Britney Spears Can't Hold A Conversation
In the past, I have told you how Britney Spears needs to be told what to say in anything, but the most informal of interactions. I don't know what kind of medicines she is taking, but the medicine has turned her into a robot. She can do what you tell her and say what you tell her to say, but otherwise her only true interactions are with those closest to her because she is at a loss when it comes to others. That is why when she saw and hugged Katy Perry the other day I thought to myself that it must have been the most awkward conversation ever and I'm glad they decided to hug so at least there was a photo to document the event.
Yesterday on The Real which is really The Talk and The View combined, Adrienne Bailon said, "I've worked with her on X Factor and I'm not going to lie to you guys. She can't hold a conversation. They had someone that feeds her what she's supposed to say."
Kind of confirms everything I have said all along. The good news is that if you are close to her and know her, it is all good, but if you expect her to do something, you are going to have to tell her what to say and do.