Friday, August 30, 2013

Lamar Odom Busted For DUI

It's never a good time to drive drunk. For Lamar Odom, though, this is an especially bad time to get busted for DUI. That's what happened to him though as he was busted early this morning. Very early this morning. We are not talking about midnight here or even 1 or 2. Nope. Lamar was busted at almost 4am after cops spotted him weaving all over the highway and driving well under the speed limit. See, here in LA, at that time of the night he probably should have been going 10-15 miles per hour over the speed limit. We get so excited when there is no traffic that there is an unwritten rule that you are allowed to speed when it happens. It would be similar to the first day of warm weather for all of you who are blocked in by snow and ice all winter long. You go outside and find a restaurant with a patio and we speed, unless of course it's raining and then we go 10 m.p.h because to us it's the same as two feet of snow.

No extra charges were filed against Lamar for his horrible t-shirt line.


  1. Wow, he's really falling apart. This makes those false rumors look true...

    1. Yes Enty - where is commentary on how PMK planned this to make Khloe look good.

  2. Thought he was missing..

  3. $10 Kris Jenner was following him around or has TMZ doing it for her and had this called in.

    1. Cosign total set up

    2. Let it go- Yes and 9/11 was an inside job.

  4. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Wouldn't 4 am in fact be later than 1 or 2, rather than earlier? Perhaps I'm unclear on how time works...

    1. Almost 4. So still 3 basically. He just limped over the line of inappropriateness

  5. He's spiraling downward fast. Hope he can get the help he needs without outside interference (looks at PMK).

  6. @Rose: I wouldn't take you up on that bet.

    I remember my DUI, fall of 96. Cop railroaded me and then asked me if I could help myself. I asked what that meant, and he laid out a plan that boiled down to me getting coke for him on an ongoing basis. I ate the DUI rather than be his errand boy.

  7. Looks like he picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. . .

  8. ^Ha! Classic movie.

  9. Ha Sugar!!

    I hope he figures his shit out- things are not looking good for him.

  10. Enty, you're not kidding about the rain. Back when I lived in San Diego, it started to rain. Drizzle, really. Boss let everyone go who wanted to go. Psh, babies.

  11. I feel bad for khloe

  12. its actually 1 of 2 cases in SoCal for driving in the rain. 1) super slow or 2) super fast- LOTS of accidents in the rain here.
    feel sorry for this dude, he should have avoided this stupid family- they are like the plague.

    1. Even long-time residents seem to have a brain freeze when it comes to rain. When it hasn't rained in eight months, there's a lot of oil on the freeways which is a recipe for disaster.

  13. and 4AM is early. 1-2AM is still when the bars are open so people are still out and about.

  14. Time for Khloe to cut her losses and move On. Any of us with experience with an addict know the deal here; he's spiraling the drain. Probably from his traumatic childhood. Prob gonna end up like Leon Spinks, and for everyone thats says "who?, exactly. It isnt that you dont love them, they dont love themselves.

  15. I lived in LA in the 80's and it always cracked me up how a little drizzle would just freeze all the drivers on the highways.

  16. Shit, if all those rumors those cunts are spreading around got to me, I would start drinking too.

    Rain is nothing here in Michigan...hell, even snow doesn't stop traffic.

    Anyway, I don't remember Lamar ever getting caught drinking, so I think he might just have started drinking recently due to the stupid hoes over at E!

  17. Have to agree with auntliddy. Cut your losses and move on.

  18. Kanye, meet the misfoturne that is about to be your future. Every man who involves himself with that family pays the price.

  19. How can anyone feel bad for Khloe? She is just as bad as the rest of the manipulative shrews.

  20. I was waiting for the conspiracy theorists to come out! Where's JAS?? Would this be a booze trap instead of a honey trap?

  21. He should never have gotten involved with the K's, then at least if he imploded it would not be front page news for days on end.
    I lived in Seattle where all knew how to handle the rain, snow, another story. Here is Vegas everyone speeds no matter what the weather. Rainy days are a nightmare even if you do know how to drive in rain. They leave no safe space between cars, are still doing at least ten over the speed limit, and insist on three more cars through the red light.

  22. I love the Superficial's version of this, you know that's what happened! LOL

  23. Seriously, Enty. Turns out it wasn't an unfounded smear campaign on the Kardashians' part, huh? This is why he's not running around suing tabloids, people. No one would be stupid enough to print something so obviously libelous if it at least mostly true.

    If you're trying to push the "scoop" on "insider" gossip, at least make up sh*t that makes sense.

  24. Come on. Give the guy a break. If he can't smoke crack, he has to get shitfaced drunk!

  25. So ENTY did Kardashans spike his dronk!!!, run him khloe

  26. I don't get how these millionaires keep driving drunk, they can afford to pay anyone to drive them. Guess he and Khloe have matching DUIs now.

  27. I don't have a problem with him getting shitfaced drunk. I'm impressed he makes it through some days not totally wasted being a part of that family. The problem I have is getting in a car drunk and putting other people's lives at risk.

    What happened to his kids? Does he have any custody? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him or Khloe with them and I would think Mama Kris would want all that publicity it would bring.

  28. He was set-up. He was being followed by a private detective. When he left the club intoxicated, Kris got the call from the PI. She had the PI call it into the CHP. She could have done this anytime in the last week or so, but she was waiting until it was clear the "marriage" was DOA.
