Monday, August 19, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Lies - Oprah Enables

The interview with Lindsay Lohan by Oprah went exactly as I forecast it would. Oprah threw up softball questions and let Lindsay get away with prepared answers and no follow-up. I'm not sure Oprah could breathe because her nose was so far up Lindsay's butt. OWN needs ratings and is willing to pay for them. I'm sure they got ratings and Oprah can just a get a big tattoo across her chest that says"I F**k Celebrities For Free."

I wonder how many times Lindsay got to rehearse the perfect answer to these questions. I want you to know that I am happy Lindsay is sober and I hope she stays sober for the rest of her life. I don't ever want anyone to relapse. I want her to be healthy and happy and to live the rest of her life that way. She is not even being honest with herself or people or Oprah or anyone else though when she says things like she only did coke 10-15 times in her lifetime and only did it to drink more.

She is lying. The end. There was a guy who used to work for People and Variety. I can't remember his name right now, but he says he did coke with Lindsay for nights on end and he would buy it for her. Lndsay was caught with a vial of coke in her pocked by the cops. So, when she says she only snorted coke 10-15 times, she is lying, by things that take two minutes to check. Oprah should have known this, but instead did her biggest smile and let Lindsay get away with it. I don;t even know why I bother to watch crap like this because all it does is tick me off and drive me crazy and will make me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Oprah, you suck. Period. Why don't you ever use that huge staff you have and ask a f**king question. You knew Lindsay was lying and just let it skate by because you want her to look good so her reality show will do well. I would not be surprised if Lindsay has done coke 10-15 times in her life just with her mother.

I should never have watched this.


  1. I should never have read this.

  2. I really don't get the Oprah hate. She's always been the warm-fuzzy gal, not Barbara Walters.

    1. Heh. Oprah is trying to edge Goopster out of her, "The Worst," title. Everyone I ever knew, or knew thru someone else in the business, (behind the scenes peons), loathe her with the power of a 1,000 white hot suns. She is horrible to those beneath her.

  3. A liar is enabling a liar? Shocking.

  4. If you do coke, but don't remember it the next morning, does it really count? :)

  5. Why is anyone surprised? Seriously. Were people expecting something different? I don't understand.

  6. Because if she asked decent, hard questions she would never get a damn interview again. Obvi.

  7. I saw part of it channel surfing, and oprah tried to get t straight answers but lindsay as slippery as an eel.

  8. you need a nap enty.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Damn enty you have strong dislike for her, it's like you don't want her to win.

  11. Oprah was on WWHL last Thursday and said if she's interviewing someone and they reveal something they don't want to she'll try and help them out instead of prying.

  12. I saw Oprah on WWHL and she said that before an interview, she asks the person what they hope to get out of the interview and goes with it. I think that was her way of explaining why she is lenient on her guests.

    I did however watch this interview and it wasn't THAT bad. When she said she was only addicted to alcohol and mentioned the 15xcoke uses, I was screaming "ADDERALL" at the tv. And I was shocked cause shortly after she admitted to using it and said she is off it (fingers crossed). I know that's not much but for LaLohan, that is a huge thing to admit.

  13. I've had many opportunities to see the so-called "interview" today and haven't bothered. Nor will I, because Oprah doesn't interview people. She never has. She presents opportunities for self-glorification, period, and there was no reason to think this would be any different.

  14. thats our Lilo......bless her....

  15. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Lindsay's great talent... she's so overrated. What a joke. She was a very basic teen actress, let's not make her into JLaw. Also, she's such a liarface about the drugs. Who does she think she's fooling (besides Oprah)?

  16. Lindsay will never get her shit together till she cuts off her folks. Oprah tried but didn't have the cajones to follow through on investigating her parents.

    O also tried to hint that it wasn't a good idea for Lindsay to go to Europe for her "meditation trip". I fear that this will end up becoming the Last Interview of Lohan...if she goes to Cannes, I fear she will die there.

    Yeah she's got issues, yeah she's a shithead, but seriously Lilo, you in danger girl!

  17. Didn't watch, why bother ? Lindsay will never get clean, never ever.

  18. Maybe she only counts it as a "time" when she goes without it for more than a day or two.

    So, 10-15 times for 30-45 days at a time.

  19. Lmao at 10 or 15 times. Oprah does suck.

  20. By 10 or 15 times perhaps she is being honest I mean if she just kept snorting coke with very little breaks in between you can consider that one time - a 40 day

    Yeah she is delusional Hell I used coke recreationally and can tell you on a weekend I did it 10-15 times..

  21. I have only one question, as I know that this ignorant pos wouldn't know what the truth was if she was offered 5K to fuck it....I digress, why does she NEVER wear a bra???

  22. Why do you even bother to watch that lesbo sheboon?

  23. And in other news, the sun came up today and the sky is blue. Most people who do drugs lie about it. Did anyone expect Lohan to say she's still doing drugs? Why would anyone be THAT pissed about it?

  24. I have seen Oprah asking tough questions of celebrities including Sean Penn though perhaps not tough enough if you believe the blind reveals around here.

    Here is what I would do soft ball it until you got most of the interview down and then ask the hard questions - who cares if you never book her again, she'll be dead anyway if she's not taking her sobriety seriously.

  25. On WWHL last week Andy Cohen had the cajones to ask O if she ever "took a dip in the lady pool" and O looked pissed.

  26. OOOO, that's right @califblondy!

    He tried to cover it up by saying that is a normal question asked for all his, her face was priceless!

  27. jeez, what did you expect!??!!

  28. Maybe she meant 10-15 times PER DAY.

  29. watever Im rooting for her.

  30. watever Im rooting for her.

  31. For weeks Enty has been predicting that O would toss softball questions and Lilo would lie so why bother to watch and then bitch about the exact outcome you predicted?

  32. Lilo love and hate waxes and wanes like the tide, but early Enty is always grumpy.

  33. Lilo deserves every bit of vitriol she gets from Enty and the rest of us. She SUCKS. She LIES ALL the time, and is a PIECE OF SHIT.

    Fuck her, AND Oprah!

  34. I commend Oprah. I don't think there's anything wrong with being on Lindsay's side. I appreciate that Oprah does not use her platform to judge or bring people down. I send Lindsay Lohan prayers, good energy & belief that she has the WILL to beat this. People talked a lot of crap about RDJ back in the day & now look at him. I believe that people deserve ALL the "second chances" that are given to them. I have been blessed with many second chances & I hope she can use this & her life experiences to date to make a better life for herself.

  35. Oprah sucks out loud and always has. I have never understood what anyone likes about her. I can't stand her. Yeah, Enty, why exactly did you bother?

  36. Wasn't there a LiLo interview about a year or so ago where she said she'd only "tried" coke 3-4 times and didn't even like it? Oprah should've done her research and called her out. LiLo changes her story so often that she can't even keep track of her own lies. SO obvious she's lying! Even if there were no other evidence of her coke use, I'd still think she were lying. What a dumbass, she can't even LIE right. Hehe



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