Thursday, August 22, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

How can you not put Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on the top? Throw in Rosamund Pike and it even gets better.

Tina Fey almost beat them to the top spot, just because I have not seen her out in awhile. She looks amazing.
Not looking amazing is Brooke Burke who raided Bieber's closet for these pants.
At the same event was Cassie Scerbo who is playing this Sharknado thing for all it is worth.
Benedict Cumberbatch filming Sherlock.
Billy Zane had an art show last night. So, that is what he has been doing.
Chris Brown did this to his $100K car. Makes sense. He destroys pretty faces, so why not a car.
Damn Chevy Chase could stand to lose a pound, maybe 2.
Looking lovely as always, Christina Hendricks.


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