Friday, August 16, 2013

John Mellencamp's Sons Arrested For Battery

John Mellencamp's two teen sons Hud and Speck (above) (18 and 19) along with another man turned themselves into police this week after arranging to surrender. The trio, including Mellencamp's sons beat the crap out of some guy after the guy threw a party. I guess the teens did not like the party or something. maybe the guy went cheap and it was BYOB and the Mellencamp kids took exception to that. I don't think you can ever take exception to that. Booze can be expensive and if you are a big drinker, you should bring your own. That way you get to drink what you want to drink. Whatever anyone was drinking, they probably had a lot of it because the guy had a ton of damage done to him. He was punched and kicked and stomped on and has had plastic surgery to correct the damage inflicted.

You know what I want to know? How that whole naming our kids conversation went between John Mellencamp and the mom, Elaine Irwin. How does conversation lead to Hud and Speck.


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