Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kate Gosselin Is Suing Jon Gosselin

Kate Gosselin exchanged her kids with Jon Gosselin as usual this weekend and then sued the crud out of him yesterday. I'm sure the kids love their parents fighting all the time over stupid stuff that nobody cares about except for them. Kate is suing Jon, alleging that he hacked her computer and her phone and then gave all of the information to an author who wrote a tell all book. The book was pulled from shelves after Kate said the information had been gathered illegally.

Why is she suing? The guy has no money. None. So, you are going to sue him to make sure he never has any money? Great. And you are going to use your money to do that? When was the last time you had a show? A high paying job? Do you know how fast the lawyers will suck through your money? All because you are ticked off? I get it. He is scum. We knew that a long time ago. He is also the father of all your kids and do you want them to visit him at a studio apartment he shares with two other people because you bled him of every last penny?


  1. I believe Jon lives in the woods. So she's suing to take away his tree?

  2. She is seriously a monster. Child support for 8 kids isn't enough? How would he EVER make enough money to pay off a big settlement?
    This lady truly has no idea where money comes from. I shouldn't be surprised.

    And why doesn't SHE have a J-O-B? I keep hearing about a nursing shortage, how it pays so well.

    1. She waived his child support obligations before this happened. I will sue him blind too.

    2. She waived his child support obligations before this happened. I will sue him blind too.

  3. Does she forget they have twelve kids together and no viable means of support?

  4. She just does this shit to keep her name in the news. She must have K-Trash blood.

  5. I should have included that Kate has no concept of how suing their father might affect the kids. Again, no surprise she doesn't know kids have feelings.

  6. Like the item says "fighting over stuff nobody cares about except them." BINGO! Now let them disappear for good.

  7. Why is she suing? So people will pay attention to her again. It has been a while since these two were mentioned anywhere on a blog. And with one law suit filed--here they are--ready for another go round with their 15 minutes.

  8. If the book was pulled off the shelves how was she hurt exactly?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Their children will hate them. Since they have so many, maybe not all, but most of them will hate both parents when they read all this stuff. Kate isnt just suing Jon- she suing the father of eight of her children. Youre suing him so he cant provide, ao then you have to sue him for support, then hes in jail, and then what? Dumbasses.

  11. She is a despicable, vile piece of trash.

  12. She's scum. She knows he has no money. She just needs to punish him because the allegations are out there now that she beat her kids with a spoon and was a demanding bitch behind the scenes (what a shock!)
    Celebrities sue because they perceive that the public will
    Think somethIngs true if they don't act. In her case though, hardly anyone cares anymore. Oh wait, another reason to sue.

  13. Wait, don't they have more than eight children? I thought they had quads and four before that.

  14. How can you tell Jon Gosselin is stupid? He banged that mental patient for years and knocked her up repeatedly. Them kids would be better off raised by wolves.

    1. Kids were all made in a petrie dish. You don't get six at one time by repeatedly banging.

  15. She is a terrible mother.

  16. Anonymous7:49 AM

    She just wants to be legally right...and him to be legally in the wrong...she won't get any more money out of him...he doesn't have any

  17. I can't wait for the children to get their own reality show that shows how messed up they are as a result of their parents constant fighting. I feel terrible for them :-(

  18. I agree with all your comments Enty but let's not forget--Kate is a moron who thinks she knows everything and is smarter than everyone.

    Well guess what Kate--you may be thin and tan and blonde but Mama June is a kinder, smarter and now richer woman than you are. How you like them apples.

  19. Umm...it sounds to me like she sued him to stop the publication of the book he wrote attacking her: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/26/kate-gosselin-sues-jon-gosselin-book_n_3817855.html

    Sorry. On this one I think Jon is the bigger shit.

  20. I guess the plastic surgery didn't help her career so she'll try the lawsuit. I'm sure the "leaked" photos will be arriving soon...

  21. Its so dumb because he has no money, doesnt she get that? She ruined his life, she said herself she pursued him, had to have him, and then slowly morphed into an insane ass balloon. He made mistakes too, but she is vicious without a friend in the world. Doesnt that tell you something? Even her own family has nothing to do with her! This lawsuit will go nowhere.

  22. @Count, he didn't knock her up. She used IVF. So there's no proof they actually "did it". ;)

  23. Lol totally deserved a double post! ;)
    She's a sad exscuse for a mother.

  24. I agree with Topper. She's suing to stop the book, not that she thinks she'll get more money from Jon. Maybe she wants to write her own tell all.

    I have no use for either of them.

  25. @Topper...exactly.

    This is about shutting him and his buddy up. Not getting money. If indeed the book is based on material stolen from her, however it portrays her, she has a point.

    If she doesn't sue, she runs the risk of having to send cease and desists every time Jon's buddy (or Jon) tries to write or publish anything with this info.

  26. Sorry, I didn't know they had a test tube litter. I only know them from internet gossip, and I have never heard either speak.

    Makes the dude 2x as dumb then. Who in their right mind says, "I need 6 kids, all at once."

    1. Well they put a bunch in hoping one or two take. When six take, you either uh, selective eliminate or go for it....

  27. yeah, she had IVF and pursued getting a reality show. She's basically OctoMom 1.0 - using multiple births as a way to get famous.

    Supposedly the book's author took the hard drive and papers out of her trashcan. So, it's not stolen as anything in your trash is free game. She was just stupid and didn't wipe her drive before she threw it out, and now she's pissed off her private stuff is being made public.

  28. @Hazel: Aaaahh. The dumpster divin is an integral part.

    When ever you ditch a computer, pop that sum bitch apart and destroy the hard drive. In a laptop, it is generally a screw to pop the cover off and maybe one other screw that holds it in place.

  29. I am sad to admit that I used to watch their show and Kate was so mean to Jon that it was fascinating he stayed for as long as he did. Also, he never wanted to do IVF after the twins, Kate did and you could tell he was not pleased they got a litter of 6 out of it. He seemed overwhelmed with just twins.

    I feel so bad for their kids. One of the twins seems like she is morphing into Kate number 2 already.

  30. Doesn't Jon live in a van down by the river? Those poor kids especially the twins.

  31. She is such a miserable cunt. I rarely use that word, but she deserves the designation.

  32. I don't like either of these people, but come on, folks!! Wouldn't you sue somebody who hacked and stole your private information????? I'm not saying Kate is a lovable creature, but she's right in this case. I wouldn't care how little the guy has, I'd sue his ass off, too.

  33. So I take it the details in the book are true then.

  34. Anyone read the People magazine article on them (maybe a week ago). It was singing the phrases of Kates mothering skills (she ladels soup like no one else. 3 kinds!) And she said that after 2 years off of TV; she's ready to come back. A cohost position on The View would be ideal. And the perfectly behaved, grace-saying children are all on board with return to TV. Kate encourages you to ask them. She is also starting a coupon site (remember when she got fired from that coupon site???) The article states that Kate is very down to earth now, as evidenced by her last of extensions (not really) and her showing up sans make up (no, she didn't). She is quoted as saying that she, "knows what's important now". See, all better :)

  35. Is Enty really a lawyer? It seems like he would understand the reason for the lawsuit and that it has nothing to do with money.

  36. I didn't follow K&J+8, but i think Jon was against the in vitro procedure; he thought the twins were a good size/number for their family.

    Kate insisted on the procedure and carrying through with delivery of all the results.

    [Man, I don't want to get into an argument about babies/when a fetus is fertilized and when it becomes a baby]. John was married to her and had to go along for the ride. I think he tried.

    Honestly, Kate seems to be an 'UR' bitch.

    Not sure what the definition of 'Fame Whore' is, but i'm pretty sure Kate will fit whatever it is.

    And, yes, there is a special place in HELL for her.
