Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Lady GaGa on her Bra This Way Tour in London.
Lindsay Lohan shopping. First thought she had? People actually buy things when they can take them for free?
And Miley Cyrus continues to offend.
Megan Fox and BAG take their son out.
Milla Jovovich and her acid washed jeans?
Nicole Richie shows off her home. She also says she hates the word Bohemian.
Sometimes I feel like Olivia Wilde tries too hard to prove to the world she's in love.
Pamela Anderson looking good after eating sushi. Because you know, vegans LOVE sushi.
Patrick Dempsey takes a selfie.


  1. Are you sure she was actually having sushi? Could have ordered tofu...

  2. Nicole, the words "pretentious cow" are pretty high on my hate list.

  3. Super-duper easy!!!

  4. Miley has finally gone too far (if you a sports fan, that is). Blasphemy!

    1. This is for a video, "23," she is featured on by MikeWillMadeIt, Wiz Khalifa, & Juicy J. Everyone wears Jordan in it.

  5. Miley isnt offending anyone but herself at this point.

    I always have that same feeling about Olivia Wilde. I didnt wanna say anything because she could just be super duper in love but it does seem odd to me since she was the total opposite with her frst husband. I didnt see her in pictures with him until they divorced. But hey i guess i just answered my own question.

  6. I'm veg, not vegan, but pretty much everything I eat at sushi places is vegan. Love it.

  7. Milla doesn't care what you think of her acid wash jeans. She's such an HBIC she doesn't have to.

  8. Ditto, VIP. Pammy could have had a California roll (avocado instead of fish), which was invented in Los Angeles.

    LOL at the Miley picture. There were so many comments about her butt, now she's taking pictures of it to prove them wrong. Look! Even Mikey likes it!

    Lady Gaga looks she stole a Natasha Lyonne wig.

    1. I thought the same thing, she's trying to make up for how awful it looked during her performance.

  9. The California rolls I always get everywhere have fish, avacado, and cuke though.

  10. A California roll is crab, not fish. I work in a Japanese restaurant, most of Japanese cuisine is vegetables and rice, including the sushi. You can sub out the fish in any roll with avocado, cucumber or mushroom.

    Why does it seem like Enty has gotten dumber and grumpier?

    Both Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga try way too hard...it's exhausting to watch.

    1. Technically, crabs are crustaceans, but I get your point. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Miley is just a joke now, if the shark was a "furry", she would have jumped it.

    1. Del Riser for the win! Best comment! :D

  12. I doubt if Miley's "trying to offend" as much as she's putting her thumb in the eye of critics. That would indicate to me that she's hurt by all the criticism, some of it unfair and undeserved. I will admit that I thought her VMA act was a curious way of trying to demonstrate how grown up she is, but who hasn't ever made a questionable decision at her age?

  13. If anyone has seen Robin Thicke's new video it may explain that damn finger Miley was wearing. Between the mess with Blurred Lines and his new song she was doing whatever she was attempting to do for shock value it was just a mess. There is no doubt Robin Thicke knew exactly what she was going to do and probably was involved in setting it up before hand.
    Here is the link for the new video and Robin Thicke is even wearing that same striped suit at one point in the video.

  14. lindsey actually looks good maybe no one else agrees.

  15. I agree, sweetstarshine1 - she looks surprisingly good... :o

  16. @Kels

    Olivia said many times lately that Jason turned her into a very romantic person. Maybe that's it. Based on what they saying about each other I'm totally can imagine that they are madly in love with each other.

  17. Lindsay looks terrible. She needs to wear her veneers...her coke teeth are showing. She also looks likes she has aged 20 years. People don't realize what drugs and alcohol can do to their looks.

  18. Milla

    Miley - some one needs to p-shop some lawn sausage under that squat.


  19. Lindsay's old face is coming back.

    Miley's "twerking" is a result of her not being able to dance. Which is why she can't twerk properly, as well as having no bum to move. And she's just being a hoochie

  20. I can't beat the dead horse that is Miley any more today...just can't. Lindsay looks surprisingly healthy, and I hope she keeps getting stronger and healthier.

  21. Count I was about to say I'm surprised Miley wasn't sitting on a dildo.

  22. Lindsay looks really healthy.

  23. Sorry, crab is not fish. It's a crustacean, like Lobster, and Shrimp; Arthropoda/Crustacea. Fish belong to an entirely different phylum. Fish is chordata/vertebrata :(

  24. @Robert-- TY. I hurt over some of MC's choices - but she is playing a game she has spent many years learning about, first hand. I do not for a minute believe that she is stupid. And she IS talented. Just listen (watch on YouTube) to "Jolene". I'm so glad that my awkward, testing myself out, years were not public. No, I'm not as rich and famous as she is, but some things are better left private. And, the kid does work.

  25. I will always respect Pam Anderson for her love of animals. And ill leave it at that

  26. Lindsay looks much better than she did a year ago but she's getting the coke bloat face again. It's just a matter of time before the LiLo Shenanigans start.

  27. My opinion about Lohan - Just Sad. Very talented and taken advantage of at an early age. Parents are much to blame for the early part of it. Then when she got control, it was over for them, and they have to play HER game to continue to enjoy the money train. So she got prostituted (figuratively to begin with) by them in the beginning, and learned well enough how to prostitute herself (literally and figuratively) out. And control what she gave out, and to whom she gave it. It's no wonder she had to drug herself up to handle it all. I'm not defending her - she is an adult at this point - but there are some things that happen (especially when you are still emotionally young) - that are very difficult to overcome.

  28. I've eaten veggie sushi. Sushi is the name for the way the food is prepped so, it can be anything, after all. I still don't like Hepatitis Pam. She's nuts.

    I listened to a little of Miley's new song, Wrecking Ball on iTunes. I think I need meds,or prayer, or both because I kinda liked it. Nothing like the other crappy laddadada song. It's like when Party in the USA comes on the radio, I catch myself singing along, and think.."OMG stop, just stop!" , but I can't. *siigggh*

  29. Lindsey has two chins instead of three so i guess that's something. I wouldn't say that's looking good.

  30. LL is unrecognizable

  31. Oh, and #TEAM MILEY. I've worked with her, I know some of her people, and I genuinely like her. Haters, to the left.

  32. It's okay to enjoy different songs without being ashamed. I listen to everything...seriously. Misfits, grateful dead, britney, zeppelin, old rap, new rap, pretty much every genre I can find something I enjoy. I love MC's new stuff. I think she really has an idea of what she wanted her album to be, and she pushed for it. I wasn't shocked by her performance but I hoped to see more (dancing, choreography) and a bit more of a challenge for her. We know she can dress half naked, and we know she can twerk. I do feel that she is genuine above all else. When I was 20, I was a hot mess and that was only 5 years ago. She's pretty fucking genius in the sense that the vma's have been over for two days and we are still talking about her. She has a song coming out with Britney on her new album, and that's something I'm sure most young female pop stars have been vying for. Bottom line is, at this point in her young life she knows what she likes. And I give her props because at least it's better than listening to Avril release the same album for 20 years.

  33. You know Gaga is hating all the attention Miley is getting for not wearing clothes.
    Pam is a major phoney people. Sure, I'm a veg and eat a Japanese places (seaweed, tofu, tempeh etc etc.) but she has been filling her body with animal tissues for years.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I am tired of hearing/reading that Miley is trying to show everybody that she is all grown up and no longer Hanna Montana. Wasn't that the same excuse that was used as she was getting close to 18?

    The way I see it the girl is pure trash and will always be trash.
