Thursday, August 08, 2013

Lindsay Lohan had Sex In Rehab - Partner Got Kicked Out

How come when something bad in rehab happens with Lindsay Lohan, it is always the other person who gets in trouble and gets kicked out. There is a new report in Radar today that says that while Lindsay Lohan was in rehab she met a guy. In fact, she met him the day after she arrived and they were having sex by day three, despite him having a girlfriend already in rehab. Lindsay told him to dump her and he did. They then had sex everywhere until other patients complained. The guy got kicked out, but the owner of Cliffside was not going to see his publicity cash cow leave so Lindsay got to stay, provided she kick in a few extra bucks and smoke a few more cigarettes outside where paps could see her and talk about the rehab center. Apparently celebrity talks and your recovery walks if you are having sex with Lindsay Lohan. Much like Lindsay's other rehab boyfriends, this one will probably disappear until he makes a few bucks selling his story somewhere. I think Lindsay is hoping for an Elizabeth Taylor rehab story and love affair.


  1. Fuck off, Enty.

  2. Classy. Dude already had a gf there in the rehab?

  3. I'm wondering if she is the one that blind gossip suggested is pregnant. Hope not.

    1. Did you see those pictures of her at the Daily Mail? I hope to hell that tummy was a food baby.

  4. When ya gotta have it, you gotta have it.

  5. Sex in rehab is very common. I've seen people walk away from the one they had going in and/or walk out with a relationship when they left there.

  6. Sigh. I really miss those 90 bliss-filled days without any Lohan non-stories.

  7. Who cares about this trick, she a ticking bomb.

  8. Elizabeth Taylor fell for Larry in rehab. Needy people meet needy people in rehab.

  9. Aww, how sad... She's only been out of rehab for a few days and already we've heard that she was such a bitch she drove Chaka Khan to check out early and she was banging some Larry Fortensky-wannabe. So much for her "commitment to sobriety". I guess you really can't teach an old whore, I mean dog, new tricks.

    1. Tyger, you just insulted dogs and whores.

    2. @TigerLily Lmao that last person I will Believe is RADAR. Plus they were called out on that Lindsey and Chaka story

  10. "Old dog learns new tricks" should be title.

  11. I knew she couldn't handle all that time away from jizz.

  12. The real question here is did she get paid..? and if so where are the bruises?

  13. @megan or "Old dog turns tricks"!

  14. Trading one addiction for another

  15. Trading one addiction for another

  16. Trading meth for cock really isn't original

  17. Chaka was there too?? Noooooo.

    Enty, that is one screwed up picture you chose and I love it.

  18. I know a woman who's daughter was in rehab (drinking). She had an affair (both were married), only the man got kicked out. Maybe a policy(?) maybe he was there longer(?) If your in a place like rehab, and the focus is on negative things and how awfull you have been to everyone, wouldn't it be the easiest thing to find a lover who provided a distraction? Way more fun to think about the new lover than all the problems. This was 2 days in. I'm sick of her, and am not convinced that she's committed to sobirity, but maybe that was just an early symptom of what we already know she was trying to avoid/deny.

  19. Richard Taite is the owner of Cliffside and he is a world class douche

  20. I'm starting to believe that bitch is pregnant. Look at that belly!

    Sorry for not knowing how to do the link :/

    1. @yo
      I just looked at that picture, and OMG.
      I hope you are wrong, but.....

  21. @meanie reese thats the truth

  22. I hope he was hot, so it was worth it

  23. Look at her, how could any man resist?

  24. Hope he had a full STD panel.

  25. I think Lindsay has just put on a lil weight after being away from blow and Adderall so long.
