Monday, August 26, 2013

Miley Cyrus - MTV Video Music Awards

If yo haven't seen it, the first five seconds will probably make you want to turn it off. The second five seconds is worse and it progressively goes down from there as Miley Cyrus used every trick she knew to get a reaction and front page headlines. Anything that was close to her she played with, as in played with, not as in lets have a catch with my sister. Speaking of her sister, I'm shocked Miley didn't throw her up on a stripper pole or have her give Robin Thicke a lap dance just for a little extra sleaze. Do you think all those years around Disney characters make her so ready to have sex with them now?


angie said...

The new can't be tamed Miley Cyrus makes me so uncomfortable. Pure trash. The WORST thing I have ever seen.

Kno Won said...

I was hoping there'd be a single place this demented chipmunk wouldn't show up today. Still searching.

Jodell24 said...

The worst part of this whole performance was seeing her mother give her a standing ovation at the end. Way to go, Mom...a performance you should really be proud your daughter gave.

Freya said...

She was horrible.
The popular memes are comparing her lack of an ass to cartoon character Hank Hill.

Ms Cool said...

Here is what got me - she actually practices that tongue thing. When she first came out, she had to rearrange it. WTF?

She got what she wanted. We are all talking. It is too bad - I know a lot of people don't like her voice - but I really liked when she sang Jolene. I think she has the potential. She'd rather just have the attention for something else.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I've been cracking up about the outrage alllllll over Facebook over this! Hahhahahahahaa!

It's the VMA, for fuck's sake...not the Kennedy Center Honors! ;)

Super F*cking Awesome Katelyn said...

How she could have ever thought this was sexy is beyond me. The girl has gotten so skinny that she has the body of a 12 year old boy. Every move she made was sleazy. I wish someone would tell these Disney girls that you can grow up and appear sexy without pulling these kind of stunts.

I was a big Miley fan too. Disappointing to see what she's becoming.

Amartel said...

Remember that post a couple of days ago about whether you would prefer "outrageous" or "boring."
This is a perfect example of how the two have become the same.
No, the VMAs aren't the Kennedy Center Honors.
The Kennedy Center Honors are interesting and feature truly talented performances. Not attention-seeking sex chipmunks.

angie said...

@MelOncholy Baby, I think you may be mistaking disgust for outrage. You can count those of any age who Miley impressed last night on two hands.

Freya said...

@Jodell24 Her mom's applauding because Miley's her source of income.

@ Ms Cool - I agree about her Jolene performance.

When her album sales don't correlate with her new image, she'll change right back or announce a retirement from show biz.

Billy Ray and his achy breaky heart.

Freya said...

Miley had to have been high off the molly and whatever bs she's on.

LOL @ Drake not watching the performance.

Anonymous said...

A tasteless, vulgar display.

There is no clever entendre, subtle sexuality, titilating allusions in pop music anymore. If you want to go the sensual route, then BE sensual. Not porn set to bland computer generated Muzak

Are we really trying to get the furry fetish mainstream now? What's next? Snuff videos? Do people actually want to watch this crap?

Cleodacat said...

There were other young and much more classier ladies at the vma's i.e. Swifty and Selena. You can be famous without being trashy unless you know you lack that kind of talent and have to resort to the sex orgies, drug use, and acting like a stripper tabloid acts to make yourself relevant. That being said, I actually liked Miley until the past year or so....she is just throwing it all away.

Seven of Eleven said...

I lasted 36 seconds.

@Ms Cool, completely agree with you. Jolene was incredible! Now we're stuck with "twerk it out" and laser eye teddy bears.

skimpymist said...

I found her performance to be hilarious and raunchy. When she walked out of that bear with her toungue out I thought what the heck is she doing and when she slapped the butt of that tall thick lady I was surprised but not really surprised with how natural she looked doing that. All the bears made me think she was as high as a kite when she thought of the performance concept. Her performance with robin sounded great but I thought she pushed the envelope with the twerk thing she did to robins crotch. I'm surprised their hasn't been a backlash because he's married and she should know better. I know robin cheats like crazy but his regular fan base doesn't know that.

Seattle_Strips said...

The whole thing screamed "drug problem" to me: the dancing pedo bears, the way too-small shorts, the bizarre Sneaker Pimps hair, her white-coated tongue, ugh!

sandybrook said...

Its really all anyone has to say about the VMAs and that us really all she wants is everybody seeing and talking about her. Like the Madonna Britney Xtina kiss in five years that's all you will remember about last night.

Anonymous said...

That girl was strung out on something. Coke? I think her mom (who used to be a Billy Ray groupie) is still her manager. Maybe Miley needs a new manager and someone who can help her focus on her singing and not trying to be so over-the-top ridiculous that everyone makes fun of and feels sorry for her.

Susan said...

Melancholy Baby - LMAO re: Kennedy Honors.

So many peeps on my FB feed are all outraged about this shit too. I didn't watch. The VMAs are so irrelevant to my life.

I need to watch this video, but I know I'm going to be embarrassed for her since I am Prudy McPruderson about people making asses of themselves on the tellie. Plus, I need a glass of wine to comfort me and it's only 12:45 p.m. Jersey time. Can I wash away the horror with my glass of water?

Were any of the performances any good?

Meanie Rhysie said...

I don't get the tongue's as if it has a life of it's own. Weird.

Look, she's young, she's thinking she's breaking new ground, pushing boundaries (it's nothing new to us: we've seen others do it, but to her, it IS new). I have no problem with each their own, y'know? She's not out Lohan'ing it up, so I don't have a beef with her.

lazyday603 said...

You have to make a strong impression on MTV if you want them to play your music videos. Those MTV VJays are tough customers. What did Martha Quinn think of Miley's performance?

Topper Madison said...

What's the teddy bear thing? Is that considered edgy or something? It's just so random it's stupid.

At least Madonna's wedding dress/floor writhing thing was ironic.

I hate kids.

a non a miss said...

Macklemore was good. I enjoyed Drake as well even tho he will always be his Degrassi character to me.

VIPblonde said...

Wake me up when Miley can do this

Jodell24 said...

I read somewhere she looked like a deranged chuck e. cheese! Hahahha

The Dude said...

No wonder Liam sleeps around, she can't sing and her horrible dancing skills tell me volumes.

Count Jerkula said...

Poor girl is so sad. Wasting her time on shit dance music. Making every pathetic attention whore move. She could make just as much money acting like a human.

I'd still like to bone her though. Her tongue is very long and alluring? Probably wouldn't be hard to talk her into tossin some salad. That thing wouldn't be more like tongue javelin the fart box rather than tongue dart.

Tyger Lilly said...

I think it's great in this age of tolerance that MTV has given so much airplay to such a diverse group of performers. Macklemore performed his song about marriage equality, pop music flowed seamlessly to more urban fare, and it was truly inspiring when they gave that girl who clearly had some type of neurological disorder such a public forum to perform. In the past they would have never allowed a girl onstage who was gyrating so grotesquely with her tongue hanging out - it really shows how far we've come as a society in our tolerance of the physically and mentally disabled.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I'm less outraged and more WTF kind of bath salt crazed, furry fetish, calf tongued, grinding, Frankenstein twerking mess was that?

I will never put a foam finger on again as all future foam fingers have now been tainted by the shame Miley subjected that poor, poor innocent foam finger to.

Reactions I love:

Hanwi said...

Now that was awkward. Surely she knows nobody is ever going to take her seriously as an artist, so the only thing she can do to stay relevant is to be all about sex. Why not go all the way and do porn? Former tweeners trying to be sexy is no big deal anymore, they're all like that.

Jodell24 said...

This.Is.Awesome!!!! HAhaha! Dying! Very astute observation!

OneGirlRevolution said...

And this is an amazing likeness.

Did I just insult that poor cow?

Kelly said...

What's with all the outrage? It's the VMA's. Duh.

LottaColada said...

I'm not outraged, I'm grossed out. Not sexy and she's trying way too hard to be shocking.

Anonymous said...

What. The. Everloving. Fuck. This looks like some low budget,community college performance art at the local hipster bar.... Bullshit? Stupidity? What's with the kindergarten, hand painted cutout set pieces? And who is this joker rapping? He looked like a Dave Chapelle skit.
It really is too bad Miley went this route, she does have an amazing voice for traditional country music, ala Tanya Tucker. Ugh. Come on, MTV.

starcasm said...

I found it amusing that the completely nude models prancing around in the Blurred Lines video looked downright classy and respectable compared with Miley's - ummm - cheoreography for the song. (Not to mention those models were also 10x as beautiful au naturel than she was, well, wearing whatever that was.

Seven of Eleven said...

Wow, the Blurred Lines video is close to (very) soft core porn.

parissucksliterally said...

She is so fucking pathetic.

Go HIDE now Miley- you embarrassed yourself even more than I thought you could.

Unknown said...

she needs to work with a top-notch dance instructor before even thinking of choreography. She has not mastered basic dance moves. Heck, was she even taught these moves?

Her kicks are sloppy, Her arm thrusts are even sloppier, with her wrists and hands just flopping about. She needs to start from scratch. Theater and dance students are taught these basic moves in the first week...

Laura said...

I was very disappointed with her ass. I always pictured her to have a killer body.

Sherry said...

I doubt very seriously she thought of any concept. Like people who complain about the clothing celebs wear at a photo shoot they themselves have very little input unless they are HUGE stars and that ain't Miley.

The tongue was too much but I saw nothing wrong with this performance. There's one every year on the VMA's Miley drew the straw this year.

I'm meh about it all..I was shcked how droopy her young butt was when she turned around. And she's not much of a dancer is she? At least it sounded like she was singing live and not lip syncing. If that's the case then I applaud her. No one else has the balls to do that.

rhinovodka said...

weird with the pedo bears and all, but I am not offended. Maybe because I grew up with Madonna.

Patty said...

Try hard. This is embarrassing to watch, not because of it's suggestivness, but because it's plain awful.

And that tongue. If she thinks that's sexy then she's more wacked in the head then we all thought.

Kelly said...

The brunette's bewbs are fucking insane!

The Dude said...

I never understood my wife's creep factor issue with clowns, I now get it for anything with weird bears and Miley Cyrus.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Her body kept reminding me of Jack Skellington.

Della said...

She was high. Her pupils were huge. The bears are stupid. I'm surprized she didn't have tongue spasms afterwards. I like the song but she is STUPID!

PotPourri said...

Isn't the dude married? What the hell is wrong with that?

Unknown said...

Only genuinely funny thing I have ever read on this site.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

No way could she open her mouth that way with Molly.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

It's Pedobear.

Count Jerkula said...

Awkward cunt thrusts onstage aren't sexy, especially when you consider her bits are prolly stinky as hell after sweating like crazy while encased in vinyl.

Unknown said...

I have to admit that I watched the whole thing (with some alcohol to really take it all in) and my mouth hung open for the entire thing. It's all the second hand embarrassment that I got from watching it. And I had trouble imagining why the 'Thicke' would say yes to a Chipmunk duet but when I youtubed him shortly after I saw that this is not the first time they've sung this together. And with Pharrell too. I loved 2 Chainz and Kendrick though, and If I'm going to be truly honest, mainly because no one here knows me, then this mess was also highly entertaining for me. I watched it again and again.

Gertie Raus said...

Desperation is the world's worst cologne.

Topper Madison said...

Oh, this is perfect:

SingBlue said...

Lola - those buzzfeed links are something else. I can't access the vids due to country restrictions - but the reaction of Taylor and Selena is too funny.

And finally, that Jaden kid pulled a face that suits the situation.

mistang said...

When I watched it, yes, it was like a train wreck that I couldn't turn away from, but I also realized she is trying way too hard. Desperate doesn't even come close. It seemed so fake, like she pushed too far with being this "raunchy" character. Bad acting.

libby said...

Unknown has it right---Miley can't dance.
Madge has made it LOOK easy for 30 years, because Madge studied dance at Michigan--on scholarship (natural talent on top of real dance education). Miley stomped out there like she just expected good dancing to start coming out her body, forgot she had to actually think of moves or something. Embarrassed for her. smfh

I read a good summation somewhere--in it, the author wrote "Miley Cyrus, to whom the word 'no' has clearly not been uttered in the last 6 months..."

mistang said...

And what was up with Beetlejuice? I couldn't tell if he was into it or not.

AKM said...

One of my friends said it was like something Stefan on SNL would come up with..."This performance has it ALL! Fuzzy leotards, tennis shoes, giant dancing teddy bears, big foam fingers, Robin Thicke..."

KTVerclempt said...

My eyes. I feel like I just watched a PSA for low self esteem.
(With Beetlejuice!)

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Did Thicke had a boner after the "twerking"? It seems so to me.

Damn. Her haircut and thin-ness makes me rememember with sadness the times of "can't be tamed" or "party in the USA", where she was underage (barely) and way hotter than yesterday.


Anonymous said...

she looks like a molested 12 yr old. it was creepy. why would thicke say yes to that? she looks like a child so all the grinding and twerking shit was not hot

califblondy said...

Justin Timberlake was my fave. Katy Perry was overrated IMO.

Susan said...

OMG. I'm watching this now. She is so unattractive. (I'm sorry.) What is with the tongue? What is with the bear leotard? Why is this happening?!??!?! Make it stop.

Susan said...

OMG. She is singing Blurred Lines so flat it's tragic.

nevarmore said...

When Miley OD's and dies, I hope her mom has the guts to stand up and clap for her then too....

crila16 said...

I'm so embarrassed for her watching this.

parissucksliterally said...

DOLPHY, that is one of my FAVORITE QUOTES EVER!!!

I LOVE "Singles"!!!!!

OKay said...

Miley, baby, leave the crap for the girls with no actual talent. You are above this, though not for long...

Susan said...

OMG. Singles is the best movie ever. I so own a Citizen Dick T shirt. It's my fave relic from the 90s. Touch me, I'm Dick.

Back to Miley - How do y'all know she's on something? I was so taken aback by the whole thing - from the bears to Robin Thicke's suit - there's no way I could gather that.

ms snarky said...

Am I the only one who, when I first saw a photo of this unfortunate happening, thought it was Madonna?

Gertie Raus said...

@parissucksliterally and @Susan---Yay! I was wondering if anyone would catch my Singles quote :)

eris hilton said...

Britney did it before and Madonna before her. Nothing groundbreaking here except for maybe the fact that no one seems to have bothered to choreograph any of it... this level of skill can be found at any given trashy club. Yawn.

Susan said...

I apologize for my number of OMGs. I am a 12-year-old girl.

Are my breasts too small for you?

I also love, "Hey man this is not a bathroom."

And, "We are gods in Belgium."

There is so much social commentary on Miley on the internets. So, clearly she is the most talked about performer at the show. Mission accomplished, I guess. I'm just so horrified for her. But, I'm also horrified her people who post every inner thought and mundane activity they do on Facebook and/or Twitter, so I guess I'm REALLY out of touch with the youths of the world.

I remember with the whole Madonna/Britney/Christina kiss thing being so annoyed because Christina Aguilera has SO much more talent than that.

C'est la vie.

HannahBanana said...

I'm covering up my face & giggling!!!! I read this in Stefan's voice. Best laugh I've had in a minute!

Jenn said...

Only Gene Simmons should do the tongue thing. She looks like a doofus. More than usual, I mean.

NaughtyNurse said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, tigerlily!!! That's the funniest damn thing I've read in a while!!!

Tyler said...

@eris hilton, neither Britney nor Madonna were relentlessly vulgar on a national TV show. The lack of choreography was due to it being a spontaneous performance different from what she rehearsed.

She's getting attention for sure, with most of the associated conversation painting her as a joke not to be taken seriously. People don't forget shit like she pulled, so good luck with the stalled career.

__-__=__ said...

Yes, she looks and acts like a molested 12 year old. Her parents must be proud.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Wow, that was inSANE! her "dancing" reminded me of "The new girl in Zoomba" off rhythm, always 4 beats behind while she tried to copy the others and over extended movements to try to rush back into sequence.
The tongue...smh.
the foam finger a rip from "blurred lines" (thanks for the link seven of eleven.)
All in all, horrifying.

ohcowie said...

thanks tygerlilly i cried laughing when i read it
and it's the first time i've shared a comment aloud

and i totally agree about the drug tongue - yikes

Unknown said...

Maybe but everyone is talking about it today and isn't that the point?

spritely said...

I LOL'd at this FAR more than I really should have. My husband is still shaking his head at me:

MadLyb said...

I haven't watch the VMA's since the '90's. What in the hell has happened to popular music? Well, MTV's version of it, anyway. Yikes.

Nothing much to say about the 1 minute I watched of that, except I think Gene Simmons wants his tongue back...

Bit dams said...

kind of dumb. not very interesting after the first 30 seconds, but not a big deal. she's all of what, 20 years old? she has an 8th grade education, her parents are not known for intellect or class. my kids thought she must be drunk. I think she wants SO badly to not be associated w/ a hanna montana style/look/etc, that she's grasping at anything and everything. any college kid could have choreographed her "dancing". I think her only "talent" is that she has some stage presence. don't see her lasting if this is all she's got, its boring.

lower_scott_hill said...

really? this is what gets America upset? of all the BS in the world and this country today, this is what gets everyone worked up? good for Miley for showing us what a bunch of fools we be...

Gary T. Burnaska said...

Sexiniess is fine this was just trashy, trashy does not impress or excite anyone.

beth said...

The Smith family reaction shot was actually to Gaga. It was part of an MTV feed where they showed what was on stage in the bottom right corner; you can clearly see that it's Gaga's performance not Miley's.

Unknown said...

Not trying to start a race thing here but haven't black backup dancers been doing that kind of grinding/dancing for a decade? Why is MC any different? You are holding her to a higher standard...not fair.

MTV wanted ratings this year...they offered the slot to MC and RT who ran with it.. you can be sure every single detail was well-planned in advance by MTV....Kanye/Taylor was planned was nip slip Janet/Justin...

Also do any of you guys remember how shocked the world was when Madonna came onstage in the wedding dress singing like a virgin? That's the kind of press they dream about... Madonna getting kicked off the Pepsi campaign for like a prayer sold more than 50 Superbowl commercials ever would...


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