Friday, August 30, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Hosting Season Opener Of SNL

Apparently Lorne Michaels has a very short memory. He also knows that Saturday Night Live is going to struggle in the ratings this year because it will be featuring an almost all brand new cast with no big returning stars. I can't think of any other reason why Lorne would let Lindsay Lohan host another episode, especially a season opener. The only blessing will be that with an entire summer to write jokes, hopefully the writers can come up with something that Lindsay can memorize and not truly suck at. Perhaps skits where she is a mime with no voice and others where she doesn't say anything and is dressed in an animal costume. Perhaps she could play someone passed out a party and unable to speak or move because of how much booze they have consumed. These would all be ideal.

Think about how little Lindsay has done acting wise over the past few years and think about how hard it is for anyone to really get a shot at hosting SNL and she will get two opportunities in three years.


  1. Ugh. Not again. She sucked. This season of SNL will suck so bad.

  2. Sell-out. I am so sick of people giving this marginally-talented trick so many chances.

  3. Oh man, it was just so bad last time! Cringeworthy! I think mostly because the audience just wanted to laugh AT her, not with her. So bad

  4. Ugh. @mscool I couldn't have said it better myself

  5. She was god awful........not again

  6. You know, ever since she had that good hair that one time after rehab, I'm softening my attitude toward her.

  7. Mr. Michaels needs to have a backup host standing by. Lindsay is a fuckup. She could easily be in jail, rehab or the morgue by then.

  8. And NO STEFAN! (sob) He would love on her so much!

  9. Stunt casting. Wont work. SNL has hit rock bottom. The show has not been funny in years.

  10. LOL she is not a good actress! She's just going to make an as out of herself again. But this probably won't end up happening, she'll get arrested again

  11. "hopefully the writers can come up with something that Lindsay can memorize and not truly suck at"

    Good try, Enty.
    Lorne Michaels specifically asks the cast and the guests to read cue cards instead of memorizing their lines. The show gets a lot of last minute rewrites, so they don't want anybody delivering the previous version instead.
    That's why Bill Hader was corpsing so much as Stefon. The joke was that writer John Mulaney specifically changed all the lines after dress rehearsal, so Hader would be reading them for the first time when he was on live TV.

  12. The Stefon skit doesn't just specifically get rewrites. Right before going on air the other writer changes out some of the words in odd places making it sound crazy. I love watching Bill Hader lose it.

  13. UGH! WHY do people hire her? She is NOT a very good actress, her comedic timing is awful, and who says she'll be sober for the show? I'm not even sure she is now!

  14. I hope she kills it. So there!

  15. Lorne Michaels is officially out of touch. From this to the lack of minority casting, I am done with this show. And Ive been a loyal fan for at least 15 years and now I just cant get with it.

    How can you live in a society with Beyonces and Nicki Minajs, excellent comedic material, and STILL not hire a black woman?! How can you live in an society with all these damn Latinos and not hire one?!

    How many zooey deschanel impressions do we need? How many old white men impressions do we need? HOW MANY TIMES DOES KENAN HAVE TO DRESS UP LIKE A BITCH?! I'm fuckin sick of this shit.

  16. Cheese-N-Rice, it's amazing how many chances some people get. They keep giving her acting jobs, hoping her scandal-filled life will increase ticket sales (err, um, direct-to-video downloads). She gets in trouble constantly, yet never really has to pay. She's such a fuck up, and needs to just go away.

    SNL is going to suck. Who all left again? Sudeikis and Hader for sure. Hader is impossible to replace. He's one of those guys...never going to be an A-list breakout star, but you could put him in any skit and he made it better. Same for movies. He's one of the few things I liked about "Superbad." I like him in everything. His T-Mobile commercials are even great.

  17. Sweet Lord, it's the seventh sign...

  18. I will be watching and I never thought she that bad the last time she hosted

  19. Not something ill be looking forward too.

  20. You used SNL and memorize in the same sentence. Wise ass. You watch any skit and everybody is intently reading the queue cards. It's like a comedy karaoke show.

  21. I wonder who their backup host is?

  22. Also, I would rather watch Lindsay Lohan tweaking than Miley Cyrus twerking

  23. And who said being a slutty, drug addled, alcoholic, butterface, has been actress of dubious talent wouldn't pay off in the end?

  24. Lindsay has been great on previous visits to SNL (maybe not so much the last one).

    This overwhelming hatred of her is getting really old, you need to move on. Aren't there other people in HW who you can obsess about?

    1. When a better target comes along we will go for it- She has earned it.

  25. Hello idiots! It's "sources close to Lohan" who are talking this up. It's a totally fake rumor ginned up by the Lohans. There is 0.00000% chance that Lohan will host the opener.

    And while we're on the subject:

    --They're sketches, not skits.

    --They don't ban memorizing the sketch scripts. It's fine to be off-book as long as you know to work to the cards to pick up late rewrites.

    --The sketch players have always cheated downstage to work off the cards, from Season 1, only now that the show is shot in HD it's more noticeable. The cards are also by necessity at bad angles in some shots, making the sneaks more noticeable.

    --SNL has been trying to hire another black woman for the cast since Maya left, but talented black women with improv experience are very rare.

    --No SNL does not suck (mostly). Now that they've gotten rid of some hangers on, this may be the best cast they've had in ten years.

  26. @B.Profane---Idiots? Really? Call me an idiot to my face

  27. Awesome! I love it when a completely random person tells everyone they are stupid based on "facts" that are actually opinions. Condescension mixed with a complete lack of the self awareness of one's own idiocy is my new favourite!

  28. This might make a good skit. Hand me a blank queue card.

  29. @B Profane I hope you're right! Lindsay used to be semi-good at hosting right around her Mean Girls days, but her last appearance was GOD-AWFUL! I love SNL but if they choose to allow her to host again, I will be extremely disappointed.
