Lindsay Lohan Got Another Acting Job - Eastbound And Down
Lindsay Lohan must have booked her current job prior to The Canyons being released. Either that or someone thought it might be a way to sleep with her. No matter the reason, the fact is that Lindsay Lohan has been hired to play Kenny Powers' daughter. To make matters worse, she is going to be in the very last show of the series. The one people will watch the most will have Lindsay Lohan in it and she will be acting. I know. I thought she was finished acting too. I didn't think anyone would actually be dumb enough to give her a job. They gave her a job and sent her to North Carolina and they are filming her. With actual cameras. And scripts. With words. That she is supposed to read. This is not going to turn out well. Oh sure the guy from Variety will love her and Lindsay will be humbled and then the rest of the country will scream and point out that the guy from Variety should be fired for incompetence, but Lindsay won't even acknowledge any of those. Nope. Just humbled by variety and now she is ruining the series finale of a long running show.