Saturday, August 17, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 5, 2007

Heard it through the grapevine that this absolutely lovely television actress who stars in one of those shows that seems to be on every night and every channel and who is married has a little secret. After the birth of her child, they were having a hard time in the romance department so she decided to spice things up. She discovered tantric massage. Not telling hubby, she enrolled in a class and started bringing those lessons home to hubby. He was ecstatic and could not get enough of her. Things were looking up and he encouraged her to keep attending class. Well, lo and behold she started going more frequently than before but it was not because of the renewed spark between she and her husband but instead the drop dead gorgeous (I know you are thinking clue) instructor who was and continues to give her private lessons.

Courteney Cox


  1. Well, well, well. Erm, off to google tantric massage.

  2. Courtney is a scrawny turbo cunt.

    1. I love you count!!!

    2. Is that the female equivalent of a power bottom?

    3. Jerk u la is a dickless wonder----with a plethora of STDs, ready & waiting to infuse you. Happy fucking!!!

  3. Okay, just what I had thought.

  4. Private lessons??? That is so f'd up. So wrong. So morally bankrupt. So shameful. It's pure evil is what it is.

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    OMG, I was actually ABLE to read this because it didn't have any A+++ actress with B+ name recognition whose husband is B- with A+ name recognition. LOL

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    SMH, poor David. People think nothing of violating marital vows. The days of being and acting like an adult are gone. We are a nation of impulsive over grown children.

  7. Damn I keep reading the reveal before I read the blind. Why must I always do that!

  8. @JSierra....
    I hate that, too! I try and scroll slowly on my phone so I can't see it, but I usually forget

  9. so she had to take a class to learn how to run her hands up and down her husbands thighs a few times in bed? and give a happy ending? who is that bad in bed?

  10. I'm off to the yellow pages!

  11. So, Denise Richards was the instructor...? lol

  12. I heard Richard Simmons was the instructor

  13. If you are an adult woman and you need to pay for lessons on what to do with a penis when you have one in front of you, you either need to start looking into fur trading or get yourself a cat.

  14. Drop dead gorgeous? Who knew Denise Richards teaches tantric massage?! Or is it Kirstie Alley?! Ha! Ew. Just threw up in my mouth.

  15. that's what I mean. lol! at my worst level of being a self-conscious young woman I figured out if you stroked the general area things would go well

  16. Anonymous6:39 PM

    This has been my bread-and-butter seduction technique for thirty years. Love it when celebs/media dolts act like they're so hip when they're fifteen years behind what's been online.

    Thing is by now it's not anything special. Not like it used to be. Anyone with YouTUbe can watch videos on it.

    Teaching it is what I call an "alpha gimmick."

    MOre info:

  17. Anonymous2:00 PM

    My husband took up yoga to become more flexible for our sexy times. It worked! He can get his dick to twist in the most amazing fashion!

  18. Grammar fail: between she and her husband. Between her husband and her*
