Thursday, August 29, 2013

Don't Make A Sex Tape In North Korea

If you are planning on spending a vacation in North Korea and suddenly get in the mood to have sex after seeing all the people starving to death and the all grey uniforms everyone wears, then by all means go ahead and have sex. Just don't record it. The ex-girlfriend of North Korea's leader was executed this week with several other people who all made sex tapes.

Can you imagine if we had that law here? Millions of people would be dead. Half of Hollywood would be gone. The North Korean leader used to date the woman back in the day and she was one of the country's leading pop stars. She had the hit songs, Grey Is Good and The Rumbling In Your Stomach Is A Good Thing and the Korean leader was ordered to break things off with the woman so he did and then he had her killed while her family and friends watched. They were all then taken to prison camps where they will spend the next few years. Huh. Can you imagine if Kim Kardashian was killed for her sex tape and then all her family members were taken to prison camps instead of earning millions of dollars because Kim had sex for money.


  1. Reading the Daily Mail, I see.

  2. I dont get recording sex act anyway when u cld be doing it. Maybe thats just me.

    1. Meant watching recording of sex

  3. My bf and I thought about it and although we are all for weed legalization, it's completely legal in North Korea.

    We think that's how the Kims control the people. Who would even have the motivation to revolt if theres weed everywhere? And on top that youre brainwashed already by propaganda. Just a theory. Its the only way I can understand them not taking over this shit already.

  4. Don't make a sextape.
    Don't think.
    Don't critic gov.
    Don't wear denim or any other Western clothes for that matter.
    Don't pass around the leader's statue without bowing

    Really, fuck North Korea hard. That's hell on earth, socialist hell, which is even worse.

  5. No wonder North Koreans are addicted to meth (news on the papers this week if you don't believe me).

  6. Wow. Girl was executed for making sex tapes and you take the time to make jokes about her music. Stay Klassy.

  7. "Can you imagine if we had that law here? Millions of people would be dead. Half of Hollywood would be gone"

    I'm glad John Lennon cut out those verses.

  8. There's China socialism (er, more like communism), there's Denmark/Finland/Sweden/Canada socialism, and then there's this, which is batshit totalitarianism.

  9. I don't think there was any sex tape. I think that was a pretext to justify executing her. This is North Korea, after all.

  10. Anonymous8:30 AM

    LOL @ suddenly get in the mood to have sex from all the grey uniforms and starving people.

    Enty, you had me at starving. You have a delightfully, wicked sense of humor. Love it!

  11. Yes, @Eros, what could be funnier than the slaughter of innocents and the imprisonment of their families? Personally, I can't think of anything.

    I realize that this is a lowly and getting lowlier gossip site, but seriously, what's happening in n. korea isn't funny.

  12. Sounds like a lovely place to visit.

  13. @unknown - I agree with you, she was an embarassing/too public ex, so she and her family are now disappeared.

  14. Was the leader she made the tape with killed also?

  15. "Enty" if you really think a psychotic dictators EX gf and her friends all made a sex tape and that's why they were executed in NORTH KOREA, well, I have a bridge in brooklyn to sell you.

  16. Nice U-Turn at the end. I was all upset about the tragedy of this oppressive regime murdering people in cold blood until you suggested the same fate for the Kardashians. Now I'm not so sure the idea is all bad. I'm calling my Congressperson.

  17. You write this as if there is something wrong with this type of ending for the Kardashians.

  18. Regarding the Kardashians sent to prison camp -- now that is a version of their reality show that I think I would watch!

  19. If you want to learn more about what's going on inside North Korea, I recommend the book Nothing to Envy by Barbara Dimick. It tells the story of six North Koreans, what their lives were like in North Korea, how they escaped, etc.

  20. What the fuck nonsense is this blog post? Dumb fuck rambling about sex tapes?


    Who fucking cares about her K pop career?

    You don't get to execute your ex girlfriend, except, in North Korea, apparently you do if you Kim Jong Un.

    I can't think of anything more insanely tyrannical or despotic than this! Monkeys babbling about sex tapes and Kardashians, Jesus, the world is bigger than celebrities once in a while.

  21. Does "enty" not know who the leader of North Korea is?This post is just embarrassing.

  22. I'd chip in money to send the Kartrashians on a vacation to North Korea

  23. I can't fanthom how this can happen, it doesn't make any remote sense. Such as: how can anyone possibly justify sending the family to prison? Weird barbaric values. 2013 folks...

  24. I was wondering the same thing Pip. I kept thinking why does he keep saying Leader. Does he mean a vice dictator? Why not say his name, Kim Jong-un?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. It looks like humans are headed for another round of immense fuckery. There is some unnerving shit going on.

  27. making of pornography was supposed to be humiliation for her and their families, who were all punished by association.

    the murders were politically motivated and people like you swallow it up whole
