Thursday, August 08, 2013

Leah Remini Files Missing Persons Report On Shelly Miscavige

Well, you don't see this everyday. Leah Remini has taken a huge shot at Scientology by filing a missing persons report on Shelly Miscavige (above with Leah in 2005), the wife of the leader of Scientology. She has not been seen since approximately 2005. I can't believe Leah did that. I take back the stuff I said about her not doing anything. Wow. You know that the people at Scientology must be going crazy right now. Oh, how I would love a police investigation. If anything, if Shelly is still alive, she would probably be allowed to do what she wants now. They will have to show her in public and this is such a big step. Maybe this is the end for Scientology. I guess we know why Tom cruise wanted all those Suri stories in the tabloids today. You can read more about it all and how Scientology will try and avoid having to respond to the LAPD here.


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