Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Michael Sheen dumped Rachel McAdams for Caitlin Fitzgerald. What are we thinking of that move?
Padma Lakshmi's daughter was her mini-me yesterday in NYC.
Reese Witherspoon heads out from lunch while
Jake Gyllenhaal comes to the parking lot at the same time, but from a different place.
Scarlett J goes all gold lame' for Harper's.
Long time no see in the photos for one of the best actors ever, Simon Pegg.
Sylvester Stallone is still in France. Still has his Rocky hat.
Not in France, but tied up at a dock waiting to go out in a tiny boat are Joe and Teresa Giudice.
Victoria Beckham went out horse riding with the family in LA. Left her bra at home. Thought it might frighten the horses.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Love Simon Pegg! I can't wait till August 23!

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Christina: I HEART Simon too! And Nick. Spaced is one of my fav TV shows ever. Not forgetting to mention Sean of the Dead.

  2. I LOVE Simon Pegg!!!

    I also love Padma's outfit....

  3. Like Beckham Stallone left his bra at home as well

  4. Simon Pegg! I love that scene in Shaun of the Dead where he's trying to distract the zombies: "Come and get it, it's a running buffet! All you can eat!"

    ScarJo gives me the creeps. (I still like Reese.)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Why oh why do we have to see another picture of ScarJo's boogers? The up the nose shot is so not flattering.

  7. Way to pimp for The Salt Lick, Simon. A great place for, ah, "redneck experience dining."

    1. We got one in Round Rock, down the street from my house!!

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Profane : the salt lick is a restaurant?

  8. I agree, Enty. Simon is one of the best actors ever. Love, love, love, Simon.

  9. The Salt Lick is awesome. Get there early, bring a cooler of beer and hang out until it's your turn to eat some of the best brisket ever.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Reese's simple outfit is so cute! I want it! Love the skirt and shoes.

  11. Re: Michael and Rachel - we approve. He won't commit, and she can do better. Sounds like a classic case of her trying to cling and change him to settle down that backfired. She should get Stacy Kiebler's number to exchange notes.

  12. Horse riding with no bra would be the worst.

  13. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Johannssen looks like Khloe K in that pic.

    I love 95% of every outfit that Witherspoon wears but do not like her at all. This one's very cute.

    I keep reading that Theresa is convinced she will not get jail time... I'm interested in seeing how that all works out.

  14. I read that Theresa and Juicy Joe (that makes me gag just typing that) are going to Florida for an event this weekend. I thought their bail only allowed them to be in NJ and NY??? I hope it's true and they get thrown in jail.

  15. Are those reins right? She looks to have two sets (although my daughter only rode English, and maybe Western is that way?).

    1. It looks like the bottom "rein" is actually a lead rope. You can see it is tied to the saddle horn if you look closely. Lots of trail ride companies leave a halter and lead rope on under the bridle for convenience. That said, I have no idea what material the actual reins are made of.

  16. I don't think Michael Sheen dumped Rachel.

  17. Wtf is Scarlett Johanssen wearing? Gold lame is only sexy when WORN ON BARE SKIN. Otherwise, it has zero purpose for being. Some fashion designer trying to be 'edgy' is just looking stupid.

  18. Those aren't Western reins either. I grew up riding horses, we had one leather lead or rein for each side of the bridle. I don't know what that is. And, bras were necessary.

    I can't wait for the new Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright movie to come out, I love them!!

  19. Laura Jean Poon looks good here/is still a huge entitled bitch.

  20. @Seachica....
    I know, right? It's half sexy dress, half MeMaw and her house sweater.

  21. When we have people over for dinner and a movie, we always play them Shaun of the Dead and/or Hot Fuzz on the big projector screen. Always winners.

  22. Love Simon Pegg and the Salt Lick! Yummy on both accounts!

  23. I don't think Posh is actually riding. From the way she holds the 'reins', and the way she sits, (drawn up shoulders, very stiff), I think the horse is being led by someone.

  24. @Sylmarillion

    I think so too. That's how I held the reins in my first couple of horse-riding lessons, when there was only walking involved. Also explains how she can ride without a bra.
