Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kris Jenner Stars Spinning Khloe And Lamar Divorce - TMZ Gets On Their Knees Again

For the past month to six weeks, every story coming out about Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom dealt with Lamar cheating and all the women he was cheating with and all the sordid details of the cheating. Kris Jenner was not in control of any of those stories. She just had to watch and wait as it all happened and hope there were no more women. When everyone said the couple was set to divorce, Kris said there had not even been talk about divorce. You and I know that was a lie. Of course it was a lie. You don't have your husband cheat on you a bazillion times and embarrass you all over the world and not discuss it. That was a stupid statement by Kris, but she was tring to control the story.

Remember when Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian split? Kris Jenner went back and reshot a bunch of scenes for the show so she could show that Kim was a victim and that she did everything to save the marriage and that Kris Humphries was evil and blah blah blah. The story that they switched everything was gone in a few days, but those reruns of the show are out there forever.

Now, Kris Jenner has started feeding stories to their beloved Harvey at TMZ. Yes, the same TMZ that refuses to say anything about any Kardashian ever. They will probably die if Kanye marries Kim because then they will have to be nice to him.

TMZ is saying in an article they posted last night that Lamar Odom has a serious drug problem and that Khloe does not care about the affairs, but wants to save Lamar's life. It also says that when Lamar refused to go to rehab two day ago, Khloe kicked him out of the house. Umm, he has been living out of the house for over a month, and had been living in The Roosevelt for a month before that, so when did the kicking out occur? See, it's all spin. Photos of Lamar loading suitcases. Kris says, "This it it." Khloe kicked him out and here is the proof.

It's all a scam to make everyone named Kardashian look good. Does Lamar Odom take drugs? Yeah. He smokes pot for sure. other drugs? He is tested by the NBA all the time and has not been in trouble with them in a long time. TMZ called him a hardcore recreational user. If you smoke pot everyday, several times each day, that would make you, by definition a hardcore recreational drug user.

The divorce is coming. Kris is just making sure you see Khloe as some saint, who went above and beyond. Those scenes you will see on television. You won't see or hear a word about affairs or cheating, just Khloe being a saint, and TMZ will make sure they help.

Don't forget that TMZ and People are owned by the same company. They get a discount on kneepads.


  1. Bruce Jenner must have had an affair with both Harvey and Ryan Seacrest. That's the only thing that explains the vise-like grip Kris Jenner has on their balls.

    1. Haha @Amy I can definitely see that!!

    2. Haha @Amy I can definitely see that!!

  2. If this is not true, they have basically just ruined his career. I would find it hard to believe that he could pass any drug test, and I have never heard of him being suspended. But could you blame him for taking drugs being with that family?

  3. I read the story last night and I automatically knew it was B.S. It was obvious...

  4. I thought exactly as this article states when I saw TMZ last night. Spin, spin, spin.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Whoa that article is horrible... eight inferences about "our sources say"... and "we're told"... and "as one source put it"...

    Poor Lam Lam.

  6. I don't think he's had any drug-related issues since 2001, but even that suspension was widely assumed to be the result of positive results for pot.

    Will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Rob seems to be quite fond of Lamar, and is already becoming distant from the family.

  7. Bruce Jenner is the only person that could take down the Kardashian empire, shame that he won't.

  8. So, it sounds like the divorce is already underway. I mean, once you publicly accuse someone of being a drug addict, there's really no going back from that, is there? This is going to be U-G-L-Y.

  9. It looks like CDAN is off the Seacrest/KTrash payroll. I wonder what happened. Did the owner of CDAN (not so sure the original Enty is still the owner) get dumped, or did he finally man up and chose entegrity over $$$.

    TMZ is a fucking joke. Harvey is a gutless POS.

  10. Dont act like Star isnt getting paid buy the kardashian either

    1. Dragon, wasn't giving Star a pass. Not really familiar with them but I am sure People and TMZ are not the only media under the Seacrest/KTurd influence.

    2. @harry I wasn't commenting that to you. I was talking about Enty

  11. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Ha, I knew this was Kris story soon as I saw it. Knew it. Damn, that woman sure has an in with the tabloids and gossip sites. And she's mean.

  12. Great post. I think I now like weekend Enty better than weekday Enty.

  13. @ian...actually it is the people who watch their crap 'reality' shows and buy the merchandise they are hawking, and show up for personal appearances that are keeping this empire going. If everyone stopped cold and ignored the shit that spews from the mouths of all people with the K name, their empire would implode from the indifference.

  14. the charges were dropped against lamar when he went off on that photographer. there are no charges against kanye going off on the other pap. no pictures ever of khloe and common. no pictures of kim and the real daddy. lamar will cough up a lot of money for them to retract the drug thing and he eventually will be popped and the kardashians will look good. bruce has a lot of money at stake and two younger daughters who clearly are on the same road as the rest of the clan. now that both of them have tasted that fame, there is no going back.

  15. As soon as the tabloid people "themselves" become celebs, they turn into kneepads. Look at that fat fuck Perez. (oh wait, hes not fat anymore)

    Don't turn on us Enty!

  16. And BTW, how sad is it that I even care? Get a life, me!

  17. I used to hate them, but honestly I don't mind them anymore. Their whole life is turning themselves into a soap opera. You have to have stories to make it interesting. Honestly if AMC and OLTL had paid attention to what Kris Jenner does. They might still be on ABC and not swept to the side as a web show now.

    She is just running the family business and anyone that allows themselves to get caught up in that family. You sign yourself on as a character in the show.

    Lamar wanted to be famous and he got what he wanted by marrying Khloe after knowing her for a month. He doesn't need her anymore.

  18. @kj- "no pictures of kim and the real daddy."

    Who is the real daddy?

  19. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I'm really sorry to say this Enty, but I think you need a bit more of a life. I really love this site, but that's so much verbage devoted to the ridiculous Odamn divorce. Who cares? We all saw it coming for a long time.

  20. Read the headline and called bullshit on it immediately. What a farce that is.

  21. When i read this drug story on tmz, i was thinking about times i saw khloe and lamart show(dont judge me) and i never saw signs of drugs. If its just weed that isnt a big deal. As someone wrote hes an athelete he gets tested alot, so if he came up dirty, we wld know. I dont get the spinning; just say he turned out to be a cheater, he broke my heart, we are getting divorced. Why the extra drug drama? Everyone who gets cheat on feels like a fool. You arent, and most people sympathize with spouse who was cheated on because it cld happen to anyone.

  22. The good news is that most people instantly saw through this story when they read it. This family's time is just about over and they are getting desperate. Bruce is almost gone and they must have some major dirt on Kanye to keep him in line (for now). The ironic part of this story is that whenever I catch scenes of this show Kris and Kim's eyes look glazed over like they are on major pills or drugs.

    1. Alexa, prob glazed over with boredom- even they find themselves boring! Lol

  23. Oh boy. Anna's back.

  24. In this case I don't think they have to work hard to make Khloe the saint in this story. I think she is the best of the bunch and Lamar was/is a dog and has fucked her over. Seems like she has been using her to up his profile Q rating and took advantage of her love of the swirl.

  25. And I am not a Khardashian fan!!!!

  26. I agree w/Texas Rose. Khloe's the only one I like and she really put forth way more effect than most people do on their marriages. Sucks that she was fucked over

  27. Anonymous2:39 PM

    well if he cheated, how is it Khloe s fault? and why would she want him to be seen as a good person after that??

    this is one case where a Kardashian is the good guy.

  28. Remind me how Kris Jenner is famous again. Oh yeah, married to a former Olympian and the mother of a pornstar.


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  31. Goddd I am morbidly fascinated with Kris K's PR-spinning ways. She is a total bitch and this might be another revenge story (cheat on my child and I will ruin your reputation), but this woman KNOWS how to play the PR-game. I hate her and am fascinated at the same time. She is like an evil master mind.

    I mean, everyone knows Khloe doesn't have the same dad as the other kids, but is anyone still wondering about that after the rumors about hair dressers etc etc. No, because Kris deflected attention once again.

    Kim's failed marriage? Enter Kanye and no one talks about it again.

    Kim getting fat while pregnant and trying to go undercover to lose weigth? Get a talkshow and keep people guessing but give snippets of information. And of course keep the baby hidden, so people wonder about that instead of Kim's bodyfat.

    Son starts talking smack about his family? Lounge a modeling career and interviews for one of your younger kids to (ONCE AGAIN) deflect.

    BRILLIANT. I am scared now, she is a wizard.

  32. @Auntliddy:
    Because sadly Kris wants the family to look perfect. If they divorce because of cheating, people MIGHT think Khloe wasn't a good enough wife for Lamar and that's why he cheated. And that is totally not accepted in the Klan, because they are PERFECT and people don't cheat on them.

    (Beyonce plays the same game; keeping up appearances when everyone knows JayZ has sidepieces everywhere and illegitimate kids. They just don't mention it, because their life has to look perfect.)

    If it is about drugs then it was nothing to do with Khloe: what does drug addiction have to do with his state of marriage? No matter how you spin it, you can't blame Khloe for him being an addict. In case of cheating (as said above) people might think Khloe was asking for it: not doing it enough, not being hot enough, whining, sleeping around herself, etc etc etc. If there is even a slight chance people might think a Kardashian failed, Kris is there to spin it like crazy:
    The Klan can pretend to be perfect again and say 'oh, really sad and weak he is a druggie. Has nothing to do with his marriage, because Kardashians don't fail and Khloe has been a perfect wife. He just happens to be weak, easily addicted etc etc etc'.

    1. @shityou,If your theory is correct, so uncalled for and stupid. And if they were perfect, would her daughter be famous for making a porno?! Pmk has some real pretzel logic going on.

  33. Oh forgot the best one in the deflection list:

    'Kourtney's kid is mine, I am the dad' Paternity tests, Scott is the father, but still; bad press. People MIGHT think Kourt is a whore.

    Kris: 'OOOH LOOK!! Here is a pic of my latest grandchild!

    Since the pic I have heard no person talk about the fake baby daddy again, everyone is oeeeh-ing and aaah-ing at the newest baby.

    She should be named Anti-Kris-t, wizard of deflection.

  34. any way you spin it, it's another FAILED marriage. regardless of spin drugs vs. cheating vs. khloe this vs. lamar that....

    it's another failed marriage. kim' THIRD marriage failed, khloe's failed, and let's be honest, kris and bruce is BIG TIME fail....

    fail all around. I wonder about them all the time is it truly a more joyful life, living it as a huge lie? but $$$$$$$...

    or, living it w/ some modem of honesty, but maybe ya lose a few $......


  35. May you live a thousand years for this story and every story that trashes those fame whores. I hate that I breathe the same air as them.

  36. Khloe is the only like able one. Sad to see her mother manipulate her life for the greater good of the "brand.l

  37. low class Kardashian crap.......yawn and when will they just go away......forever....
