to him. (And I suspect he knew about the mirror...trying to pull a Miley.)

  3. I'm sure they have an open relationship. And Blurred Lines is awesome sauce.

    1. Agreed. I also believe that they have an open relationship and are swingers. Just like a lot of famous people. At the end of the day, they're all grown so who cares?

    2. Agreed. I also believe that they have an open relationship and are swingers. Just like a lot of famous people. At the end of the day, they're all grown so who cares?

    3. That song is poppin! You can't go wrong with a T. I. feature.

  4. I thought that Thick and Patton were into threesomes and real swingers. If that is the case, I seriously doubt this pic will bother Patton.

  5. Love the song, and no doubt they have an understanding.

  6. Sexxxyyyy. He and paula had some private fun time with this fan later that night.

  7. his dad used to come into the restaurant I worked at with asian escorts who looked as bored as you would be sitting with that douche

  8. I don't believe it! The song is amazing and if that chick isnt a hooker I will put on my own pinky ring. She is practically on top of him, he is probably wanting to make sure he has a firm grip in case she swallows him.

  9. I'm not defending him(I'm sure he is a pig), but why isn't she challenging unwanted physical contact?

  10. Before yall start getting all up in arms, they have a freaking open relationship. If Paula doesn't have a problem with it, why should you.

    BTW Blurred Lines is an awesome song.

  11. Based on the unrated version of the video for "Blurred Lines" I'm going to guess that Paula isn't too worried about this picture. As for the song: not great, not terrible, but Prince does it better.

  12. That skeezer is luvin it. She can't wait for it to go a step.further. Bim is prolly gooing all over his hand.

    The dude and his wife obviously have an open marriage or some type of arrangement, and I doubt you would shock her by saying her hubby is a pig.

    Get the F over it Fugazi Enty, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. Everyone doesn't have to conform to you idea of what a relationship should be. Chances are that the longest relationship you have had is with yer pocket rocket.

  13. I hate this smug, self satisfied douche. So overrated.

  14. @Christopher Cruz

    You said it !

  15. I refuse on principle to concern myself with a woman who marries this cretin.

  16. He probably took her home as their third, he's alluded to that in interviews

  17. I think they have an open marraige so I can't muster any shock up. His song is a douchey frat boy's take on Marvin Gaye/Prince with none of the geniune funk not terrible but not that good either.

  18. Robin and Paula have an open relationship, folks. They both screw around on the side. They have threesomes and they do drugs together. I don't think I've ever seen a pic of Paula at an awards show where she wasn't drunk/high. You may find it disgusting, but Paula isn't in the dark about this and in fact, engages in a lot of the behavior herself.

    1. I think most people's objections are the tackiness of where and when its done and photographed.

  19. PP and RT were high school sweethearts have been "together" ever since. They definitely have an open relationship.

  20. That girl is an HEIRESS. Lol. Just read that somewhere else. That's more unbelievable than his hand on her ass!

  21. And yes, that dude is a Pig.

  22. Her name is Lana Scolaro, I guess it's legit. Haha

  23. Anonymous7:15 AM

    What a scumbag. I really hate cheaters

  24. I bet Robin smelled his fingers :(

  25. She's trying to steal his pinky ring!! Stop! Thief!

    1. Lmfao! If she clenches she walks away with his whole finger.

  26. I'm stealing from Micheal k, Would you hit it???? I'm ashamed to say I would but not with the wife lol!!!

  27. I am surprised Enty didn't give a shout out to Mooshki for tipping him off. But then again people do tend to look down on talking to one's self.

  28. I like Blurred Lines. Weird for me, because I detest most of today's Top 40 (I like Macklemore, though. Go figure).

    This post is meh. Swinging and threesomes aren't my thing at all, but if they want to do it to keep their marriage "fresh", that's their business.

  29. I don't listen to the radio..I have no idea what this song sounds like. I think I even listened to a sample on iTunes, and I still don't know what it sounds like. I'm tired of fucking reading about it though. I've seen the words "blurred lines" seventeen bajillion times over the past few months.

    This guy is a douchenozzle. Him and Buble (and about 50 other d-bags) need to hold hands and jump out of an airplane. I always thought, "Paula, you could do so much better." The more you read, she's no prize either. Sounds like they deserve each other.

  30. They both fool around but he's the "pig?" CDAN logic. This post is just an excuse for people to rage about "blurred lines" because we're all sick of it at this point.

  31. The blond in the Blurred Lines video is a 21 yo model named Emily Ratakowski & she is drop dead gorgeous!

  32. I'd like to bet wish the blonde in the photo if I could just figure out what bet wish means.

  33. But Gloria Loring is his mom. Gloria Loring!!

  34. See blind item later in todays blog and stop complaining about him being a cheater.

  35. Daft Punk, Get Lucky. My song of the summer.

  36. He is "butt" ugly - he has no top lip

  37. She shouldn't put her ass in his hand, what was she thinking??-G. Loring

    @VIP-BWAHAHA! Stop, thief!

    They both get it, don't cry for Paula. If he's a piggy, girlfriend is, too.
