Friday, August 02, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

On most people, this dress might seem revealing, but with Rihanna, it is almost conservative.

Rita Ora on her way out of NYC.
Reese Witherspoon with a happy face. Must be about to drink her lunch.
Ashlee Simpson got a job. Modeling for her sister. I bet she charges way more than a regular model.
Sandra Bullock drops her son off at school and then goes to party. Or take a nap.
Samuel L Jackson recites Go The F**k To Sleep to thousands of people prior to showing Snakes On A Plane on the big screen. Now that would be a night.
Sylvester Stallone watches his daughter jump off a yacht while his former supermodel wife looks on. I bet growing up, he didn't think anyone would ever write a sentence like that about his life.
Steven Spielberg in Italy with his wife. Do you think his home movies are better than everyone else's home movies?
Deborah Ann Woll out with her boyfriend. They make a great couple.


  1. OT: Raven-Symone has officially come out on Twitter.

  2. Ashlee Simpson looks like a meth monster

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Ruby: think Cookie Monster with less vom aroma and sealing scratch wounds.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Weeping fuck you autoerect!

    3. @Ruby Soho, she sure does. Meth chic will never catch on the way heroin chic did in the 90's, thankfully. Too much crazy instead of sleepy in the eyes

    4. @yodelay...
      Oh god, lets hope not. I live near a certified meth monster, and there is nothing "chic" about her.
      Just in the past year she has:
      Shown up at 2am wanting to charge her (broken and in 5 pieces) iPod
      Shown up in the middle of the day wearing JUST a short fuzzy robe, wanting to use my freezer for some frogs she found (big NO to that)
      Climbed a tree completely naked and meowing like a cat (looking for birds, of course)
      Lost her car keys and then "fixed" her car with a hammer and a screwdriver. Didn't work, so then she set it on fire and tried to say somebody stole it.
      ......that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.

  3. Don't you think Jessica's whole family is on her payroll ?

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Reese is only smiling because she fisted a kitten.

  5. Anonymous12:11 PM

    In other news, I did extricate myself from the spa bath to chunder the remnants of a bottle of Kahlua and a gut full of peen tadpoles.

    1. I been reading this site for yours, comments are funny. However Reach I'm learning to skim past your comments they are immature and stupid

    2. @Vicki L - I do the same thing! With a bunch of commenters now.

  6. Deborah is such a sweetie. She met her boyfriend online and he is blind. When they talk about each other in interviews it is so cute :)

    1. He's smokin hot, blind or not

    2. she is lovely and he looks like a hotter, taller and scruffier Dexter Morgan - call me sick - me likey!

  7. Sly's early works of 'Party at Kitty and Stud's' and 'Lords of Flatbush' I am sure helped pay for that yacht.

  8. Rita whora on the prowl.
    Reese's bag is cute, surprisingly.

  9. Spielberg's home movies are probably scored by John Williams so yes, I'd say they're better than everyone else's

  10. What does Deborah Ann do? She's pretty.

  11. Asslee probably gets paid in coke and Chestica's celebrity conx. Once she finds a famous actor she'll dump her present target. I mean his mom is famous and his family is wealthy but she wants that red carpet sooooo badly.

  12. @Renoblondee...She is in True Blood, I love her, she is a real sweetie, she does so much for charity to support her boyfriend, really kinda refreshing as Hollweird folk go!

  13. Anonymous1:05 PM

    And Enty, Ri IS conservative and classy. She tucked her tampon string away this time!

  14. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Actually she pulled her tampon out and gave it to Enty as a thank you for all his posts about her. He's sucking on it as we speak.
    I swear to God.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      That's what vampires use to make a cup of tea Ann Nah! See how I did that? Tied it in with true blood and steeping menses in water to sip with a Devonshire tea?

  15. that True Blood girl Deborah is ridiculously gorgeous....

    and I'm betting Steven S. home movies are pretty great not that I'm ever going to find out

  16. Anonymous2:57 PM

    @Rach: Promise me we'll always be best friends forever!

    After the Count went all mainstream, I thought I might never find another who could please me so.


  17. totally Trubbie here and I adore Deborah.

  18. @Cecilia 00 really????!!!!

  19. @Cecilia 00 the comments are to much

  20. Deborah Ann Who? See what I did there? lol

  21. Kate Capshaw's legs are freaky skinny. Those are the legs of an old lady who had way too much liposuction when she was younger and still had subcutaneous fat.

  22. Wohl must have a big pussy and her boyfriend must have a schlong as enormous as mine. No other reason to date a Keller

  23. RiRi

    Jessica the Vampire


  24. Damn! replied on the mobile site and forgot on the normal site you can't tell who I replied to..

    Deborah Ann Woll is lovely and her boyfriend super hot!

  25. @TV Junkie, just read my post after using my phone, glad you understood it.
    @ Rach Around Your comments are immature especially for an adult, and just plain disgusting. I have enjoyed this site for yours although rarely comment, however today I could not hold back.

  26. How do you meet a blind guy online? Wouldn't he have a difficult time seeing what was on the screen?

  27. Anonymous8:55 AM

    @Vicki: How come Rach is the one who gets all your disgust?!? Have I not been disgusting enough? I've really put in some serious effort. I thought my tampon comment was pretty damn gross. Don't you worry though, I'll never give up. I'll keep trying and working and someday, as God is my witness, you'll thank me with a technicolor yawn.

  28. I actually think RiRi looks very pretty there. Rita, OTOH, always looks trashy to me.



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