Monday, August 26, 2013

Huma Abedin And Anthony Weiner Talking Divorce

Over the weekend, one of my most trustworthy spies just happened to be seated at the table next to Huma Abedin for dinner. Huma was with a girlfriend of hers and didn't seem to be all that concerned with who was listening to her. The focus of the evening's conversation was on how Hum and her husband, Anthony Weiner have been planning a divorce announcement and that prior to November he plans on withdrawing from the mayoral election and the next day, the couple will announce the are divorcing. From what was also heard, it sounds as if both of them have already been to respective lawyers and there is nothing to argue about and that "agreements" cover everything with their marriage and their child.

There was also talk about the weather. Huma said she had not had sex in months. No clue on how many months, just "months." Huma barely touched her food and the spy, who has an appetite like mine, wanted to ask her if she was going to eat it because all the food was really good and she just threw 95% of hers away. Oh, and Hillary is doing really well. Yeah, I'm assuming it is not Hilary Duff they were speaking about.


  1. interesting news if its true.

  2. Hmm i thought her name was Human Ape for a sec, forgive my slight dyslexia.

  3. They both need a cheeseburger

  4. What a mess these two are. Just a few weeks ago she was telling everyone to believe in him because she did. And then the bottom fell out of his campaign. True love.

  5. He's a monster and she's a sucker for believing in him.

  6. Totally see that coming.

  7. Too convenient. This must be 11year old enty writing this one.

  8. These 2 are a total disaster

  9. @Vera, he's not a monster, lol. A-hole yes, and she's no sucker. As part of the political establishment she's an opportunist out for herself. Now that she realizes he's not going to resurrect his political career, she's dumping him.

  10. Why mention Hillary at all? Hmmm

  11. The NYC Democratic mayoral primary is September 10. After that, he won't have to drop out. He'll be out.

    Since Weiner's implosion, one of the leading candidates has been Bill de Blasio, whom I went to school with. He is a kind, lovely man, good-hearted, and entirely ineffectual. He would make a terrible mayor.

  12. @Miss MoR, Hilary is mentioned because Huma made her political name working for Hilary, and it is assumed that she will be instrumental in any Clinton 2016 presidential bid.

    Hilary has not endorsed any candidate in the mayoral race, although she is connected to both Weiner and deBlasio, who was briefly her campaign manager when she first ran for Senate.

  13. I don't see Weiner as a monster, just a cheating idiot who can't keep it in his pants (the idiot part comes in because how could he think for a second this wouldn't get revealed, especially after the first time?)

    Good luck to get. And hey, him too. He just needs to be single and be honest that he likes to mess with multiple ladies.

  14. took her long enough.

  15. Do it Huma! Flee! Fleeeeee!!

  16. Get=her. I hate iPhone autocorrect lol

  17. Wasn't she screwing Hilary Clinton?

  18. I think she's pathetic.

  19. I believe she thought they were working on the marriage and things were getting 'better'. I honestly think she was blindsided by the latest rounds of Carlos Danger.

    I thought her body launguage was very telling.

    Can't fault anyone for trying to save their marriage, and won't fault anyone for reaching their 'enough' point.

  20. If I were Huma, I'd much rather be with Duff than Clinton.

    After the divorce, Weiner should just embrace his inner perv and get an endorsement with some cam site or some adult hook up site. Or open one of his own.

  21. Huma endorsed Anthony's run for mayor and publicly stated she believed in him after the Carlos Danger incident. Apparently she was only interested in saving their marriage if he could save his political career.

  22. I remember reading a blind that said that huma is hillary clinton's lover and that's why hillary takes her everywhere, often unnecessarily. Which is why Weiner sexts other women. This article is implying the opposite. My gut is telling me that huma knew what she was doing at that lunch.

  23. She's not pathetic. She's like a lot of women (and men) who pursue guys/gals like this. And if Clinton will be the next president, with everyting that's going on in the world, do I give a shit if she's fucking Huma? Actually not at all.

  24. Thx @Nutty Flavor for reminding Enty there will be a primary Weiner will lose. I Robt think its necessary for Hillary to be involved in this because I dint think her primary residence is in the city but in Westchester which doesn't vote for NYC mayor.

  25. Huma's no fool; I can't imagine she would discuss her private life in a public place she could be overheard so easily.

  26. Hillary Clinton has as much chance of being President in 2016 as Ted Kennedy does. Half the Dems and all the Repubs can't stand her. She thought the 2008 primary was going to be a coronation, and she was sadly mistaken. The Clinton brand and the crazy eyes make her thoroughly unelectable.

    Who then for the Dems?

    I like Biden, but he puts his foot in his mouth too much to be POTUS. If he was smart he would keep the VP spot while another Washington outsider to the top spot.

    I don't know much about the other potential campaigners, but I'd put Cuomo and Warner as the front runners.

    This 2016 is the election the parties both REALLY want to win. The Obamacare mess will be up and running and the economy should be on the up hill climb. Lil bit of positive economic policy and the next POTUS should be able to take credit for 8 years of prosperity.

    1. @Count - the economy would have a hard time being on more of an uphill climb. The only thing that isn't looking great is employment, which is a lagging indicator. Unemployment is always lowest just before a market correction. For an illustration of this look at how long it took (almost two years) between the financial crash in '07 and peak unemployment in '09. By '16 employment will be up but markets will be settling down. Plus election cycles breed uncertainty in the markets leading to volatility and some investors pulling back to wait it out and see who wins. We are already starting to see the personal savings rate trend down as consumers stop squirreling cash away and start spending again. Since the US economy is two-thirds consumer spending, this is a good sign. However, the Fed has already made noise about interest rates going up which will tend to slow things down again. After the last fiasco the entire system has lost some of its tolerance for all that risk-heavy cowboy shit that got us into that mess in the first place.

      Clinton will run, and judging by the absolute mess that is the Republican party these days she will win handily. UNLESS Chris Christie runs, then it is even money since they aren't very far apart on most substantive matters anyway.

  27. Huma's going up in the world and Weiner is on the slide down....

  28. Huma's going up in the world and Weiner is on the slide down....

  29. Huma's going up in the world and Weiner is on the slide down....

  30. If this is at all true...Do you blame Weiner for sexting since his frigid wife just admitted she hasn't given him sex in months?

  31. Huge surprise-NOT!!
    @ jon- chicken and egg, msn, the chicken or the egg

  32. Yep that's our politicos-aren't they great?

    Any wonder the country is in the shape its in?

    Huma needs to extricate herself from the scandal so she can go back to work for Clinton for the next election-otherwise Hillary would not be able to use her due to all of the attention.

    Now everyone will feel sorry and accept her.

  33. VP Biden may say the wrong thing at times, but the guy knows politics and Washington inside and out. Although these days that could be considered as much of a negative as it could a positive. However, I don't think he can win the presidency. Not exactly the most energetic or passionate dude.

    In the case of Huma, this should work out tremendously for her in the future. It's also now nice to hear that Weiner has finally accepted reality in that he hasn't a chance of winning. I have a feeling he pretty much always knew that anyway.

  34. He is a monster. A sub-species human. I can't believe anyone would breed with him. She'll have her hands full with that kid. Off to boarding shool first chance. Better yet, give him full custody.

    She is scum for continuing to lie for him. Bottom feeder. They both belong back in the gutter like the trash they are.
