Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today. Peter Facinelli really got some air in this toss of his daughter.
He then had to give her a ride back to shore where she
showered off Peter's girlfriend.
Also on the beach, was Rebecca Gayheart who seems to be smiling a lot more lately. Hopefully she is in a good place.
Rachelle Lefevre looks like she has gained some weight this summer. She looks great.
Reese Witherspoon braving the nightmare Sunset Blvd traffic to have lunch with her friends.
Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez at the premiere of their soon to be bomb.
Sarah Silverman got all dressed up for the
James Franco roast. When you think of roastees, James Franco is not usually the person at the top of your list.


  1. I love Reese's outfit. The skirt! I want it.

  2. Just saw The Purge with Ethan Hawke and thought he looked like a vampire, this pic confirms even more. Too bad, thought he was a little cute when he was younger.

  3. Ugh I see jonah turdhill was there. Did he not get the memo that he's not funny anymore.

    1. I never got the memo he ever was... Well connected fat rich kid is his one and only talent.

  4. Saw a preview for Selena's upcoming movie and bomb appears to be correct. On a side note, I know Selena's trying to move into more grown up roles but it is just not convincing when she looks like a 12yr old. Maybe she should do what other actors in her position do and aim for younger roles and maybe then she might land something not cringe worthy.

  5. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Love Silverman's dress !!!

  6. Co sign on Selena. She just looks really, really young and its not her fault. She seems sweet, decent, and somewhat talented but she does just look too damn young. Almost like Elijah Wood. Theres a reason we never see him in certain kinds of roles and more in others and its because he still looks 12.

    And its just as bad to compliment someone on gaining weight as it is about losing it brah

    1. She's not as "sweet" and "decent" as you all think, by a long stretch. Its not just her ex who likes the weed, and she will backstab like a mo fo. Really pretty in person, though. Like a little doll.

    2. @di butler
      Like many I'm not fussed about someone being on the pot, but mofo backstabbing is uncool.

  7. Rachelle is the blind for her show wanting her to gain?

  8. Ethan Hawk looks terrified!

    Agree @Kels & @Cleo. She looks so young, I'd feel icky watching her in a sexy role.

    Love Sarah Silverman's dress and Reese's outfit!

  9. Reno- I took that as a reveal as well.

  10. I took that Rachelle comment as a reveal too, but I never saw her looking too skinny. She looks thin but healthy on UTD

  11. Look how short Jonah Hill is. That explains everything.

  12. I don't think it's offensive to compliment anyone on a weight gain OR loss, if it's warranted. Judging by that pic, if she's gained weight she definitely needed to.

  13. Yes gaining weight if you're too skinny definitely is a compliment!

  14. Gomez

    Peter's girlfriend


  15. Is that a semi reveal about Rebecca Gayheart because I don't recall anything going on publicly.

  16. I'm kind of astonished that Reese Witherspoon has any real friends. She strikes me as the sweet-to-your-face-but-talking-shit-behind-your-back-type. The sort of person you don't want to be within 100 miles of when they're angry.

  17. Did anyone else notice that Enty can't tell the difference between Peter F's daughters?

  18. I thought Jaimie Alexander was quite well known and didn't have to be written about as someone's girlfriend. I like her more and have also seen her in more things than Jennie Garth's ex at least. Kyle XY forever!

  19. Can't stand what Reese wears ...she always looks like a circa 1994 housewife from Sparks, Nevada.
