Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

I have a dream speech was 50 years ago today. Top spot.
Have you noticed that Bethenny Frankel always makes sure paps photograph her playing with her daughter.
A spider exploded and Cate Blanchett made a dress out of it.
Ciara looking amazing.
Nice of Cee Lo to wear some shoes for the first pitch.
Courtney Stodden is still in the Celebrity Big Brother house.
Chlose Sevigny is still wearing the same pants she wore five years ago.
Charlize Theron takes a smoke break.
Harper feeds her dad.


  1. A smoke break from what?? Charlize Theron hasn't had anything out since YA, right? Longest break EVER. Cee Lo is exactly like a troll. Just needs a bridge.

  2. What's wrong with wearing pants from 5 years ago?

    The Beckhams are such great parents.

    1. right..i wear pants that i bought freshman year of HS, over 10 years ago

  3. Chloe S is smarter than half of h'wood then- probably saving her $$

  4. There we go again.. "smoke break" instead of "chain-smoked". Not the same Enty. :)

  5. ♥ MLK Jr. They played the "I Have A Dream" speech on the radio this morning, and it filled me with wonder that 250K people marched for equality 50 years ago. Has anything of that magnitude happened in the US since in terms of calls for social change? We just sign petitions on nowadays.

    1. Millions protested the build up to invading Iraq. The Lamestream Media coverage minimized the numbers. I personally attended numerous pro-peace demonstrations in San Francisco that easily exceeded 500K. I am disabled and in constant shrieking pain. I did it because I CARE.

      The Occupy enclaves rarely numbered more than a few thousand but they lasted for months until the PoPo went all Kristallnacht on the peaceful, lawful AMERICAN CITIZENS doing their duty to express their opinion on the rape and pillage of the Commons.

      If you think that no one cares, stop paying attention to Lamestream Media Lapdogs and go over to,,,,,, and a host of other independent and ethical media resources.

      It has been proven over and over that the corPirate owned media mouthpieces are and have been lying through their teeth for decades. We The People are forgetting our rights and have let the situation get so far out of hand that I do not at present see a way out.

      FINALLY an article on CAN acknowledging the seriousness of the situation at Fukujima. This is a global catastrophe. And NO ONE is paying the least attention.

      Bye Bye Japan. Bye Bye Pacific Ocean. Bye Bye atmosphere. Bye Bye Western Americas/Canada. And that is just for starters, as there are HUNDREDS of aging, disintegrating nuclear power plants with tens of thousands of spent fuel rods that NO ONE has a CLUE what to do with. This is so huge. I am literally praying for the ETs to come rescue us but that is just crazy. Right? But there are no other answers. Really really really no other answers.

    2., not headlong!

  6. Charlize smokes?? Nooooooo!! That saddens me.

    Of COURSE Ciara looks amazing because that is the only superlative adjective in your weeny vocabulary, faux-Enty! is your friend.

  7. Harper is my fave celeb baby. So adorable.

  8. I never thought I'd see the see the day I type these words but from watchin BB Courtney seems a really nice girl. She's humble, good fun and most of the housemates seem really fond of her. I only known her to laugh at an speculate about her and her old cretin of a husband
    She reckons she really loves him. Who knows? But never judge a book by it's cover bit me in the ass watchin her all week .Courtney to Win

  9. I just know Charlize would wear a girl out! I bet she can lay a girl right and proper. (If not she can feel free to practice on me!)

  10. I love pics of Harper and Becks!
    Ciara is gorgeous. She should just give up music and model instead - it's not like she has had a hit since her "Goodies" days.

  11. Charlize



  12. Yummie Charlize can Getit! Smokin hot and VeeBee prob right- she does INDEED seem as tho she'd know the ropes.
    Ceelo is NAST hahahahahahaha GROSS ICK NAST

  13. Yummie Charlize can Getit! Smokin hot and VeeBee prob right- she does INDEED seem as tho she'd know the ropes.
    Ceelo is NAST hahahahahahaha GROSS ICK NAST

  14. Harper in my mind is forever an american! We wont rest til we get her back! Lol love her!

  15. CeeLo forgot his socks. I don't know what that trend is all about.

  16. uh Bethenny, your kid needs a helmet.

  17. Say what you want about the Beckhams, but it is clear that they are involved parents.

  18. Courtney's new implants do not look good at all. Way too big for her small frame, and her hair is way too bleached. She reminds me of Christina Aguilera that way, a good makeunder and a decent haircolor would probably do wonders for both of them.

  19. about the msg board posters on CDAN nowadays: i'm wayyy old skool CDAN, and i don't even bother here anymore - such a weird conspiratorial lot of ppl posting on here nowadays ... -- i do like reading it more lately as so many blinds are revealed (whether true or not) -- but Count Jerk seems like an exaggerated ripoff of my old persona -- and others who thought Moosh, Jax and others were part of some conspiracy ... so weird

  20. @MM at least we're still signing petitions! People should always fight the good fight in whatever way they can, even if the best they can offer is not to be an asshole or a leech. *L*

    I want to believe that the reason Bethanny is always seeing playing with her child is because she's always playing with her child. But I don't.

  21. Hey, look who it is sitting in front of Beckham: Jonah Hill twenty-five years from now.

  22. Agreed @FS. a make under would her the world of good

  23. Charlize looks like an old white trash woman.

  24. SophiaB if you had something to say, you didn't need to wait on an Enty or a blogger, sharing sites may help to enlighten some of the neanderthal sex obsessed cretins.

  25. @slappywhyte: No clue who you are, so I'm not an exaggerated rip off of you. If anything, I am a toned down ripoff of how I post on other sites.

    @Redd: I love your use of "neanderthal sex obsessed cretins" while using that avatar of the 2 broads about to scissor.

  26. Count, that is Paris and Nicky Hilton in a limo. I know this, because it is my avatar on Dlisted for the past 5 years. Redd confuses me every time he posts!

    1. For the loveofBob, that's sisters?? Apparently my siblings and I have been doing fambly portraits alll wrong

  27. Speaking of commenters, has anyone seen Ruby Soho lately??

  28. @annieoscar I so agree with youu. Stodden certainly has won over everyone in the BB house (they all like her for the most part). Not sure what the British public thinks, but I know that I like her now. She is nice, has nothing bad to say about anyone, asks everyone about their lives instead of just talking about hers, she stands up for her husband. My biggest surprise is some of the words she uses. They are "smart people" words, and she uses them in the right context!!!! For someone who probably didn't go to school, she is intelligent.

    As for her winning, I doubt it. She'll probably make it to the finals, the the British public will no way vote her to win. It always has to be a Brit.

  29. Bethany's kid needs a helmet, and less crap on her bike. Does anyone believe she ever plays with her child?

    Fukushima has been all over the news for 2 years. My 12 year old could tell you about it. How does one miss that??

  30. I can't tell if that is the Ghost of Courtney Future or the Ghost of Courtney Past behind her. A Christmas Carol: Big Brother Edition

  31. I think Charlize looks rough.

  32. Hey - I still wear pants from 9 years ago!!

  33. Thank you ParisSucks. Now I need to revisit the pic and memorize it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Oh, she is still wearing the same pants she wore five years ago. Enty, you are a just shitty. You really have a problem that she is wearing the same pants??!!

    Get an effing clue!
