Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Montana Teacher Sentenced To 30 Days In Jail For Rape Of 14 Year Old Who Later Killed Herself - Judge Said She Wanted It

In what might be one of the more horrific rulings I can recall in the past year, a Montana judge has sentenced a  54 year old man who raped a 14 year girl to prison for just 30 days. The girl, who was repeatedly raped by the teacher who had "groomed her for sex," killed herself just before her 17th birthday before the case made it to trial. Prosecutors had asked for a ten year sentence.

If you think this gets better, it doesn't. After the girl killed herself, prosecutors agreed to drop the charges if the teacher went to a sex offender program. He was kicked out because he kept trying to have sex with other underage girls and prosecutors refiled the charges. The judge, in his decision said the girl acted well above her 14 years of age and was fully into the relationship and wanted it as much as the rapist.

They do elect judges in Montana, so hopefully this judge won't get a second term and hopefully if he has daughters, he doesn't let this guy babysit.


MISCH said...

This is one of the sickest posts I've ever read...what is wrong with people ?

Gertie Raus said...

Someone needs to put a bunch of soap bars into a sock, quietly/secretively roll up on the judge and use it to beat the shit out of him.

Christopher Cruz said...

What on Earth?

Snapdragon said...

Fucking patriarchy.

Kels said...

Cant stand feminists but damnit this is a shining example of why they still need to exist. I mean...that judge should be arrested and brought to trial because this is unconstitutional and extremely upsetting. Her rights have been violated. If it was proven he raped her and the law has done nothing to protect her... someone needs to held accountable for this. I can't believe this still happens smh.

Unknown said...

Certain young girls act upon sex more than the older males they attract.

Sick story though.

Count Jerkula said...

Come on Enty, 14y/o is the best you can do? There aint no stories floating around talkin bout 9y/os being pimped out for smack?

You gotta get this rape/incest/molestation blog into second gear some time, otherwise the clicks will die out.

Evil Kumquat said...

A quick Google search shows the judge also once gave a woman a slap on the wrist after her THIRTEENTH DUI conviction.

usernametaken said...

After 3+ years on this site, I'm done. Whoever is writing, has issues. The obsession with tweens, the twisted posts, the overall bitter tone on EVERY post, has turned this website to shit. Who comes to a gossip blog to read about incest, sexual assault and pedophilia? Who constantly publishes shit like that?

annabella said...

@Kels, you "Can't stand feminists."

really? don't know if you're male or female, but I'm guessing female.

in any case, do you like the fact that women have the vote? if you do, then thank the feminists.

Sarah said...

Kids do a lot of dumb things, men need to be men and not take advantage of the foolishness of youth.

Sasha said...

I'm glad this story was posted here. It deserves attention and I haven't seen it anywhere else.
Absolutely disgusting.

tara17 said...

How is it possible I still hear about men spewing statements like "she wanted it" with regards to rape? What kind of mental gymnastics are they performing? How can they can express this crap?

auntliddy said...

WTF KIND OF JUDGE IS THIS!!!!!! I hope he gets raped, and everyone says oh he wanted it. Igh there arent words. I hope she haunts his dumb ass.

Harry Knuckles said...

The "rape" was in fact ongoing consensual sex between an adult and a very precocious minor. The judge has a point.

skimpymist said...

One word "appeal"

Snapdragon said...

@annabella, THANK YOU.

@Harry Knuckles, at the age of 14 there is no legal consent. JFC.

Lucas said...

@Harry - the age of consent in Montana is 16. Which makes it legally impossible for this to have been consensual sex, as the law does not recognize consent from persons under the age of 16. So go fuck yourself. 14 year-olds are not able to make fully informed decisions because their brains are not done developing and the two hemispheres haven't fused yet. Which makes it impossible for them to grasp the long-term consequences of their actions. Which is why there are laws protecting them.

auntliddy said...

Lucas, i am digging your post big time!!!!!!

kelgela2 said...

If she wanted it, then why did she kill herself? I know if I were raped, I would think about killing myself.

Anonymous said...

He's a ripe candidate for chemical castration..

Seven of Eleven said...

I wonder sometimes if Count Jerkula and Lucas are the same, like Ed Norton and Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Hmmm... anyway, thank you, Lucas!

From the news story about this, the poor man is the one to be pitied.

Rambold's attorney, Jay Lansing, argued Monday for the suspended sentence. He said Rambold lost his career, his marriage and his home and has suffered a "scarlet letter of the Internet" as a result of publicity about the case.

Rambold has since continued his treatment with a different program, Lansing said, and an evaluation found that he is a low risk to re-offend and could be treated in the community.

Rambold's criminal history includes only a traffic violation, but now he will be required to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, the attorney said.

Lansing asked the judge to "consider how he's been punished to this point."

Baugh said he was not convinced that the reasons for Rambold's termination from treatment were serious enough to warrant the lengthy prison term suggested by the prosecution.

Baugh said he listened to recorded statements given by Morales before her death and believes that while she was a troubled youth, she was "as much in control of the situation" as Rambold.

The judge also said Morales was "older than her chronological age."

The case also resulted in a $91,000 wrongful-death settlement between School District 2 and Morales' family, who filed a civil lawsuit against the district.

And then this:

Rambold had been warned by school officials in 2004 to avoid touching or being alone with female students.

sandybrook said...

I think the 10 year sentence was kind of light too but this is absolute shit.

SingBlue said...

Recently in UK a man was found guilty of having sex with a 13 y/o girl (age of consent is 16).

The prosecutor(!) described the girl as a "sexual predator", which the judge took into account and gave the paedo a 12 month suspended sentence. (He originally gave 8 months suspended, but then said he "made a mistake").

Fortunately there was an outcry, and now the Attorney General is to look again at the "unduly lenient" sentence, and he'll no doubt get a custodial.

We all know our Judges are out of touch pricks with skeletons in their own closets, but when a prosecutor comes out with this crap? Roll on armegeddon.

discoflux said...

Someone needs to look into that fucking judge's proclivities. The guys might end up partnering up and starting a kiddie porn ring or pimping out underage girls.

Seachica said...

Seven of Eleven, are you seriously suggesting that that news report gives reason to pity the *guy*? So his life was made shite -- that's appropriate, considering he was having sex with a friggin' child. I can't feel bad for someone who took advantage of his authority position to have sex with a kid, especially when he was previously warned to avoid being alone with school kids! I can't feel bad because he has become an Internet pariah, has lost his job, and been forced to go to rehab. He frankly deserves electric shock therapy to his gonads.

Seven of Eleven said...

@seachica, NO! It was sarcasm, "the poor guy is to be pitied" because of the first sentence lamenting how this asshole lost his job and his marriage and was branded with a 'scarlet A' on the the Internet. Sorry I didn't make that clear- no way in hell would I ever support scum like that.

Count Jerkula said...

@7of11: I could never pretend to be as intelligent or caring as Lucas. Thank you though.

I know nothing about the case, but I could see the girl being in what she thought was a happy relationship. Then, when others found out, she was shamed, told she didn't know what she was doing, had control of her life taken away and couldn't bear to take the stand and be forced to testify against someone she loved, so she took control back by killing herself.

I'm not saying that is what happened, just throwing it out there for people to ponder.

Harry Knuckles said...

The girl was 14 going on 35. The teacher didn't take her virginity, she'd already been playing "hide the salami" with other guys. Everybody has their knickers in a knot over some arbitrary age of consent.

She likely killed herself because of all the ragging she was getting from her school mates. You know, because she was a slut.

Never knew about this brain fusing thing. Maybe that explains my boner everytime I look at ... never mind.

Rose said...

Feminists aren't just a group of women who are conditioned to think exactly the same and react the same.

You're thinking of Fembots from the Austin Powers movie.

Kels said...

As a woman of color, feminism has done nothing for me. I come from a culture where the woman is the cornerstone of the family, where without her nothing exists. Feminism doesn't ring a bell with me because my mother worked all her life and faced the struggles of a single parent and Gloria fuckin Stenheim had NOTHING to do with that struggle. How can patriarchy win in a culture (black culture) where it doesn't really exist? Think about that. My mother is a strong woman and she doesn't give two shits about feminism- she just knows she did what she had to do. While feminists were out fightung for equal pay and the demolision of porn, my mother was just busy working her ass off. She raised two beautiful girls without their fathers and I don't have feminism to thank for that AT ALL. catch my drift?
Furthermore, I refuse to identify with an identity that has so mant asterisks beside it and so many "feminists" who claim the identity but are hypocrites.
Tina Fey is a feminist but she won't hesitate to speak about her disdain for sex workers.
Susan B Anthony thought women should have the right to vote before blacks. So yeah its awesome she fought for the right to vote but she was not fighting for me!
And Alice Walker, A BLACK feminist, says that motherhood is slavery and basically abandoned her daughter Rebecca.
Sorry, but if those people can also call themselves feminists then I'd rather not. An my struggles in this world AS A FEMALE have been extremely hard and unfair. In fact, i plan on spending my life promoting female education in India and guess what? I'M STILL NOT A FEMINIST. I'm all here for woman's rights but I will not identify with the term feminist. Sorry.

Kels said...

AND if you keepmpushing the identity onto people and basically force them to identify with you, how are you changing the stereotypes so many of us have about feminists in the first place? And the term FEMinism has always been a bit offputting to me anyways. I am a womans rights activist who isnt a feminist. They are not the same.

Kels said...

Actually, my problems eith feminism is the exact opposite- none of you think the same about anything and while that seems cool in theory, its not when youre trying to establish a collective identity that emcompasses so many people. A lot of feminists dont know what true feminism even is and thats the problem.

Unknown said...

I suspect there is a lot more to this story that Enty can't fit into a the post or doesn't support the hate he/she is trying to generate.

Count Jerkula said...

@Rose: According to many here, you are wrong. Everyone who possesses a vagina needs to think the exact same way about everything or they are detrimental to the cause.

Is there a feminist variation of the term "Uncle Tom"? I can't believe I don't know this.

@Kels: Don't go bringing reality into this. You will never sway the kooks. Keep living your life following the example Mom showed you. She sounds like she set a good one.

Anonymous said...

Well thank you feminists because without them no woman, of colour or not would be allowed to voice an opinion like the rambling bullshit one you just gave.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the States but here in the UK they come down tougher on teachers too as they are in a position of trust and abuse that trust. Lots of victims if abuse go back time and time again but they are still victims and doesn't mean they are consenting. Is a messed up 14 year old being told and groomed by someone they trust able to make an informed judgement? No
Statuary rape and child abuse

auntliddy said...

Kels, your mom sounds awesome. She lived feminism, she is feminism!! Kudos to her. I looked up feminism, and the crux of it is equality for the sexes, nothing more. So of course different people have different ideas as to other aspects. It would be disingenuioue to think all women who identified as feminists thought exactly alike. For example i am against prostition because I dont care how you spin it, the women is being used and abused. Maybe thats what Tina thinks.

Anonymous said...

P.s and if you are all for women's rights - why didn't you say in your initial comment this needs some women's rights advocates? Why say feminists when you've just given that bloated explanation of what you believe a feminist is to justify not liking them? You used the label first. It seems you made a very daft comment about not liking feminists then gave a very idiotic explanation. If your problem was with the label then you could have used another label yourself. You also seem to think a whole group of people are defined by the actions of a few. Are all Christians homophobic? No. Do I stop labelling myself as a Christian or say I hate Christians because of those few? No

babo said...

Exactly Sarah, the best definition of a man I ve ever heard is "a real man stops himself"

Anonymous said...

WTF - that's messed up!

babo said...

Harry Knuckles, teachers are not in the classroom to find sexual partners. Period.
The issue stops there, don t even have to go into the victim s character.

I m even all for some kind of alert system for male teachers who feel "pursued" by pupils. It must be difficult sometimes.

But as a teacher, your pupils are off limit.
As a 50+ adult, any teenager is off-limit.

babo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kels said...

Char, please dont try and tell me feminism has been what helped women of color have a voice. It wasn't. No matter how you slice it, I have a voice because of the civil rights movement, not feminism. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Kels said...

And my mother is product of forced matriarchy, which isn't any better than patriarchy. See this is what I mean when I say feminists don't even know what true feminism is- its true EQUALITY of the sexes, not females ruling everything because their male counterparts are jailed and impoverished due to racism and bigotryof their respective govenments. What my mother went through is not feminism- it was a product of RACISM.

This is why I say as a woman of color, I cant identify with feminism. Yall dont get it.

Kels said...

Oh thank you. Thank ya thank ya. Count, youre good with me :)

Anothergrayhare said...

Kels, I'm sorry but does racism cause black men to have multiple children with multiple women and then not have any interaction with those children for the rest of their lives? Is it racism that causes them to become drug dealers and pimps and end up in prison? We have a very strong group of black people in Ontario who are trying to educate black youth to change their ways. These "strong women" you admire are raising a generation of young people with no father figures. Mothers have several kids all with different, non-involved fathers. What's so strong about that? Stupid is more like it. And the results are self evident in our crime statistics. We had a 15 and 16 year old shot on their doorsteps last weekend, the 3rd and 4th youth of this age killed in the last month. I don't think racism had anything to do with it. There seem to be plenty of black people who live educated, hardworking, civilized lives, raise childrent to go onto college, and are not hanging around drug dens spouting rap whilst arming themselved to the teeth with illegal weapns. Do I think racism exists? Definitely. Do I think a lot of problems are brought upon themselves by absentee fathers and mothers who continue to breed with them? Definitely.

Alexa Rose said...

Agree wtih Auntliddy, this judge should be raped and see how he feels when people say he wanted it. Absolutely sickening that a teacher would abuse their power like this only get a slap on the wrist.

Alicia said...

You are so ridiculous there isn't a word in the English language to properly describe it. You are the very definition of racist.

Alicia said...

You are so ridiculous there isn't a word in the English language to properly describe it. You are the very definition of racist.

Harry Knuckles said...

Babo: "As a 50+ adult, any teenager is off-limit." You couldn't be more wrong my friend. If she's legal, and pretty and/or a decent body then all's fair ...

ForSure said...

She was a slut? No, she wasn't. She was a girl who had sex. Period. If the guys aren't sluts, then the girls aren't either. Enough with this world that sexualizes girls, then gets all knotted that they are actually having sex.

ForSure said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ForSure said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pip said...

Kels, if it wasn't for feminists, we wouldn't be voting, we'd be barefoot and pregnant doing our "womanly duties" (household chores). Feminism has never been about "ruling everything", it's about fucking equality and respecting your fellow woman. ALSO, feminism is not about abolishing porn. Your post is ridiculous. What the fuck is wrong with fighting for equal pay?

Your mother is not part of a forced matriarchy. She could've dumped her kids at an adoption clinic, or at a family members house, but she didn't. She chose to stick it out and to raise her family, so one day her daughter could have the opportunities that feminists paved the way for.

Sherry said...

Sorry Kels..So you're not a feminist. I believe you want your brothers and sisters to be empowered and to have the same rights as everyone. Let's split the difference and call you a humanist. If feminism carries a negative connotation for you based on the examples you cited then no one has to accept that lable.

I'm not sure I'M a feminist either but I am happy that there were women who went before me and made my path easier. If it was the feminists wh did it then let's still give them some credit.

And I understand you have experienced racism. I've experienced sexism. BUT it doesn't make me all of who I am. It makes those who discriminated who they are.

Sherry said...

*lable* (Hangs head in embarrassment)

Pip said...

Hey grayhare, you do realize there are a shit load of white deadbeat dads, right? Neglected kids come in all colors. Asshole.

Sherry said...

And Kels, for what it's worth as a white woman my mother raised three average looking children without a man. In fact in my neighborhood all my friends were being raised by single mothers without daddy intervention.

It's not just for black folks.

crila16 said...


Count Jerkula said...

The anti porn feminists, Wiki Link yes they exist, want to control sexuality and impose their ideals of what is acceptable and what isn't on the masses. One thing I have learned from this site is that what is degrading to one woman can be a hot time to another, but they don't want to hear that. They would take away this woman's right to share her gangbang with the world. Safe For Work - just a 50 second interview.

They also keep prostitution illegal, which given modern medical science, contraception and the need for tax revenue is ludicrous. It forces fellow women to toil in a murky underworld that allows criminal forces to traffic and control some sex workers. If they all had to register, get frequent tests and pay taxes, you would get a large majority of the leeches who feed off these women out of the picture. In addition, those leeches who stay should certainly face increased penalties for their crimes.

A trade off, the same as with weed legalization. "We will take the penalties away from X & Y, but if you are caught doing Z, then the mandatory minimums are doubled." Z being Trafficking, Underage, etc.

I understand this isn't all feminists, but there is a vocal sect that works hard to keep fellow women down by being anti-porn and anti-sex worker. The rampant spreading of porn due to the internet has muted them some, as compared to what I remember of the 80's and 90's, but they are still out there, still hating on porn and fantasizing about it going away.

auntliddy said...

@count, what a huge load of shit!!!! Porno and prostitution are degrading to women, period. Of course there is an agenda to prevent that ! Just as you, as a man, have a pro porno agenda. It is NOT a victimless crime. They are toiling in the seedy underworld because its a seedy , debasing, humiliating exploitative ' job'.

Rome said...

Compassionate conservative, no doubt.

Count Jerkula said...

AuntLiddy: That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. On the other hand there are women who enjoy watching pornography and women who enjoy their career in pornography. There are also women who enjoy their career as prostitutes.

Surely you have a litany of adjectives to describe such women. I'll save you the embarrassment and not ask for them. It is enough to know that you are only for the rights of the women you deem fit, not for the rights of all women.

SophiaB said...

Girls this age who have sex with multiple partners are frequently abuse survivors. They get trained to use sex as a way to validate their existence.

The fact that she committed suicide indicates to me that her problems were very deep. As an abuse survivor who knows MANY with a similar history, it is just disgusting to read people's ignorant comments blaming a very young girl.

The man was a TEACHER. He GROOMED her. He was WARNED a decade ago. He is a PEDOPHILE.

Since the entire legal system is chock full of child abusers, this is not a shock. There are so many well documented cases of bad judges. I agree the judge should be censured at the very LEAST.

Just look up the Franklin case. I do not trust Webster Tarpley for many reasons, but THAT tale is a true fact. You will never again question the widespread prevalence of molesters at every level of the power structure CURRENTLY taking down our very last Constitutional rights and social 'safety net'.

auntliddy said...

Count, please reread what I wrote. I am in no way judging or looking down my nose at these women. THEY are the victims. Its the WORK that is soul crushing. I have nothing but compassion for these women.

SophiaB said...

@Kels, I do get it. Early 60s feminists really blew it badly. Lip service does not cut it when the lines of slavery are all over the lack of respect black women face.

However, regardless of whether you relate or not, the progress (what little there is) women have experienced, in my opinion and in my 20 years of study on the intersection between feminism and the Civil Rights Movement, indicate that one could not have moved forward so quickly (20 years versus 2000 years of patriarchy) without the other.

This is just not an either/or situation. It is a both/and situation. The tragedy I see is the inability to bond, connect, and amplify each others' goals, needs, intentions, and victories. As it ever was, The Man has ALWAYS masterfully kept the components of any movement for human rights struggles suspicious and separate from each other.

Much more efficient to let the poor folk decorated, hobble, devalued, dismiss, and destroy each other. Happens in the Black community. Happens crossculturally. Happens between the sexes. Happens in the Queer Community.

Always as it ever was. Seems to be a factor of human nature.


Count Jerkula said...

Yeah, and the women with brains who go on to direct, like Asa Akira, or create their own studios like Nica Noelle, or get into the production side by becoming a photographer like Gia Jordan or do it to up their marketability like Backdoor Teen Whore or K-Trash, they are surely victims, huh?

And you are looking down your nose at them, by saying it is a " its a seedy , debasing, humiliating exploitative ' job'. " These women CHOSE to do porn. It is how they keep a roof over their head, it is how they feed their families. You speak like every woman in porn was kidnapped at a bus stop and forced to do it, when that is far from the reality.

The only time you see women in porn play the victim card is when they are bitter the bookings dried up, because they never planned for the gravy train to end.

PuppyLovePrincess said...

Judge G. Todd Baugh was the judge on this case.

Remember his name if you live in his jurisdiction, and don't vote him back into his position. Most judges wind up being re-elected for years and years.

You can also sign a petition to remove this judge: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/848/062/410/unseat-judge-g-todd-baugh-fire-principal-scott-anderson/

PuppyLovePrincess said...

Judge G. Todd Baugh was the judge on this case.

Remember his name if you live in his jurisdiction, and don't vote him back into his position. Most judges wind up being re-elected for years and years.

You can also sign a petition to remove this judge: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/848/062/410/unseat-judge-g-todd-baugh-fire-principal-scott-anderson/

Bitca said...

Verbose KM rant again; mea culpa.

In this case, the perp is clearly a perv, but this was a Statutory Rape case, right?

Listen: in the 80s & early 90s at least, NYC nightclubs admitted tons of underage kids--as young as 14. Boys & girls. They had fake IDs, grew up waay too quickly, & in many cases could easily pass for 17 or 18. They were there to pick up hot-looking older girls or guys, with an eye to finding lovers more mature than high-school kids.

Most of the boys just wanted to get laid. Many of the girls wanted a more serious hookup with a hot guy who was in a band; had no qualms re lying about their age; & were mind-blowingly manipulative & determined. They'd work their way up from club employees to musicians, & were competitive as hell.

The perv in enty's tale is an older, grosser version of the 20-something girls & early-30s guys who got off on 'broadening the sexual experience' of young'uns. Other men liked to tell themselves they were White Knights protecting underage girls from the 'real' sickos.

A 14-16 year old often feels Special when he/she hooks up with & gains attention from someone older. I once read in a book, that 'there is no creature more manipulative than a 13-year-old girl.' Context was different, but remember all too well the times a 14-yr-old club chick would ring up a friend/lover over 2x her age at 1AM w/a Damsel in Distress call--designed to make him feel obliged to take off & Save her.

Sorry this is SO long--painful old memories doubtless are clouding my point--which is, um... Oh! Yeah: in the sitch described here, we can scarcely help being repelled by the odious breach of trust when a HS teacher has sexual relations with a student. But the knee-jerk black/white divide between lynch mob mentality & lewd piggery in the main is very unenlightening.

Teachers, ministers, &c are in a position of such power, that to claim a kid 'was a willing participant' in statutory rape misses the point. It breaches the trust we should be able to place in all teachers for maintaining professional boundaries.

But despite the poor girl's suicide, omitting whether the charges were for statutory or forcible rape seems odd, & slants the story.

In fact, I finally almost understand the origins of the insinuations that we have lost Enty Classic & have New Enty instead--the appealing personality of this site does seem to have altered--several entries today had all the depth of a Radar post. The primary mementos of the 'Old Enty' now seem only to be the rushed, haphazard spelling & grammar of the entries.

And little more than 2+ years ago, hadn't the writer of this site in the past boycotted posting almost anything about the utterly trivial Kar--ians?

auntliddy said...

Sorry I dont buy it. If you are great at something and rise to the top, that still doesnt change what the job is . Soul crushing. They dont choose it; they have no other option. Of course you, as a man, who enjoys porn and hookers, have to believe the fairy tale that women love it and choose it and its all rainbows and condoms. Otherwise, you would be a pretty crummy human being.

Jenn said...

Just because the pedophile wasn't charged with sexual before now doesn't mean he hasn't done it before. It just means he hasn't been caught before.

I suspect the judge is a pedo-perv too, or at the least corrupt. Stupid bastard.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

@anothergrayhare terrible.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

also, i dont think that @Kels was saying that only black folk are raised in single parent homes. i think she was just trying to convey where she is oming from and why she doesn't identify with a certain 'term'.


Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

@Sophie B i agree that both movements in the 60's could not have made the strides that were made without the other.

Count Jerkula said...

@Liddy: Oh no, I don't think they all love it, I'm no mark. Some just see easy dollar signs and do work they hate to get as many of those dollar signs as they can. No different from 1000s of other jobs out there.

To say they have no other option is flat out delusional. Waitress, bar tend, get an education, find a path to a career, they have just as many options as you and I. If you said they have no other option to make that kind of money, then I would agree with you. I have no option to make that kind of money and most of the rest of the world doesn't either.

$1000 bucks for a couple hours on set for a regular scene, $300-500 for a BJ scene during shark week, on up to $5k/scene for top level talent doing all the tricks in the book. Only way I could make that kind of money is to sell coke or break knees, neither legitimate options.

MadLyb said...

@Harry Knuckles - I suspect that you are one of the two or three twits who've been running multiple pseudonyms here just to fuck with people. I guess someone's letters to Penthouse keep getting rejected so they have to post their vile pedo/rape fantasies here.

katydactyl said...

So let me get this straight... The women's movement only helped white women? The civil rights movement is what gave you a voice, sure but if it was only the CR movement you'd still have no voice because you're female. You benefited from both, idiot.

Or not, with the disrespect, ignorance and lack of intelligence you just showed.

katydactyl said...

So let me get this straight... The women's movement only helped white women? The civil rights movement is what gave you a voice, sure but if it was only the CR movement you'd still have no voice because you're female. You benefited from both, idiot.

Or not, with the disrespect, ignorance and lack of intelligence you just showed.

katydactyl said...

There's also feminists who support sex workers and there's a movement in California (i think? It's been a few years since my feminist classes) that are trying to make sex work safer - from porn all the way down to prostitution.

I don't find porn or sex work necessarily degrading to women - there are situations where women are degraded, of course, but if a woman is a sex worker of her own desire and she is safe, I don't see the problem.

Leo said...

A strong mom can make up for the lack of father involvement.

When both parents don't care.... THAT'S when issues start.

The BLS said...

I live in Montana. There isn't any more to the story from what I see.

The BLS said...

I live in Montana. There isn't any more to the story from what I see.

Unknown said...

OMG....count, I actually agree with you..the great majority of those women are not forced to have sex for money.. its just a lazy man or womans way to make a buck...

Kels you are ridiculous...without the woman's movement, your mom would have been a maid her whole life and you would be another maid riding the bus with her....without civil rights, it would still be in the back of the bus.

Black, white or brown..we all got problems, and your aggressive post only makes you appear hostile and quite ignorant... sorry but its true.

di butler said...


babo said...

Single parent families are still less than ideal. Either it s lack of money or it s a lack of time (because the single parent works his/her bottom off). Add to these taxing circumstances the potential lack of a role model and it can get really tough. Some women (or more rarely dads) manage it and properly bring up children in these tough circumstances but it must be draining and they have all my respect.

I regret that in many single families from lower socio-economical backgrounds, these issues have not been thought out beforehand. I don t get why you would have children with a partner you re not sure will stick around, especially when you know that you won t be able to provide for them correctly, money and time wise.

So few single parents enter this path fully prepared and ready for the challenge.


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