Monday, August 26, 2013

Mike Tyson Says He has Been Lying About Being Sober

At a press conference on Friday, Mike Tyson shocked a room full of reporters when he confided that he was only six days sober and not the long time sober person he has claimed to be. He said the fact he is alive is a miracle and that he couldn't believe he had made it six days without using. Just last year, Tyson said he had been sober for three years but he told reporters that was all a lie.

Tyson also hared that if his daughter had not accidentally died that Tyson would not be alive today because at the time he was using so much that he thought he would overdose almost everyday and thought daily about killing himself.


Count Jerkula said...

The fact he lived through his teens is amazing.

Unknown said...

A typical Muslim convert, claims to be sober and they've found faith etc (Jermaine Jackson).

But they're still scum.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Poor dude. If he dies he won't be able to beat more women, rape them, eat his contender's ears and, most important, take Mel Gibson's role in The Hangover because of Mel's drinking rampage.

Gertie Raus said...

I don't think that I've had enough coffee this morning because the 2nd paragraph barely makes sense to me.

Unknown said...


It's poorly written, not your fault.

Lucas said...

Hey @ian - asshole much? What does his religion have to do with anything? It took balls to out himself publicly like that. Maybe this time sobriety will stick.

Meanie Rhysie said...

+1 @Lucas

Sobriety is a tough gig. Never quit quitting!

Cathy said...

<3 Lucas

a non a miss said...

Glad to see you back Lucas!

janele said...


All Ian has to do is Google "born again Christian hypocrisy" to see that "scum" is not limited to a few Muslim converts.

Cathy said...

I realize that a lot of newbies get labeled as "trolls" by some of the regulars when they first start posting, but a good way to avoid that is by not making generalizations based on race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation or religion.

TalksTooMuch said...

Evander Holyfield knows whats up about his ears.

Kels said...

A typical bigot, claiming all muslims converts are scum as if Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali don't exist.

Bacon Ranch said...

If I could have my own Holodeck, I would put Mike vs Ali.

Bacon Ranch said...

ian why are you bringing up the guy who sang "We don't have to take our clothes off"?
That makes no sense.

Oh wait..that's Jermaine Stewart. NVM

NateM said...

Typical apologist, claiming Malcolm x and Elijah Muhammad weren't scum

Unknown said...


Yeah, Tyson has balls being honest. Was he honest about the rape or beating his wife?


mesewprettyoneday said...
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SophiaB said...

But that's the THING. BIGOTS have no interest in being balanced. They just like to spread the hate. And then they wonder why we don't respect their religious babblings.

Love thy neighbor MY ASS!!

Jeneral said...

What kind of drugs is he taking?

mesewprettyoneday said...

Typical Nathaniel Manella, claiming Nathaniel Manellas aren't scum.

SophiaB said...

Awwwww Cathy. That is so commonsensical to say. I could wonder how these people got educated enough to type on a keyboard without figuring this out. If they were worried about being called trolls they would not write the nasty narrowminded crap they do.

Very nice of you to give a clear explanation, though.

Count Jerkula said...

@Ian: Same can be said about coutless "Jeebus saved me from the booze and the cocaine" born again christians.

Count Jerkula said...

@Ian: Yes, he was honest about the rape, he said he did time in jail for not walking her to the lobby. She wasn't raped, she was bitter that he treated her like a cum dumpster.

Yes, he was honest about beating his wife. He said the right that he hit Givens with was the best punch he ever threw. It aint like he hit a human, he hit Robin Givens, the broad who was raised to be a golddigger in the mold of her mother. Givens used him, just like Don King did.

Count Jerkula said...

@Bacon: I think Ali would win that one, and I'm no Ali fan. I'd rather see Tyson in his prime v Foreman in his prime. 2 clubberin beasts teeing off on each other.

Its just U said...

If a person is a lying, raping, violent thug it doesn't matter what religion they are. They are just a lying, raping, violent thug.

Sherry said...

Amen Just U! Amen.

Bunni said...

Never thought I'd say this, but I totally agree with Count Jerkula. Sometimes women lie about heinous shit, like being raped. A woman was in the Daily News yesterday for falsely accusing her own father of rape, he's still in jail btw. If you weren't there, then you don't know what happened. Plus the man did his time. Give this one a rest already. Mike Tyson is a living legend.

Bunni said...

There's no excuse for hitting women.

Count Jerkula said...

Thank you, Bunny. I noticed your avatar, and you are pretty cute and flaunting the girls. Can I trouble you for your height?

85134943 said...
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Bunni said...
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85134943 said...
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Anonymous said...

I kind of feel bad for him. I think he might be borderline mentally handicapped (and if he wasn't before the start of his career, he certainly is now) and has been used by so many people. It's all very "Of Mice and Men" to me, just leave the guy alone with his pigeons

Anonymous said...

Also, with all those quotes showing that he likes to rough up women, the women who choose to go with someone who is admittedly violent and on drugs, they deserve to get hit. He straight up says that's what he likes to do, they must like it too

Count Jerkula said...

Much appreciated, Dear.

Since you were surprised to agree with me, I won't pester you with flirting, but I would otherwise. At least until the inevitable, "I'm married" or "I'm not into middle aged creeps" response took the wind out of my sails.

Take care, lil cutie.

85134943 said...
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Anonymous said...

Nope, because the "apologists" have the good sense to keep themselves out of the dangerous situation. If I tell you the stove is hot and you touch it anyway, then that's your fault, don't blame the person that turned th stove on. Also don't say I should be burned because you used poor judgement.

Bunni said...
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