Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Enough About Miley Cyrus

For the past 72 hours all I have been hearing about and reading and seeing is Miley Cyrus and her MTV performance. The singer didn't sing and took the opportunity of a worldwide audience to generate as much buzz as she could because her record sales are not doing that great. If you don;t think it was intended to shock and awe, then you must not have realized that Miley had 5 people on payroll that night specifically tracking Twitter and other social media and knew within 30 minutes of her performance that she accomplished what she wanted.

The past few days have just been more of a boon to her and she is going to keep on doing it and doing it until she is the most famous name in the world. She wants to be back where she was in the past but wants to be able to do it her way which means out there in every sense of the word. If you told her she could sell a million albums a minute if she would have sex with a pony, she would already in a car driving to a farm.

Did it encourage date rape as Cyndi Lauper said? No. Was it amazing and a work of art like Adam Lambert said? No. It was what the Video Music Awards have always been. A place to shock and a place to get some buzz and Miley is guaranteed some nominations and wins next year even if she only releases a recording of her having sex with a group of teddy bears.


  1. Being a whore is what's cool now, not being talented. Sad, but true.

  2. Most of what I've seen has been far from positive and makes her the butt of the joke. I highly doubt that was what she was aiming for.

  3. I wish Miley would just go full whore and show her piss flaps.

  4. You know what?

    If Steven Tyler, Mick Jagger, David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar, Prince -- or Robin Thicke -- did a sexual bit like that, we'd call it "Tuesday."

    It's a pop star selling sex! Don't be sexist about it!

    1. I wish people woul stop crying sexism and just admit tht the fuckin performance was terrible. I dont give two shits about her outfit, her sexual gestures, or her body. The fuckin performance itself was bad. I know she can sing way better than that! I can she can dance way better than that! Thats the problem here. The shit was terrible.

    2. Amen. Saying it was too sexual connotates she achieved some level successfully. Which she didn't.

    3. @kels, I agree. I feel that what brought out everyone's inner prude was the fact that she looked like an awkward gawky teenager who can't dance and was attempting all these sexay moves but was utterly unconvincing and therefore simply looked lewd and crude. I mean, Bruno Mars sang the most blatantly sexual song of the night, and demonstrated some seriously sexual thrusting with his hips, yet the PTC hasn't mentioned him, have they?

  5. We damn, I HAD forgotten it already. Why'd ya have to bring it up AGAIN?!?! Clicks??????

    Now I'm just annoyed I took the bait....

  6. *Well damn, that is.

  7. She was terrible. One of the most awkward, unco performances I have ever seen, and about as sexy as my grandmother when she takes her teeth out. Gross. Can we PLEASE move on now? Thanks!

  8. <--- It's just Miley being Miley! And I do think she's more the butt of the joke than the cool sexy creature she was trying to be. She looked like a lizard when she popped out of that pedobear - her lizard tongue reminded me of the scene in Starsky and Hutch when Big Earl made Hutch be the dragon when they were questioning him in jail. I love that movie so much. . . .

  9. The difference is Steven Tyler, Mick Jagger, David Lee Roth, Sammy Hagar, Prince, and even Madonna and Lady Gaga use sex to market their talent, not replace it.

  10. Idk WTH that kid was trying to accomplish. However if sexy was her goal, she failed miserably. The fit of those vinyl pants on her non ass (or naan ass as MichealK referred to it lol) was horrible! The tongue, the girl, just no no.

    1. @Hannah....MK never fails to come up with the craziest yet most spot-on descriptions. HOW does he DO it?!? ;)

  11. It was awful, but the slut-shaming is getting old.

  12. I disagree with the double-standard bit. If a dude wore no shirt and never-nudes and pretended to masturbate with a foam finger while dry humping a married mom (say Gwen Stefani or something), motorboating a woman's ass, and acting like a general asshole with his tongue constantly wagging, we would not call that Tuesday. We would call it an embarrassing mess that treated women like objects.

    It's not a "scandal" because she's a girl, it's a "scandal" because it was way too much and incredibly awkward.

  13. I still say Jim Carey wore it better on In Living Color.

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    It was the highlight of my week watching that. Rain snarkiness on that little performance as much as you like but that lil bump n grind got the desired effect. And i cannot attest to Miley's talent as a singer but that country gal does now how to entertain.

  15. Remember Christina's "I'm 21 and I'm comfortable w my sexuality" phase? She still sang her guts out and just did her thing. Miley is doing someone else's thing and it's just not sitting right. Her voice suits country music. And she needs to stop trying to dance because she can't and its just horrible to watch.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      The bum less chaps!

  16. Robin Thicke is such a slut, such a whore. His wife, his child, his parents, his 3rd grade teacher..they all must be so proud!

    Fuck you slut shamers. Assholes.

  17. I didn't care really. I'm just sick of seeing that gross nasty tongue of hers, which isn't a recent thing. She's been doing that tongue shit for years.

  18. It's like nobody has seen the Beetlejuice pictures of Robin Thicke...he'a getting clowned on too. I've heard plenty of people call him skeevy and pervy. And creepy.

    Anything to defend crap, I suppose. Give it up.

  19. Let her try. She'll get the attention, it will keep having to up the ante and then she'll run into what Timberlake & Jackson ran into: the FCC. Once someone has to she'll put some money in fines, she'll start thinking about her business instead of this crap.

  20. Im no prude, I have no problem with sexiness, this was just sleaze. Possibly the WORST MTV VMAs ever. Taylor Swift came out looking like a total spiteful bitch, with her award acceptance comment and the speculated F-bomb. But still stands above everyone else in maturity and class despite all of that.

    Since this was a few mere days after the teen choice awards, Many in the front row just looked tired and bored, just did not want to be there as they went through this crap a few days ago. No wonder Demi skipped to be with her slimy boyfriend.

  21. The performance was bad. Period.

  22. Why do people think calling slut-shaming is a way to cut off disparaging comments?

    It's so not.

    No one cares who Miley is screwing. It's about how much brain bleach they need for that ridiculous performance. It was a 13-year-old's perception of what sexy might be and really isn't. It was a desperate demand for attention with no display of actual talent.

    This isn't about pearl-clutching. Pearl-clutchers don't watch the VMAs, except the Parents Television Council to make money off it. It's about five minutes of our life we'll never get back.

  23. It was awful, a lot like her video that made no sense. Miley has a great voice and is cute, but she's trying to transform herself into a Madonna/Gaga/Xtina mishmash of relevance.

    I think the reason it's focusing on her instead of douche Thicke is it was supposed to be her performance. She came out first, she did the tongue, the twerking, the pedobear, the foam finger humping. Gaga's show is performance art compared to the twerk-out.

  24. I watched it after hearing ALL about it for days afterwards. The only shocking thing about it was the dancing pedobears. Other than that, it was a typical VMA performance designed to get people talking about it. Madonna started it waaaay back in the 80's and it has continued on since then. Miley little thing was nothing you haven't already seen in an existing video from the past 30 odd years.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Yeap! And if they think Miley was masturbating they need to see Madonna in her blonde ambition tour with that pillow.

  25. Incisive inquiries in our time:

    Who, exactly, is shaming her because she's a slut?

    For that matter: How do you shame the shameless?

    Are dancing sexfurries actually "shocking"? If the issue has already been addressed on an episode of CSI, does it still count as "shocking?"

    Dear VMAs,
    Do a different dance, monkey.
    You are not entertaining us.
    Nor are you fooling anyone with this tired story about how America just can't handle your "shocking" chorus line of dull vulgar fugly.

  26. I feel sorry for this girl. I just feel she is receiving very bad advice only aimed at "making the buzz" like we say in France, but at the expense of her professional/artistic longevity/sustainability.

    I am not bothered by female sexual expression, I loved Xtina Aguilera's drrrrty persona. She was assertive and proud.

    With Miley it just feels like she is attempting to express sexuality for purposes that are not sexual nor artistic

    My two cent!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Good on her for accomplishing her goal even if her performance was crap.

  29. She looked like a fool, but I bet it's killing Lady Gaga that Miley stole her thunder.

  30. Before you say "enough" be sure to read this. It's awesome.

  31. Haven't seen it, no desire to watch, but I can't believe it's still headline news. Really? We're about to go to war with Syria and everyone is still talking Miley?

    I feel sorry for her, she is not in a good place. She needs to go away for awhile. Oh and end it with Liam already, that's just fucking with her head.

  32. The real irony is MTV still has VMA's. They never play videos ever. Almost all the acts we lip-syncing. Its a fucking music show, hire acts who can sign live.

    Miley isnt worthy of all this attention. Can't sing barely dance.....

  33. She looked like an untalented ass as did Robin Thicke. And they displayed their barely there talents while dry humping to a horrible song.

  34. I'm against slut shaming as much as the next guy - and in fact I'll come out and say Thicke looked like a fat middle-aged perv in that stupid suit. He looked like Alec Baldwin as a pedophile.

    But Miley - poor kid. She clearly has no smart people advising her. She's going for the Lady Gaga thing and she doesn't have the talent. That dancing - God, she moves like those stick legs of hers weigh 100 pounds each. That tongue. Her desire to shock is pathetic and I'm sorry, it WILL inflict that kind of cartoon sexuality on another generation of fucked up little girls.

    A desperate for attention Lolita and a pervy fatass in a striped suit. Yeah, that's some sexy, VH1.

  35. Dolly Parton is her godmother. I just can't help but wonder what exactly she thinks of the whole debacle.

  36. Cyndi L did not say that Miley's performance encouraged date rape, she said that Robin Thicke's song lyrics condone it. Get your facts on, Enty!

  37. I don't care WTF the gawky child did. She just looks ridiculous lolling her tongue out like a dog while doing it. Robin Thicke should be ashamed for wearing Beetlejuice's suit.

  38. Adam Lambert did not say it was "amazing" or "a work of art". He said, and I quote:

    ‏@adamlambert 27 Aug

    Hold up! I didn't actually state whether or not I liked @MileyCyrus performance. I merely said she was having fun and to cut her some slack

    And I say: Exactly. I agree.

  39. Thank God Miley was born otherwise sex and the novel idea/talent of the sticking of one's tongue out would never have been invented.

  40. The most entertaining part for me is seeing all the comments on other sites where people say they feel sorry for her "nice and mature" boyfriend. Haha! I want to say "Have you heard the shit he does?" Hell, she probably did it all on a dare. It was a game for her.
