Monday, August 26, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - Video Music Awards Photos Part One

Hey, but don't forget, Miley Cyrus is engaged.
This was not even from Miley's performance, but rather Lady GaGa's instead. Apparently the Smith family had not seen a goat used in quite that manner.
Bye Bye Bye for the very last time.
Speaking of GaGa, she is a huge Spongebob fan, hence the clam shells.
I believe the guy in the middle right has the longest hand I have ever seen.
Katy Perry and Richard Simmons. Now that is a porn I would watch.
Ciara looked amazing.
I have to admit that Taylor Swift looked great too.
Rita Ora went for the really long train. Probably cuts into bathroom visits.
Ellie Goulding aka/ the woman that all One Direction fans hate more than Taylor Swift.
Coca Rocha.


  1. That Will Smith photo is everywhere ans said to be during the Miley "performance." Meh still fits.

  2. I really hate it every time Miley sticks her tongue out. Looks stupid. Oh and the performance was horrible.

  3. Miley gives new meaning to the term finger banging.

  4. Taylor and Ciara dressed I loooved.

  5. Jt half assed the nsync part. Would it have killed him to perform more than one song. His performance was like ten minutes long he could've squeezed it in.

    Poor miley she tried so hard to be edgy and it backfired horribly.

    Not a fan of gaga anymore but she looked really good yesterday. Way better than miley. Her butt could use a few more squats though.

  6. Miley Cyrus went from America's country sweetheart to hood bitch in like 2 seconds. Her performance was all kinds of what the fuck

    1. And she got served by "real ghetto dancers" at the same time.

  7. There's a real explanation of the Smith family pic -- nowhere near as "exciting" as what is being said.

  8. Why do 1D-crap fans hate lovely E. Goulding? Because she makes barely better music than their loved group?

  9. Taylor has got red carpet style down pat.

    1. 100%. Girl knows how to DRESS.

  10. Gaga's take on Botticelli's Birth of Venus painting is so bad.

  11. Jesus, Taylor. Dress your age. Dress is beautiful but NOT for the VMAs and not for someone so young. I've seen that same dress on Susan Lucci.

  12. Jesus, Taylor. Dress your age. Dress is beautiful but NOT for the VMAs and not for someone so young. I've seen that same dress on Susan Lucci.

  13. @8=====D - RememberKermitGosnell Apparently there's something going on between her and the lucky charms boy.

  14. I only watched for the the Justin Timblerlake/NSYNC part of the show. Pretty sure MTV pulled in BIG viewing numbers because of it. EVERYONE was into it.

    I wish I could get back the time I wasted watching the Miley/Robin performance. I was so embarrassed for her and there was her mother applauding proudly at her little skanky offspring. It was surely a Kodak moment for the family album!

  15. I see Taylor Swift is trying to look like a real adult now. Are her tits weird like that naturally or did she get very, very bad implants at some point?

  16. I think Taylor looked jaw-droppingly gorgeous! She is about the only woman there who dressed with some class. I didn't even see Miley's "performance," but I can see from that one pic that eyes were spared a true horror. I wish I could erase that pic from my mind's eye!! And I can honestly say that Robin Thicke shouldn't have shared the stage with her. Talk about lowering oneself.

  17. I am gonna ask it again: where are CACA's surgery scars? Hookah is only wearing tiny strings around her hips and still no scars visible? Still not buying it. And a wheelchair after hipsurgery? Dumbest thing u can do, crutches are advised. I smell BS on that story.

  18. Call me crazy, but I love Selena's dress. Take note Miley; that's how u show u are grown up. Sticking your ass out like a dog, tongue hanging out and panting doesn't show you are 'so grown up'.

  19. Gaga's surgery scars are around her nose, but good luck finding them.

  20. I wish I HAD seen the performance by Miley, it can't be often that utterly humiliating behavior is caught live like that. off to youtube...

  21. Miley has a raging case of what my brother would call "plaquey porn-star tongue." Yuck! You know her breath was kickin'!

  22. When I looked at Robin Thicke with the dark glasses on I thought he looked like George Michael looked back when he was a star.
    I was watching TayTay concert footage from LA with all the special guests and it looks like she is really having fun and I can actually imagine her standing in front of a ceiling to floor window singing and dancing. Shes just like a 15 yr old too bad shes in her 20s

  23. Ellie Goulding and Rumer Willis have the same face shape... quite potato headed.

  24. Why do 1D fans hate Ellie Goulding?

  25. and while we're shaming Miley for being engaged and grinding Robin Thicke - where's the Robin shaming for being MARRIED and getting his junk ground into by jailbait miley??

    @Aoife - apparently there was a rumor she was dating the blond irish one (I can't believe I know that)

    I pared down my cable and couldn't watch last night but did watch all the camera feeds on Gaga, once seated in her bikini had more ass hanging out then anyone and could not sit still - when she wasn't playing with her hair, she was checking her makeup in a mirror. ANd ed sheeran (lucky charms) spent the first half of the show in the Talent Lounge sucking down drinks.

  26. Taylor best dressed!

  27. for people saying Taylor Swift dressed TOO OLD for her age. Good for her, what is it that philosopher Andy Warhol said "If you dress older than you are, you will never grow old". It sure beats whatever the frak Miley is trying to do. I think what Taylor is doing is SMART. At least she gets her style inspiration from Bridget Bardot, Audrey Hepburn not whatever ghettozone Miley goes too.

    Miley is engaged, from what BIs and gossip I hear might not be for long. Like that engagement was going to make it to the altar.

  28. I'm not shaming Miley for being engaged and grinding on Robin Thicke, I know very well what performing is. I'm ashamed for her if she thinks what's she's doing is dancing. And also for that tongue thing.

  29. @sandybrook: imagine how annoying her 15 year old personality is going to be when she is 30.

    @Stacy Charter: it has been a few years since miley was "jail bait".

  30. Katy Perry's toes!! OMGWTF?? Why are they so long? Why are they so spread apart? Why are they 5 shades lighter than the rest of her leg?

  31. Am I the only person not shocked by the Miley performance? I didn't watch live, but after reading all the hoopla, I found it online. I was surprised by how unshocked I was. I've seen more startling outfits at the VMAs in the past (the lil' Kim pasty number shocked me back in the day.) I'm a daily Daily Mail reader, and there are always pictures of Rihanna on stage with her hand in her crotch and tongue sticking out. Twerking videos abound these days. The Blurred Lines video models are naked save for g-strings. I can think of hundreds of borderline pornographic images I encounter daily just reading silly pop culture sites. Damn, the weird blinds we read here every day are more shocking. Now you won't see ME doing this stuff (I'm long past my prime and too much of a good girl,) but seems like this is just what's going on these days. I get that Miley seems to be trying too hard, but the same was said of Madonna (then and now.) I will only be shocked when pop performers have unsimulated sex on stage.
