Thursday, August 29, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

A rare appearance in the photos for Rachel Hunter.

Ryan Seacrest talks up his new game show while
his ex, Julianne Hough heads home after her workout.
Paula Patton and Robin Thicke on the beaches of Miami.
Sandra Bullock at the Venice Film Festival alone and
with George Clooney.
Shailene Woodley for Flaunt and
Lena Dunham in Marie Claire.
Vin Diesel shows off his very camera shy girlfriend two days in a row.


  1. For some reason I always thought Vin was gay. I stand corrected.

    1. He is I saw a video years ago that ruined my crush

  2. Do these celebrities not sweat or do they let paps take a photo "leaving" before working out? I've never left the gym looking that sweat free or I wouldn't bother going...

    1. Yeah, im usually a bucket of sweat. Nobody wants to see it. Mb its after their shower?

  3. Clooney & Sandy make a nice looking couple.

  4. Hough in yoga pants, why did they have to take a pic from the front.



    I'm getting a lil yoga pants fetish. I think I would like to have sex with a hottie while she is still wearing the yoga pants, sans panties. No holes torn in them, just smooshing and rubbing bits together through the fabric. It is disturbing even to me that I have such thoughts.

    1. Relax Count, you're not the first guy to have a stretchy pants fetish. My roomate/bf says elliptical machines at the gym should be lined up behind each other, not next to each other. "It's common sense!"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm really starting to dislike Seacrest.

    1. The Kardashian Kancer that has infected everyone's tv and computer.
    2. His fake ass girlfriends. Man up asshole and admit you're gay.
    3. His manipulating of the media whenever the KFucks step in it.

    1. They were getting a deal, Seacrest or not. Several producers wanted them, shockingly.

  7. LOL at Lena. Girl stop.

  8. Shailene Woodley in granny panty spanx > Lena Dunham's hair horns.

    Clooney's look is great! Sandy B. is killing it in that dress and those shoes.

  9. There is not a version of Photoshop deluxe enough to make Lena Dunham look sexy. At all.

  10. Count, you should start asking the daily Your Turns. Actually, you and VIP should alternate. Count, Your first YT question here should be "What's your secret fetish?"

  11. I 2nd that @ecua!!!!!!!

  12. Headlines next week will be Sandy and George.

  13. I never thought rachel hunter was pretty, and she isnt aging well at all.

  14. That IS a great pic of Sandy and George! They should just totally go the route of America's Sweethearts and be done with it.

  15. Vin 's girlfriend is gorgeous! Sandy always looks amazing. I've also decided that Robin Thicke is not a jerk or a d-bag or whatever else. I am just remembering the pic of him and his kid; he was so excited and proud to have his picture taken, I just can't believe he's an ass.

  16. That is a good idea Jason. VIP, are you down for some hijacking? I know how you enjoy Fridays around here, so by all means, ladies first.

  17. I can almost see the bearding meter running in those pics of Vin and his "girlfriend."

    1. @b, so you gotta figure she got bonuses for the kids, right?

  18. George and Sandy do look great together. Too bad the stars didn't align perfectly for them to be a couple. Perhaps in an alternate universe.

  19. Sandy is ridiculously gorgeous. And the do look great together.

  20. Of all things the Count finds yoga pants disturbing? That ship sailed long ago.

  21. @califblondy: I don't find yoga pants disturbing, I find my thoughts about yoga pants disturbing.

    It got to the point where I no longer look at anymore, because it would literally make me ache. I can spend 6hours rooting through and seeing various pros and amateurs full nude though.

    Something about that stretchy fabric hugging every curve and crease makes me bonkers. I was a fan of those black polyester bell bottom type pants chicks were wearing in the 90's also. Not so much the bright colored spandex of the early 90's though.

  22. Those shoes Sandra's wearing look like house arrest ankle bracelets.

  23. Sandra & George have a white hot chemistry, I see. They should've hired the real Yin to Clooney's Yang, B Pitt-Stank. They, have chemistry.

  24. Nothing disturbing about it Count. The Opster likes it too. Something about the softness but still good friction. And dare I add, it's damn safe sex! Go for it.

    George and Sandra look amazing alone and together there.

    Not a fan of Lenma's hair horns as Seven of Eleven so succinctly put it.

  25. @Sherry: How many dates in before I tell a chick, "Today we are going shopping and I'm going to buy 2 pairs of yoga pants. One for you to wear and one for you to wear while I soil them."?

  26. Okay, when I looked at the picture of Seacrest, it seriously looks to me like he is doing the lean to one side and fart move...

  27. see the radar photos of robin thicke groping the blonde? wonder how that will be explained? maybe old photos.

  28. Its too late you guys!! I already decided!

  29. Anonymous7:44 PM

    She doesn't look that camera shy. Lena, Lena, Lena.... nothing you can ever do will make you look sexy, try for another look.

  30. That picture of Lena Dunham reminds me of an infamous quote: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

  31. And yes, George and Sandra do look good together. Now they can be beards for each other!

  32. Wow Sandra looks absolutely gorgeous! Her stylist is amazing - everything she's worn (including hair and makeup) lately has been stunning!



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