Monday, August 26, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Six parts today.

Scientology had their annual get out the celebrities and show off how much money we made off people party. Jenna Elfman joined John Travolta and Kelly Preston.
Laura Prepon was there. She got sucked in by the Masterson brothers.
Erika Christensen was there. It's about the only way she's going to get a red carpet right now.
Anne Archer was there.
John Travolta tried to relive his Brazilian television commercial for the 200th time.
For the millionth year in a row, Scientology dragged out its only musician, Chick Corea.
Not at the Scientology shindig were Lauren Silverman and Simon Cowell who were in France.
Stacy Keibler is just back from France. Hmm.
And speaking of Simon Cowell, here is one of his exes, Terri Seymour. Terri is the one he should have kept.


  1. Chick Corea isn't Scientology's only musician. Beck is also a Scientologist (which breaks my heart).

    1. Juliette Lewis as well. Gives me sads.

  2. Another musician: Isaac Hayes, who hilariously didn't leave any $$$ to the cultists after he died.

  3. I cannot believe Michael Pena is Co$ (he is pictured with Travolta)

    1. I saw one of his movies, End of Watch or something and he was soooo good so I looked him up. My heart dropped when I found out he was in Scientology. Same with Beck. It's crazy.

  4. Christianson: That is the teenage smack addict who shtupped her dealer for drugs in Traffic? Yeah, she's top of the list, and if she could be sweaty and lethargic during out encounter it would be a plus.

    I'll go with Cowell's paid ho's fro the rest of the list:



  5. Prepon is a member of the sect? Noooooo. Fuck the mastersons for introducing her there.

  6. Is Jenna Elfman super tall? She sucked as a guest judge on SYTYCD last week.

  7. Damn, I thought that Prepon had sidled her way out of the claws of COS. But showing up at an event like that does make you a culpable supporter of the clams.

    Jury's still out on Beck, I say. When, how and how often has he supported COS as an adult?

  8. John is ready for Madame Toussauds, no wax needed.

  9. Shit, I thought that was Bob Dylan at the piano. You scared me there for a second Ent - er, whoever.

  10. Terri Seymour really made out like a bandit in hindsight. Simon dumps her, she reportedly ends up with a couple mil in cash & assets to keep her trap shut, then goes on to a mediocre fluff-correspondent job on Access Hollywood (?). She's probably looking at Simon now and thinking she dodged a bullet. A hairy, whiney, man-boobed bullet.

  11. By all that is holy, what in the name of god does kiebler have on??????? An old yellow scarf? And you know its enough with her anyway, why am i interested in her? Whats her talent??!! Volleyball and a walking clothes hanger? Let her fade away.

  12. Speaking of COS, I'm reading Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape by Jenna Miscavige Hill (David Miscavige's niece, father's side). iBooks got me hooked by giving me the first 50 pages or so, so naturally I had to cough up $12 to see how it ends. I'm about 5 chapters in, nothing shocking so far, just confirmation that they're all crazy people following the teachings of a failed sci-fi writer. But it's a good read so far.

    1. Just finished that book and man those are some crazy ass folks

  13. Lilly, I read it recently. It shows how mental the Sea Org is. Super controlling.

  14. I met Chick Corea. Am I two steps removed from Shelly?

  15. @califblondy. You are SO right! I thought, for a minute, that he had died and they had propped him up! I love the later pictures' "thumb back" pose. All I heard was "who got the best deal? This guy." LOL

  16. Noooo Michael Pena is a member Co$? I thought he was normal :(

  17. Erika C. is on Parenthood. It's not like she's out of work?
