Thursday, August 01, 2013

Miranda Lambert Still Thinks Blake Shelton Will Cheat

Apparently those lovey dovey impressions that Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert have been trying to convey to the public are not the impressions that are actually going on in the couple's home. According to Life & Style, Miranda has hired people to be on tour with Blake who will report back to her everyday about what he is doing and who he is with and basically make sure that he does not cheat on her. Of course, even though Miranda has also been accused of cheating on Blake, he has not hired anyone to follow her. When you have to start hiring people to keep track of your partner 24/7, then maybe it is time to think about finding a new partner. Miranda can go off with Eric Church and Blake can get back with Cady Groves or one of his numerous other supposed flings.


  1. Yes, I'd say having someone followed, monitored, and reported on is definitely the beginning of the end.

  2. I get the feeling there is a lack of trust in this relationship.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Really...why the hell would you stay together at this point? Idiots!

    1. Again, agreeing with my meanie!! Why try so hard to hold onto someone? At what point are you just making a fool of yourself? You wanna go, dont let the door hit you on the way out! Got along before i metcha- well, u all know the rest.

  5. So...if he cheats on her, she's an idiot. If she hires someone to watch him on tour, she's an idiot. Any scenario in which she's not an idiot? FFS! People hire sober companions to go on tour all the time, and no one bats an eye. If either one of them is afraid that he might slip and cheat while on tour, then it's smart to hire someone to prevent that! Duh. Get it, girl!

    1. Vip- shes not an idiot if he cheats. Shes idiotic to expect monitoring him 24/7 will change him. Shes NOT sn idiot when she finally says shes had enough- lets split up.

  6. @VIPblonde, THANK YOU.

  7. Since when did Life and Style become believable or credible. Don't they make up 90% of their stories and hope for the best like all the other tabloids do?

  8. @audrey - Exactly what I was thinking. Really Enty? Life & Style? LOL

  9. Life & Style hahaha have they ever gotten a story right? If this is true why stay with her? And she must not be in love enough to be with him anymore after apparently being hurt.

  10. Unless he's changed his ways, which I doubt, since the national spotlight is on him....he's cheating. He has a way of charming girls into messing around with him and then says "don't tell my girl next time she comes through town". He makes you feel like you are the only one. The Nashville guys (and probably musicians in general) can very easily separate what happens on the road from their wives.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Does a bear shit in the woods?

  13. Newsflash...ALL musicians cheat--male and female. I've never known a professional musician who didn't succumb to the temptations on the road at least once and usually more. The road credo is: What happens on the road, stays on the road. It's generally told to newbies around the time they are informed that the bus bathroom is for urine only.

  14. I don't know why these people bother to get married.

  15. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I also think that all musicians on the road cheat.

  16. Anonymous7:56 AM

    plus, beginning of the end.

  17. A leopard DOESNT CHANGE HIS SPOTS. ever. He is showing u exactly who he is- believe him!

  18. If you can't trust him this much either seek therapy or seek an attorney. If you have to question his actions to this degree than you know your answer.... Not healthy for you and not a way to live your life. Divorce or get help.

  19. Didn't she break up his first marriage? I think she knows he will cheat.

  20. Narcissists are incredibly charming until they are not into it any more. Miranda was very young and incredibly dumb. She is vety likely in the Third Ring of Hell. Cue sad break-up tabloid tale in 3... 2... 1.......

  21. She's an idiot if she thinks he WON'T cheat. He cheated on his wife with her.
    Leopards, spots..all that.

  22. Hmmmm...this marriage certainly won't last. Blake should really be single. That way he can date and sleep with anyone he wants, without constantly breaking the heart of someone he "supposedly" cares about.


    Look, sometimes serial cheaters are sex addicts. They require cognitive behavioral therapy and talk therapy to overcome the addiction. If a drug addict can hire a sober companion, why can't a sex addict have a impulse control companion to help them make better decisions when their support system isn't around? Relapse is part of recovery, right? Why not do what you can to prevent it?

    We don't know what's going on with them.

  24. *AN impulse control companion

  25. Really? We're making excuses for cheaters now? Blake Shelton ISN'T just a narcissistic, entitled asshole who screws around because he thinks he can? And Miranda Lambert ISN'T a fucking moron for marrying him anyway?

  26. It's called having varying opinions due to varying life experiences, Cee Kay. The world is not beholden to your faux outrage.

  27. Life & Style REALLY?? They seem to veer from either Blake is cheating, Miranda is cheating or she is pregnant each week. They can't seem to make up their mind on which story they want to run with. I think they figure eventually they keep running something one of them will stick. It is a tabloid and the best way to sell papers is to put people on the cover that is hot right now.
    How many years now have they been having Brad and Angelina getting married?

  28. If he cheated WITH you, he will cheat ON you.

  29. Anonymous11:48 AM

    once you have to do all that shit its time to go
    crazy bitch has settled in and will never go away

  30. This is especially hilarious since both of Miranda's parents are/were private investigators. Bullllll shizzzzzzz.

  31. Btw, for everyone that thinks she was just young and naive when she married him... That's not the case. She knew he was married and didn't care. She set out to get him. Used to show up at Tin Roof when she knew he'd be there, and he'd laugh and say she was "the devil". They are both at fault but she knew who she was getting. As far as he goes, his actual cheating has gotten smarter. It's now with people who have as much to lose as him, not random bar chicks like Aldean.

  32. discoflux said... "If a drug addict can hire a sober companion, why can't a sex addict have a impulse control companion.."

    They can, but a big and important difference I see here is that sober companions are hired and chosen by the person with the problem and answer to them. In this instance, it says his wife did the hiring and reports are given to her.

    A companion verses a spy.

  33. JTy...ooooh do tell?..other entertainers or hot married folks who arent in entertainment
