Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kris Jenner Talk Show Is Canceled

Six weeks of horrific television is all in the past now as Fox has decided to never ever let Kris Jenner sully our airwaves again. Yes, E! still has not got the message so she will be still seen on tv, but not everyday and not, for an hour each day. I was talking to someone about it yesterday and all they remembered about the show was Kris would be blabbering and then would bring out her designated daughter of the day and they would blabber and then maybe some guest would come out that no one has heard of and the show would be over. Thank you Fox.


  1. Ding dong the witch is dead...almost.

  2. Please please make these people go away.

  3. That's "canceled" with a "k."

  4. What about The Real? Is that canceled too? I kinda wanted to see it :/

  5. My faith in humanity has been restored....for today anyway.

  6. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end.

  7. I thought I read this morning that it hadn't been cancelled yet. Although that info came from pmk herself so who knows what's really true

  8. They brought back 'The Real', and thankfully axed Kris.

  9. Im glad its cancelled; i wish all talk shows were cancelled. Such vapid, stupid, idiotic, pseudo- self help drivel, every one of them. If jesus christ himself had a talk show, it wouldnt fly. Exhibit A: coco austin teaching some talk show morons how to tweek. Who is that benefitting? And of course kris has negative a million of anything of interest to say.

  10. Oh please, E! airs MORE than an hour of the K family each day.

  11. Join me now friends in the singing of the "Halleluiah" chorus.....

  12. LOL @ Henriette's comment!

    Looks like they exposed baby North for nothing. It didn't save Grandma's show and poor Kanye probably broke a few teeth from gritting them so hard during his "performance."

    I don't wish ill will on anyone but I do wish this family would just. go. away. Just stop being photographed - stop being reported on. Of course, that would be a fate worse than death for Kris Jenner and Kim.... living for attention is in their blood. They are just entirely too over-saturated in the celebrity world.

  13. Every time I see her face she looks so self-absorbed. It always brings this to mind -

  14. Um, it has not been cancelled formally. This is based on talk. Fox has even commented that "no decision" has been made. I think and hope it will, but right now it hasn't.

  15. I'm glad because now you (enty) can stop making a federal case because she had a stupid talk show. So What Who Cares...hope you are happy now can we move on geeez

  16. I am thrilled that she's gone.

  17. Hallelujah. Not that I'd ever watch, but anymore money going into that woman's pocket makes me weep.

  18. I don't care about her show, her family or even what Kim's baby looked like. Didn't waste my time checking out her show.

  19. I just want to point out the fact that everyone hates her yet here we are talking about them..again.

    Just what they want

  20. Gee, maybe her show wouldn't have been cancelled if it was produced by the same company that produces the other Kardashian shows.
