Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Michael Douglas And Catherine Zeta Jones Split

If you have been reading the site at all the past few months, the announcement from the reps of Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas that the couple is splitting should not come as any surprise. They are never together and Michael went on vacation this week with their kids alone. The last time they have been photographed together was way back in April. I don't think the news is that much of a shocker, but Kneepads has put it on their cover and don't seem to be taking sides in the divorce. The couple must have an equal amount of films made by Warner Brothers or something.


  1. I wonder if this means CZJ was the answer to the blind concerning the overdose. & the asshole who taped her in that condition, & then was used at a custody sad. Sorry they didn't make it, they sure have been through a lot.

    1. Oh, forgot about that one, damn!

  2. I wonder if this is primarily due to her bipolar disorder. That's a nasty mental illness, and my sympathies go to anyone who has it, as well as anyone who lives with them.

    1. Agreed :(

      My friend was recently diagnosed as bipolar and took her own life before they could get her meds calibrated. One of the smartest people I knew.

      Bipolar is a motherfucker.

    2. Very sorry about your friend, Sarah.

  3. If you want the definition of 'pending divorce', watch their red carpet interview from the Oscars. Never acknowledged each other, he was scanning the crowd for tail. It was uncomfortable.

    I hope CZJ has the support she needs right now.

  4. Watch he will get the kids......I don't think she'll even fight that.

  5. Yep, saw that coming. Sad when anyone splits.

  6. So the National Enquirer was right. They kept denying it for so long, but they had a lot of problems.

  7. I guess one bright spot here is that the big cover story went to two with actual TALENT, and Khloe and Try-Hard Tongue got relegated to the blurbs.

  8. No, they each have a respectable amount of dirt on the other, and since they have both had interesting( her bi-polar, his throat ca from HPV) stories out there that they have put out themselves, I just wonder what kind of dirt is left to reveal! Must be a big, big secret!

  9. This is sad. I really like these two.

  10. Who would have thought Michael Douglas would be Father of the Year thirty years ago? He seems to want full custody of the kids, and I bet he uses CZJ's bipolar disorder to get it.

  11. Lets hope for these two put ego aside and do what's best for the kids lest they turn out like his older son.

    And above poster is spot on! This cover must be killing PMK- big celeb news like this trumps her sex tape, fame whores right off the covers!!

  12. Pretty sure Celebitchy had this on Monday.

  13. From Wiki

    After the filming of Summertree in 1971, Douglas began dating actress Brenda Vaccaro, a relationship which lasted nearly 6 years.[24]
    In March 1977, Douglas, who was 32 years old at the time, married 19-year-old Diandra Luker, the daughter of an Austrian diplomat.[25][26] They had one son, Cameron, born in 1978. In 1995, Diandra filed for divorce and was awarded $45 million as part of the divorce settlement.[26][27]
    Dating since March 1999, Douglas married Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones on November 18, 2000. They were both born on September 25th though 25 years apart. Zeta-Jones says that when they met in Deauville, France, Douglas used the line, "I want to father your children."[28] They have two children, Dylan Michael (born August 8, 2000) and Carys Zeta (born April 20, 2003).[29]

  14. Watch out, most heinous hookers of the world! Michael Douglas MD is out wishing to use his tongue in the dirtiest of your pussies.

  15. Catherine is single now. Is nobody else excited about this?! Go date George Clooney or something, she's a beauty.

  16. I wonder if the HPV story was designed to stick it to her (no pun intended). ;)

  17. "I want to father your children" has to be the least sexy pick-up line ever.

  18. Well lets hope she has been putting-out in the bedroom this year so she can get her fair share of alimony..

  19. Lord god almight, being married to either one of these humorless narcissists would be hell on earth. I can't imagine how they stayed together, other than cocaine and pharmaceuticals.

  20. This bums me out for some reason. I don't know why.

  21. DewieTheBear - Sorry but I think you're wrong. When a RICH old guy tells a POOR young girl that he wants to father her children it is an almost foolproof pick-up line. If you don't believe me ask a divorce attorney.

  22. "Bipolar is a motherfucker."

    Damn straight.

    I'm truly not being Ms. Judgy-Pants here, but after how Cameron turned out, if you were a judge, would you give custody to Michael? Again, things happen even with the best of parenting, but...I don't know that I trust that whole family. :-/

    Playing devil's advocate for a minute, but CZJ already had a name for herself -- and some money, I would imagine -- when MD hit on her with that line. Don't know if it was ALL about the benjamins.

  23. Judge gave me full and complete custody of our daughter when me and my bipolar ex divorced.

  24. Agree with Barton. Hopefully MD will get custody and send thise kids straight to boarding school. No kid deserves all that crazy!

  25. She must be pretty bad off with this disease. Shes prob in no shape to parent kids. Sad all the way around.

  26. I wonder what the woman who CZJ got locked up thinks about this.
    That supposed "stalker" was Michael Douglas' mistress.

  27. Their red carpet stroll at the Oscars pretty much said it all.

  28. @Dewie, I suspect a successful pickup line for a huge movie star is whatever comes out of his mouth. "Did somebody fart?" would inspire peals of laughter from the ladies.

  29. Marriage is hard, and sadly sometimes dealing with major health crisis can shake it to its core.

    Like others have said, I am kinda sad about this. I actually really liked them together.

    But one never knows what goes on behind close doors. Hopefully this will be resolved quickly and they don't go Ashton and Demi and drag it out for years.

  30. I think it was MD's camp who released the info she was bipolar because CZJ acted blindsided by that. MD is swarmy, but he does know how to play the media. I think he is angling for the kids and not paying loads in child support.

  31. I guess they want have matching birthday parties anymore. MD can always celebrate with Barbara WaWa now.
