Friday, August 16, 2013

John Mellencamp's Sons Arrested For Battery

John Mellencamp's two teen sons Hud and Speck (above) (18 and 19) along with another man turned themselves into police this week after arranging to surrender. The trio, including Mellencamp's sons beat the crap out of some guy after the guy threw a party. I guess the teens did not like the party or something. maybe the guy went cheap and it was BYOB and the Mellencamp kids took exception to that. I don't think you can ever take exception to that. Booze can be expensive and if you are a big drinker, you should bring your own. That way you get to drink what you want to drink. Whatever anyone was drinking, they probably had a lot of it because the guy had a ton of damage done to him. He was punched and kicked and stomped on and has had plastic surgery to correct the damage inflicted.

You know what I want to know? How that whole naming our kids conversation went between John Mellencamp and the mom, Elaine Irwin. How does conversation lead to Hud and Speck.


  1. Ugh! Hopefully the guy was so drunk he didn't feel much of the beat down. A good way to have your sons automatically pegged as good ole boys, is to name them Hud and Speck.

  2. Hud was named after the film, Speck was John's BELOVED grandfather's name. Asshole.

    *GASP* Kids try to get alcohol.

  3. One only hopes so, Pip. Jeebus! :( Sounds like a good ol' boy mob mentality here. Ugh!

  4. If I were 5'1 and named Hud or Spek I would learn how to fight, too. Probably beginning since I could walk and talk and tell people what my name was.

    1. Exactly! Totally cosign. Names make the kid.

  5. The severe beating part of this story disturbs me. Something is not right with someone who can willfully inflict pain on another human. Dont know how JCM will handle it, but i hope he ponies up for this guys injuries.

    1. I think Speck (or whatever) is actually a trained boxer. Spoiled rich kid.

  6. Cougar appeared on Letterman only a month or so ago with a VERY ugly black eye, which he admitted on TV that one of his sons gave him. Yikes.

  7. Apparently one of them is a boxer, they punched, kicked and stamped on him. I thought it was because earlier in the night the guy tried to break up a fight and they took exception. Nothing more than thugs. Poor guy :(

  8. He should have named them Spud and Heck.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      @carolyn - hahahahahah! : )

  9. A nasty, dirty dealing asshole has two entitled little evil shits?

    Huh. Who could have ever had a hint?

  10. It's clear that the writer of this post has no idea why the fight went down, so why even speculate and throw misinformation out there? As a loyal reader, I sometimes think this blog would do itself a service by just reporting the facts, mam.

  11. I remember some years ago, JCM had some sort of "docu-drama" about him and his large headed self, his lovely model wife, Elaine, and these bratty kids of his. Seems even way back then, they were a handful and were not shy about smacking JCM around a little then, and as I remember, they were a little disenchanted about their upbringing and his smelly random abandonments.

  12. 'smelly random abandonments'! Just the way it's worded is cracking me up.

    Man, I had such a mad crush on JCM back in the day. One of the downfalls of reading gossip sites: finding out your faves are assholes. :/

  13. (from USAToday, for those of you who don't want to go by Enty's idle speculations):

    Court documents describe a brutal beatdown during the early hours of July 29, when a 19-year-old man told police both Mellencamps and Smith came to his home here after a party.

    According to a probable cause affidavit, Speck Mellencamp thought the 19-year-old had punched him at the party. The 19-year-old told police that Speck Mellencamp punched him so hard in the face that he fell down.

    After that, all three of the men began kicking, punching and stomping on the 19-year-old before his roommates came outside and pulled two of the men off him, the affidavit said.

    The fight continued until both Mellencamps and Smith ran away from the home, according to the affidavit. The 19-year-old and his roommates reported the beating to police.

    Police later interviewed the brothers, and they said the fight was "in response to Speck having been struck in the face by someone at that residence earlier in the night," according to the probable cause affidavit. When asked why they did not file a report about the first fight, Speck told police "it never occured to him, that he was upset."

    The 19-year-old was taken to Monroe Hospital, where he was treated for facial fractures, required sutures, and was referred to a plastic surgeon for consultation for his injuries.

  14. Hows his other kids doing--you know, Chud, Crud, Dud, Spick, and Span?
    Sorry, but I just hate it when people give their kids stupid names. And I love John Mellencamp, always have, but honestly, kids have a way of living up to--or in this case, down to--their names. This story should be put into every baby name book from here out henceforth.

  15. We should be glad he didn't name one of them Cougar...

  16. Where's their Mom? Isn't Elaine Irwin currently pregnant again by Jay Penske, thought I read that. Doesn't Penske own Variety and the Hollywood Reporter? Would she be living mostly in LA then.

    Sounds like the boys are mostly on their own while their parents play with new partners elsewhere. Indiana summers are long and hot.

  17. Jeez, "Enty." A quick Google will explain the names. One is a family name, IIRC. I've heard worse.

    Mellencamp is an asshole?! Really? I thought he was a salt-of-the-earth nice guy and everyone in Seymour loved him. Huh.

    (I mean, any guy whose first wife takes his SECOND wife shopping for her wedding dress can't be all bad, right?!)

  18. Really Enty why is it you can't tell the entire story? Like there was a THIRD man which just happens to be the son of the IU baseball coach Tracy Smith. Arrest warrants have been issued for Ty Smith, Speck Mellencamp and Hud Mellencamp.
    Sorry I don't know how to link

  19. I live in Indy and these boys played Rugby is high school. We were at the games and these boys were total cocky assholes. We would see John and Meg at the games (even some away ones) but we never saw Elaine. We saw them for two years of Rugby.

  20. I live in Indy and these boys played Rugby is high school. We were at the games and these boys were total cocky assholes. We would see John and Meg at the games (even some away ones) but we never saw Elaine. We saw them for two years of Rugby.

    1. forgot to add, John was a total dick but Meg was super nice and friendly.

  21. Elaine's gorgeous. I approve.

  22. I remember Elaine writing a modelling advice column for "YM" magazine back in the 1990s. Heh.

    These two guys sound like spoiled d-bags and they both have terrible names, especially "Speck" which sounds way too close to a racial slur.
