Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Did Kris Jenner Call Lamar Odom A Crackhead? - Is She Still Taking Her 15% From Him?

I suppose that it's possible that Kris Jenner is not releasing all these stories to TMZ and People about Lamar Odom. Kris Jenner does have Harvey Levin's cell phone number and considering how glowing every single sotry has been about Khloe, you know it's coming from someone in the family. Previously TMZ has usually attributed direct quotes to Kris Jenner, but now, just are saying sources. I wonder if Kris is doing that to protect herself against any lawsuits to be filed by Lamar Odom against her. Yes, she is the mother of Khloe, but she is also the manager of Lamar for everything non sports related.

How would you like it if your manager called you a drug addict and then said, "Oh by the way, I'm still taking 15% of everything you make and telling the world that my other clients are better than you."

I would be thinking lawsuit too.

Yesterday and this morning have been another TMZ explosion against Lamar Odom. After everyone pointed out that Lamar was not missing, TMZ kind of blew over that fact and just said that Khloe had a secret meeting with him and that she is saving him from his terrible crack problem and then said he was doing drugs during the NBA season for years and years.

If you had a manager, and you had paid them close to $500K in commissions, wouldn't you want them to come out and support you and say nice things about you? Have you heard that from Kris Jenner? All you have heard is what an awful person Lamar is and what a wonderful person Khloe is and that she needs her own season of a reality show to get over her pain.


  1. I hope he sues her ass for slander and defamation because she could cost him what little career he has left in the NBA.

  2. Here's to hoping this is the beginning of the end of the Kardashians. I think Kris blew the family wad on this little dirt war, and the public is (finally) starting to see what a vindictive, slimy nutjob she is at heart.

  3. I hate this family

  4. Who CARES what anyone does in that cheap family. For a site who HATES that family, you sure do write an awful a lot about them.

    How about for the remainder of 2013 we make ZERO posts about ANYONE from that disgusting clan. You in?

  5. It's an insult to garbage and rubbish to call this family trash.

  6. I dont think she us his manager, and dont forget she can always claim tough love. Personally, its starting to look like odom DOES have a drug problem. If not, call a press conference, tell us he's fine yadda yadda yadda, end of story. Btw, these players know every trick in the book to beat the drug test, and isnt it to teams advantage to have them pass and play? The nba doesnt give a shit about lamar the person, just the money maker athelete. And its Khloe's husband, kris shouldnt even be involved. What about in past when they said lamars playing was sluggish and unmotivated? Drugs cause that-just ask Gooden. Im saying i think this guy is in trouble.

    1. Wow Kris has people who actually believe this bullshit. Come on, be smarter than that. If Lamar was really on drugs he would have lost his job YEARS ago. If he did do crack somehow, after the first fee tines, the NBA would have known. Year round testing. So do not believe this bullshit.

  7. This piece of shit family makes me want to vomit.

  8. Drug testing in professional sports has come a long way from the time of the '86 Mets, though. It's not perfect, but I think a professional athlete would have a very difficult time sustaining a two-year crack habit with year-round drug testing now as compared with the 1980s.

    Christian Laettner was repeatedly busted for recreational drug use during his career and trust me, having watched him play in person, it was very obvious he was on something (especially after he registered no reaction the time he was hit squarely in the face with the ball).

  9. I think that this whole thing is Lamar's price to pay to get out of the marriage and the K family. He probably doesn't give a shit about his reputation at this point.

  10. Rob smokes pot. I think he has a drug problem too. Has anyone seen him? I think he is missing. He was keeping clean but then his sock line failed. Such disappointment.

    1. The fall of the mighty sock empire...

  11. Mama Kris demonized Kris Humphries when he left Kim and now Lamar will suffer the same fate.

  12. I think its safe to say that Kris Jenner is a kunt of the highest order.

  13. For all the people writing that if he were a junkie his career would be over: American Lance Armstron won 7 (SEVEN) anually held Tours de France and was only convicted years after he retired.
    And cycling in Europe has way harder to pass controls than NBA, NFL or some other steroids/drugs laden American sports.
    I'm not saying that he is guilty or anything, but she could be right. Don't be blind for your hate of the family.

  14. Kermit, that's because he was engaged in a sophisticated, systematic process of masking his PED use, topped off with threatening to destroy *anyone* who exposed the truth (and many who knew the truth tried over the years, only now vindicated by the facts).

    It's a very different situation. We're talking about someone who is alleged to be a crack smoking junkie by the Queen of Reality Pimping.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Very true, plus he's 'donations' to the governing body

  15. Enty spins stories to fit the scenarios he has created.

    He talks about Kris spinning man he spins better than anyone.

  16. Also, there was lots of scuttlebutt that Armstrong was doping when he was winning those Tours, but you weren't supposed to question ol' one-ball because of his having survived cancer.

  17. Dude dug his own hole getting involved with that family. If I was him, I'd have my attorney get a person scouring the internet for quotes to use in the eventual lawsuit.

  18. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Yet another publicity stunt...from trash

  19. Dewie--Good points. AND there was only one Lance; Odom is not irreplaceable anywhere.

  20. On the bright side, this will liberate him from the clutches of that skankbag clan of urine-soaked fuckwits. So there's a bright lining. I've never recommended smoking crack, but if it frees you, it frees you. Torch up Lamar!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Ill say it again. If he's drug free and A ok, have a press conference. He isnt denying, he isnt suing, he isnt saying boo. Even his agent did not deny drug problem, just that he wasnt missing. C'mon, take pmk out of equation, and you have some very questionable behavior on his part.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I think the truth is somewhere in between, drug problem might be has used occasionally. The truth will come out I'm sure but I don't believe PMK wouldn't lie and I agree he isn't doing much damage control

  23. I'm curious as to what the NBA has to say about all of these rumors.

  24. @Penis guy - Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs and blood transfusions, which were not detectable with the tests of the time (and even now they only bust you for the transfusions by trace amounts of plasticizer left by the blood bags). Had he been smoking crack that certainly would have come out at the time.

  25. Crack/coke is out of your system in 3 days, he probably hiding to clean out and then piss in a cup and deny.

    NBA puts their head in the sand as far as drugs go. You have to get arrested or be a complete mess to catch a suspension. Same goes with gambling.

  26. TMZ is definitely in Kris's pocket. Harvey was on her show.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Yeap the day before they got the exclusive of Kimye together again taking North to hospital

  27. Come on. Lamar is missing because Rob ate him, not because he is on a drug binge.

  28. Hello crazy world! long time lurker first time poster. i fuckin love u guys n gals!!!

  29. ive always heard wookies are very family orientated and if u mess with 1 wookie the whole herd will come at u

  30. Posted in the old thread, but I truly think this Destroy Lamar project is deflection. PMK wants to call in favours and flog this story to keep something else off the radar (no pun intended). Gotta be the Prize Pig she wants under the radar for once.

  31. Just tead in newspaper his agent-NOT pmk- said he's holed up trying to kick unspecified drug habit with friends. So apparently , its true. Also NBA will make statement soon.

  32. So how many days in a row can Enty post the same story on Lamar and PMK.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Don't challenge him/her, we might find out

  33. If she is still his manager he should fire her pronto. Don't know what he was ever thinking making Kris his manager.

  34. I am waiting for TMZ to backtrack because I went over there last night and people were Team Lamar by far even many using Enty's arguments vs TMZ and accusing TMZ of being too deep with the Kardashian clan - like overwhelming anger at TMZ heh heh. Gotta go check and see what's ups today.

  35. Hiya @Leigh! Keep posting!

  36. Toss 'em all into the nearest volcano.

  37. thank you @renoblondee i will! xo

  38. I don't want to take this to a weird place, but I worry about these people being destroyed. Remember when Taylor Armstrong on one of those housewives shows was doing everything she could to set up her husband to be the fall guy for domestic violence so she could leave him and get a big settlement? She did everything she could to shade every interaction that way, short of actually saying it directly. Then he committed suicide and that just threw her for a loop. He couldn't be the bad guy if he was dead, PR strategy gone! Lamar Odom is just not that stable. He was very depressed when he got traded and it took him some to come back. He's a sensitive dude. Not suggesting anything other than that, but I worry. It's ridiculous to us, but some people are fragile and these are pretty serious allegations.

    PS: Dewie: blank was pretty much Christian Laettner's permanent countenance. Like a tall ken doll with about as much personality.
