Friday, August 30, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Holly Madison shows off a new form of yoga she hopes will make her big bucks or get her a nob with Cirque de Soleil.
Jason Bateman takes his daughter to a ping pong tournament.
Jesse Eisenberg out in NYC.
Long time no see in the photos for John Leguizamo.
Justin Timberlake filming a Target commercial while
his wife gets her own attention.
It must be really hard for Khloe Kardashian to hold that bottle with her sleeve but she does it so everyone will wonder whether she's wearing her ring. I just want to know wtf she's wearing a jacket when it was a thousand degrees yesterday.
Kate Moss on a red carpet. Did I tell you about the time she did coke off a red carpet when her vial spilled.
There is nothing about this ad with Kristen Stewart that makes me want to buy perfume.


  1. Replies
    1. Ha! Was gonna ask for him. Nude enough.
      What about Timberlake????

    2. GORGEOUS bod but apparently his cup doth not runneth over much. Boo.

  2. LOVE John Leguizamo, prolly because he used to like to date the larger, more luscious ladies. I quite like that perfume, but KS just looks like she has an uncomfortable rash or drunk tattoo. Also, I would also like a nob.

  3. Leguizamo will play mark Anthony in a jlo biopic

    1. Of COURSE I will skip that unless it tells the truth about Skeletor's abusive ways, in which case Leguizamo is the PERFECT choice to play that skinny ugly mofo.

      Skeletor sure can sing good tho. Gotta give him that. Noooo question who has the talent there.

  4. Biel


    Madison - hanging upside down, just like that.

  5. If KStew is so considered about her privacy and the paparazzi etc and is only in the industry for her "love of acting" then why does she do perfume ads-fashion commercials etc. She has more than enough money to live on for the rest of her life. Also you never hear much about those Twilight dingbats doing tings for or donating money to charity. I know some celebs do it in private but their personas could raise awareness with their faithful twilight followers etc. Instead you just hear about them on drugs fucking everyone. Her and Pattinson are worth over 100 million each

  6. Kstew screams dyke in that photo.

    1. I think its because she is a dyke and always looks the part, so that even in a "sexy"perfume ad it just comes out. Shes gota be..and its a little embarassing that shes stil trying to play the straight card

  7. Does she really, @auntliddy? How's that?

  8. I think Kristen looks amazing in that pic. Crabby girl but she does have great skin.

  9. Hey, is that 'snorting coke of the carpet' a hint to the blind about a celeb snorting of a bathroom floor?

    Also, Ms Biels' proportions look off.

  10. LOVE Kate's dress!

    I'm not sure Kristen really sells the "smelling fabulous" dream.

  11. I LOVE "Freak" and "Sexaholics"! Leguizamo is AWESOME!!!!

    It is 150 degrees in L.A. - wtf with the hoodie?

  12. If Kristen looks like a dyke in that photo I want to be a dutch boy.

  13. Jason's daughter looks exactly like young Mallory Keaton. The Bateman genes must be strong in that fam!

  14. Isn't that what being a fashion model is all about? Coke, cigarettes, and Doritos?

  15. That photo is better than the last campaign. She looked munted.

  16. Lazy day wins.

    Who cares who KStew is fucking, it is her biddness. She should do whoever and whatever she wants. Broad should just try cracking a smile now and then.

  17. OH thank you, @VIP!

    Kristen Stewart's new look.

  18. Kristen's normal, resting expression is a freakin' scowl! She always looks like she has just smelled something horrible--not the face that should be selling perfume. Belenciaga should fire the marketing person who chose her to be their face.

  19. Not really a Kate Moss, but love that dress! I want!
    Kristen has pretty eyes. I bet if she had been taller, she would have been picked to do runway. She's got that mix between looking odd and sometimes pretty. That picture just looks weird with the flowers added on.

  20. Justin's straightened hair freaks me out. Guys aren't supposed to have keratin treatments. It's just wrong.

  21. I think Kristen Stewart is really pretty when she gets all made up.

    I wish Holly Madison had her reality show still, can you imagine what a train wreck it would be to watch? I always enjoyed The Girls Next Door.

  22. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Best small reveal . do tell

  23. @ lazyday603 - LOL!

    I just think it's a bad perfume add.

    Kate Moss is still dead beautiful. I can't believe how well she's held up with the excessive parting.

    John Leguzamo is looking good. JT is so BORING. Playing golf and doing Target commercials? What happened to him? :(

  24. God, my typos are so bad there's no point.

  25. I think Kristen is beautiful.

  26. Kristen Stewart is a cooze, Khloe miserable and should be....

  27. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Poor k stew. She was so grumpy ungrateful ungracious about her fame and fans and now its all gone. I hope she recovers from it personally.

  28. Does KStew's perfume smell like dirty hair, weed, RSpazz ball sweat, and anger? Because, that's the only reason to buy it, right?

  29. K Stew's expression reminds me of early Alicia Silverstone, maybe she will have a similar fade away.

  30. It's awesome that Stewart is doing an ad for FloraBotanica. She's an Amorphophallus titanum!


    Amorphophallus titanum (from Ancient Greek amorphos, "without form, misshapen" + phallos, "phallus", and titan, "giant" ), known as the titan arum, is a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world. The titan arum's inflorescence is not as large as that of the talipot palm, Corypha umbraculifera, but the inflorescence of the talipot palm is branched rather than unbranched.

    Due to its odor, which is reminiscent of the smell of a decomposing mammal, the titan arum is characterized as a carrion flower, and is also known as the corpse flower, or corpse plant (Indonesian: bunga bangkai – bunga means flower, while bangkai can be translated as corpse, cadaver, or carrion)
