Monday, August 26, 2013

Linda Ronstadt Has Parkinson's Disease - Can't Sing Any Longer

Eight years ago, Linda Ronstadt started showing signs of Parkinson's Disease. At the time, she continued to sing and do what she had been doing for most of her life. Linda has won eleven Grammy Awards over her career and had a range that made even Mariah Carey jealous. In an interview with AARP magazine coming out next month, the 67 year old singer says the disease has progressed to the point where she can't even sing anymore. She was officially diagnosed with the disease eight months ago. She originally thought her symptoms were from a tick bite.


  1. So sorry to read about this.

  2. My father was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Not fun.

  3. I'm very sorry to hear this about Linda.

  4. So sorry-what a talent

    Still love Blue Bayou.......

  5. A heavenly voice like hers should not be silenced in this way.

  6. Completely torally blows. So sorry linda. Ive spent many a happy hour listening to her music. I hope there is some sort of medical breakthrough for all sufferers. I wish her well.

  7. This news just made me download her Greatest Hits.

  8. At least she was recorded and shared her gift with the world. A lot of people don't get that and die in silence. At least she won't.

  9. I will always love you, Linda. My favorite singer, ever!

  10. This news coming out at the same time as the VMAs just serves to highlight the massive decline in talent and originality since Ronstadt's day. Very very sad.

  11. This is tragic. My mom passed away from Parkinson's related issues several months ago so I know how difficult it is. I am a firm believer in stem cell research providing a much needed solution to this disease. I wish her all the best.

  12. Sorry about your mother, Montana.

  13. This absolutely breaks my heart and ruined my weekend to hear it. I will never get to see her, and she was on my concert bucket list. Shit.

  14. When I read this on Friday I actually teared up. She's my favorite singer of all time. I wore out the grooves of her LP's while I modeled my own singing voice after hers. I wish her well in fighting this tragic disease.

  15. Thank you @mesewprettyoneday
