Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

I think this is the first time George Michael has been seen since his accident/possible suicide attempt.
Long time no see in the photos for Gabrielle Union.
Jenna Dewan holds the baby close to her. Presumably the baby.
Jennifer Garner and her little builder.
Soon Jamie Lynn Sigler will have her own little builder or candle stick maker.
Jeremy Piven and Gemma Arterton. Well, they both like dating lots of people so they have that in common.
Ashton Kutcher says he will take five Samsung Galaxy's to the Jobs premiere.
Kristen Wiig getting her acting on.
Liam Hemsworth waves to the imaginary crowd.


  1. Jennifer



  2. Butcher, Baker, Candle Stick Maker.

  3. Oh George. I love that man.

  4. WTH is up with Piven's porn star look?

  5. Liam Hemsworth totally looks like young George Michael here. Funny they should both be in the photos.

    1. You're joking right? GM was the bomb! Liam not!

  6. Gabrielle Union's blonde wig/weave is horrible.

  7. I am sooo glad he is alive and doing better but poor GM's looks have left the building, what happened?!!?

  8. I think George Michael looks kinda good for all he's been through?

    Gabrielle Union looks like she's channeling budget Beyonce.

  9. @Miz, wow, he does look like a young George Michael!

    Kristen Wiig looks like Buck from the United States of Tara.

    Piven and Ashton, a double-dbag patty.

  10. Dewan


    Preggo Meadow.

    I tell ya what though, no offense to dem broads, but I'd pass on all of then to have Piven, in that douche get up, locked in a room for 1/2 hour, so I could beat him into a puddle of his own blood and piss. I mean, ya hear all the douche stories, but you picture Ari, who was somewhat likable. That fuckin Just For Men beard and tinted glasses REALLY make the douche vibe flow from him.

    1. @Count, I'll help. Throw the "no socks tasseled loafer" look into the douche look mix.

      The best line of Piven's career came from David Mamet, after Piven left Speed-the-Plow because of his sushi addiction: "My understanding is that he is leaving show business to pursue a career as a thermometer." I wish he'd said RECTAL thermometer....

  11. Liam looks a lot like Chris in this picture.

    I've always thought George Michael was gorgeous. Hope he feels better soon.

  12. Is is just me, or does Jennifer Garner look like she's a great mom and is always having a blast with her kids?

  13. I was just worrying about George Michael today - thanks for the pic, Ent. Hope he's ok - he'll always be aces in my book.

  14. As much as I don't like Asston, and I don't, I've heard good things about him in the Jobs movie. I'll watch when it comes out on Netflix...on my iPad. ;-)

  15. Prayers to GM :(
    I LOVE Jenna's sunglasses.
    Gemma, girl, wtf are you doing? There's better D around, I promise.

  16. Does George Michael look like an old gay Greek or what?

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Barton: hells yes!

  17. Kristen Wiig is so ugly. I know she is talented, but she just does not look good,

  18. Gabrielle Union is blonde now? Is this for a role or is she just trying it out?
