Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Joe Francis Sentenced To 270 Days In Jail

Yesterday morning, convicted sex offender, Joe Francis sauntered into court in a brand new suit while his latest idiot girlfriend was dressed in about $5000 worth of clothes and bags. I guess if you are willing to put up with Joe Francis, he has to do something to make you want to stay. Back in May, convicted sex offender, Francis had been found guilty of assault and false imprisonment when he wouldn't let two women leave his house because he wanted sex from them and they wouldn't give it to him. He faced five years in jail, but got less than a year because the judge was too nice. I mean this is a guy, who forget all of his other crimes, called the jury who convicted him retarded and said they all should be euthanized. The judge allowed Francis to go free on $250,000 bail while he appeals his verdict. Even if he does eventually go to jail, he will probably just end up serving a week or something ridiculous which will certainly dissuade him from being an a-hole again won't it?


  1. He's the definition of douche bag!

  2. He has the oddest face. Will all that money he paid for this? Ewwwww

  3. Couldn't happen to nicer guy....his arrogance knows no bounds. He treats his gf like a pet & saying the jury is "retarded & should be euthanized"?!?! Touchè Joe, touchè.

  4. I wish I had the priviledge to do some dumb shit like that and still get off. Wtf is up with the court systems man, this is ridiculous.

  5. There's no way to penalize this guy for what he's done to society. That Girls Gone Wild mentality of the early 2000s really kept lowering the bar for class and what girls thought they had to do to be sexy and fun and get guys to like them.

    1. Tyank you! I thought thebsame thing when GGW first started.
      The VMA's were only the latest example.

  6. hopefully the anger management classes will help him. one can hope.

  7. The post implies that the girlfriend was dressed in bags.

  8. Ugh, this guy. Lets jack this thread instead to talk a out last bjght's Pretty Little Liars!!!!

  9. @VIP - I was hoping someone would bring that up!!!!

  10. Unfortunately, I'm starting to lose track of all the actual A team members and the various red herrings. Was Mona actually the original A, or was it someone else who was harassing Ali? The only way last night's twist fits at all is if it's been him (not saying a name in case there's anyone who hasn't watched yet) all along and he didn't join midway through. But also, what the f were all the suits about? Have we ever once seen him wear one?

  11. Jesus - comma splice much new Enty?

  12. @Cathy Mona and Toby weren't actually A, they were (are?) on A's payroll, just like Cece. They're not pulling the strings. Last night, they stumbled on the person who had been pulling the strings. Big A, if you will :)

  13. Also, have you noticed that all the key A suspects have a name that ends in A? JennA. MonA. MelissA. ShanA. Plus the new one.

  14. @VIP - but Mona said that she acted alone until she was in Radley; that's when big A contacted her.

  15. Yay PLL! @Cathy, I think the room they found belongs to the top A. Mona & Cece were working for him. But I don't think it's who they showed. I think he just followed the girls there.

  16. I so think he is the big A! It makes the show much more interesting.

    1. @a non Agreed! I hope they don't cop out and say he just stumbled in there. Lucy Hale said in an interview a while ago that she hopes AriA and EzrA are behind it all, and I like that idea too!

  17. But if Ali is still alive and big A is out to get her, then it makes sense for there to be two teams, with Cece on Ali's team.

    1. @Cathy That would be an interesting twist! I thought Cece was working against Ali

  18. @Cathy, they found the bank records that showed he was paying Cece. I thought Cece hated Ali now bc she blamed her for getting kicked out of school.

  19. @ethorne - good catch. So if Ali is alive, then who did they find/bury/re-entomb? It would be really annoying if they do the twin thing from the book at this point...

    1. @Cathy, idk, but finding out psychic lady pulled her out of the ground was weird.

  20. So is Caleb going to Ravenswood and never coming back? :(

    1. @Lotta Yep! Apparently that bus ticket was one way. But you get two hours of him on 10/22 when PLL and Ravenswood do their crossover premiere :)

    2. Ugh YES! What's with the creepy old looking photo of him they showed in the teaser?!

    3. Lotta, I think so! They showed him getting on the bus & switching the sign from Rosewood to Ravenswood. I figured that's it for Caleb. Except for the Halloween ep, but that's all in Ravenswood

  21. Cathy, I think they will do the twin thing. Seems the only way to explain it.

  22. There's a twin thing?!?! So excited for this to play out!!

  23. But what about Hannah!? How can he just leave her like that? I love those two together. Ezra and Aria... not so much.

    1. @Lotta Maybe he physically can't leave? Isn't he like one of the "five" in Ravenswood, and it's all tied to some supernatural mystery?

    2. @VIP- i didn't know anything about a curse! I need to start reading up on Ravenswood.

  24. The only thing I've heard about Ravenswood is a 5 person curse. So I'm thinking Caleb gets himself cursed on the Halloween ep & has to stay.

  25. @ethorne- the commercial with the feathers in the cemetery gave me the goosebumps.

    @Cathy- do you think that means AriA will be in the A Team at some point?

  26. FWIW, on some other boards, people are super suspicious of HannA. The way she zeroed in on that diary, and apparently creepy old lady was looking right at HannA when she said that Alison can't trust some of them

    1. @VIP, I haven't read any other boards yet. When I've looked before, people were always way suspicious of Aria. She doesn't seem to get it as bad as everyone else. But that could go with Ezra being A too.
      I forgot about Hanna scooping up that diary!

    2. @ethorne I know! I'm dying to know what's in it!!!!

  27. @VIP- oooh that's a good theory too. I was wondering what it was that she stashed in her bag. BTW i loved that little yellow crossbody. I want one!

  28. Where is Jenna?! Is she still blind?!

    1. Where are Lucas and Jason?

      Soo many questions, its like Lost all over again

    2. @ethorne and @a non Jenna is heavily pregnant in real life right now. Would be kind of fun if they wrote that into the show, wouldn't it?

    3. @a non- didn't Lucas pretty much skip town? He was getting in too deep.

    4. I know he's being homeschooled but whatever happened to JAson

    5. LOL at Lost! I think JAson skipped town when Spencer covered up his drunken hit & run. I just remembered he's her brother too.

  29. I'm always wondering where Spencer's parents are. She always seems to be by herself. And is Ella ever coming back? Lol it's been forever.

    1. Her dad is miA

      EllA is overseas with her new beau isn't she?

    2. @Lotta and @a non Yep, Ella's is still on her European vacation. Also, people on other boards are pointing out that the only people on the show that wear suits are Hanna's dad and Spencer's dad...

  30. I'd be more suspicious of AriA than HannA. Especially if the big A is who they showed.

    1. Go read PLL tumblrs & you'll be half convinced AriA is A before you know it.

  31. Jeez, I jump on a call for 50 minutes and I miss everything!

    Five minutes before my next meeting... @a non a miss - i think you're confusing jason and lucas. lucas was being home-schooled. jason skipped town when he vanished from the hosptital (the actor is now on devious maids).

  32. Also, keep in mind that since they're in their senior year, the EP said that everything will be going VERY slow now, so Ella hasn't actually been gone that long.

    1. Yes @Cathy! Toby said something like,"Last night when I tried to break into the doctor's car." I thought Whaaat? That was about 4 episodes ago.

    2. @Cathy and @ethorne That makes so much sense! It's like, when was the last time either of Aria's parents were home?! LOL

  33. Thanks for posting that @VIP! Now I'm trying to remember who CeCe said she was scared of when she left town before.

    1. Thanks @VIP!

      @Cathy, Cece claimed to be scared of Wilden.

  34. Also, it was Ali watching them from the hole in the wall according to Sasha Pieterse's Instagram (the actress who plays Alison)

  35. So if CeCe was telling the truth that she was scared of Wilden, does it make sense for them both to be working for Big A?

    And how do Melissa/Wren/Jenna/Shana figure into this? Are they on Big A's payroll too? Or are they a separate team as well? (In addition to Ali being her own entity)

    1. @Cathy, I have a feeling there's 2 teams. One is big A & Cece. The other is Jenna/ Shana/Melissa. I think A was fucking with Melissa's team too. I think Ali is just running around doing her own damn thing.

  36. There's a really good write up on Wetpaint

    @Cathy I always thought that MelissA's group killed Allison

    1. "Killed" Alison. Forgot the quotes :)

    2. Good theory VIP! That could be how big A is screwing with Melissa's team.

  37. He could spend years in jail and he will still be a douche He's awful.

  38. Bah!!! I can't read this thread because I haven't seen the finale yet!! I will watch it after work tonight and then log back in to read all of your comments... I watch the show while cooking dinner, so I feel like I am missing a lot. Will definitely check on this thread later today!!!

  39. Oh - and Joe Francis is a douche of the highest order.

  40. tvline has an interview with oliver goldstick - you know, assuming he isn't lying here the way he did after the toby reveal last year:

    1. @Cathy Oooh, thanks for posting this!! I'm with Lucy Hale; she said in an interview that she hopes A turns out to be Aria and Ezra. Me too!! :)

  41. Just wait until he drops the soap and sees Inmates Gone Wild!!

  42. Pll posts jacking a post about a real life, violent sexual abuser? A man who made his considerable wealth by degrading women and attacking tthem for about 20 years. Hurting many women and almost no repercussions. My hope is the appeal will end with another guilty verdict, and an even longer prison sentence. His appeal is high risk for such a known deviant. Hopefully prison will be violent and degrading for Joe and he pays a fortune to stay alive.

  43. @VIP @ethorne @Lotta that was awesome!!!!!!
