Chris Brown Says District Attorney Is Racist
Chris Brown said yesterday on his Twitter that the District Attorney in Los Angeles is racist. Why? because they didn't let him get away with faking and lying about his community service hours. He is lucky he isn't in jail. If you or I faked hours and had people lie about it, everyone would be in jail. I don't think Chris remembers that the police chief that played along with his lies had to resign from his job. The man had been a policeman forever, and because he got caught up in it, he was out on his butt. If the hours were not faked, do you think the guy would have resigned?
Chris Brown is an idiot and he lied. He lied about the light sentence he got for beating the crap out of someone. That was the only time he was caught. To get up to a beating like that, he probably did it a half dozen times at least. So, the one time he gets caught and busted and a slap on the wrist, he lies about it. F**k you, Chris Brown and go pick up some trash right in the center of pap land and let them shame you every single one of those 1,000 hours you need to do.