Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dr. Luke Won't Be The Third Judge On American Idol

Somewhere in the far corner of his house, Randy Jackson is rubbing his hands together and snickering. Randy had managed to go from not being on the show and grabbing the huge paycheck, to at least being the in house mentor. Now, it turns out that Randy might end up being a judge after all. Dr. Luke had been named and confirmed as the third judge on the show and is a person who actually knows what he is talking about which would have made a welcome change. Sony though, had other plans for him.

Idol's label is Universal. Dr. Luke's label is Sony. They won't let him promote or help another record label and I totally understand that.

The only competition for Randy to get back his judging spot is Justin Bieber's manager. I wonder why they want him? To spot which of the girls are really 12 year old boys?


HJ said...

Why would they announce a new judge before a contract was signed and all the legalities worked out? Dumb. They look like idiots. Isn't that show a billion dollar machine? Where's the lawyers and other smart people?

MontanaMarriott said...

Uhm that last line is lost on me, unless is some sort of pedofile innuendo

Kelly said...


libby said...

Hadn't heard of this guy, so I googled his discography. His good new this week is that he's got Miley's #BANGERZ release coming up!

In all seriousness though, I like the diversity of artists he's worked with. This guy could have given AI new credibility.

nevermindthat said...

Who the hell is Dr. Luke?

DewieTheBear said...

Dr. Who?

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Who is this dude? Why is he called "Doctor"? Has he an MD? The US has more famous non-graduated doctors with that title than the Marvel Universe.

annabella said...

I hate to say it, but justin bieber's manager seems like a very shrewd, interesting guy. he started as a party promoter when he was in college. don't know if he's really a judge of talent (ex. the biebs) but of marketability.

I don't watch AI anymore, but he's not a total loss if that's what people are thinking.

Anonymous said...


OKay said...

Yep, never heard of him either. However, he at least apparently has some genuine talent and music cred, as opposed to being a "name". What a novel idea for AI!

OKay said...

P.S. How the hell does anyone get pedophile innuendo out of that last line?

Pookie said...

scooter is trying to clean up his name, so i could see this happening.

Seven of Eleven said...

If he hooked up with Dr. Laura, would Dr. Luke and Dr. Laura work at General Hospital?

I've never heard of him but what an impressive resume. SNL lead guitarist for 10 years, went on to become a producer and songwriter, grammy nominated.

SingBlue said...

In other un-related news, Professor Green isn't really a Professor too.

I mean, I'm sure there are some actual Professor Green's in various academic institutions around the world, but I doubt many are rappers / singer-songwriters.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Who the fuck is Dr. Luke?

Rose said...

I was wondering if I should know who this is but I guess not since nobody else does. Maybe AI is trying to balance out J.LO's extreme salary.

CK76 said...

Remember G.E. Smith from SNL (married to Gilda)?

Seven of Eleven said...

@CK76, YES! The SNL from my youth was "featuring G.E. Smith and the Saturday Night Live band!" I read that Howard Shore was the original SNL music director (before my time), too.

RangersGirl said...

Dr. Luke produces half the songs you hear on the radio ad nauseam. Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Miley's Party in the USA, that Jessie J song that was popular here. He practically owns Kesha.

I was wondering how Idol was going to get around the fact that he runs a division of Sony. Now we know lol

RangersGirl said...

and Idol is basically over now for all intents & purposes. Bonehead move bringing back J Lo & it's probably safe to say that Randy will be putting us all to sleep again.

Unknown said...

What difference does it make if this guy works for Sony vs Universal, all the various AI judges have worked for different record companies

that is one lame excuse

I mean Bieber is with Island Def Jam what's the difference.

di butler said...

Dr. Luke is a big deal in the music biz. And Miley's new music is pretty good. I like her new ballad that's just been released, and I've heard parts of her new one with Britney, and the one w/Nicki M.

Tim Symonds said...

New posting -

Sherlock Holmes pastiches -

Book Review by Xanthe Mallett
(2012) J. JURIS 587
University of New England
Armidale, Australia


Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Bulgarian Codex
By Tim Symonds

A new Sherlock Holmes novel has a lot to live up to. And frankly, I was
not hopeful for this offering. As an avid Arthur Conan Doyle – and Holmes
– fan, I was sceptical that anyone could match Conan Doyle’s intellect
whilst matching his fast-paced and gripping style. I was wrong. Symonds'
story could be described as a gripping yarn which captured the essence of
both Holmes and Watson very well.

The story in short: Holmes and his faithful sidekick Watson are contacted by the
mysterious and duplicitous Prince Regnant of Bulgaria, following the apparent theft
of an ancient and sacred manuscript. Holmes is tasked with finding the
manuscript, and by extension preventing the outbreak of War. The lives of millions are in his

So, plot set, the trusty duo set off for Bulgaria, travelling on the Orient Express through beautifully
described landscapes. As one would expect, the story is not as simple as it at
first appears, and what follows is a tale of murder, greed, and vampires.
There are the requisite unexpected twists and turns. A tale worthy of
Holmes any day.

So, although I expected to be disappointed, I was not. The language
Tim Symonds employs is reminiscent of Conan Doyle, and really transports the
reader on the journey. If I were to offer some small criticism, it would be
that it feels as if the author is trying too hard to link the story to the earlier
texts. But that would be all. And by halfway through this feeling is
forgotten, as is the fact that this is not one of Conan Doyle’s original
offerings – so good is the dialogue and storytelling.

A good test for me is, when you turn the last page, how do you feel? Glad
or disappointed? I was definitely disappointed, as I was enjoying it so much
I didn’t want it to end.


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