Friday, August 30, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 31, 2013

This former A list all movie actor who has branched out since hitting B was hitting on his co-star and she told him that she had a girlfriend. The actor replied that he has a wife but it isn't stopping him and that if she felt that strongly about it she could bring the girlfriend because there was plenty of him to go around. The co-star declined.

Kevin Costner/Amber Heard


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Ha ha ha, the best bit of truth or dare

  2. Replies
    1. So she would rather be with that stinky vagabond??

  3. So disappointing. Not that I thought he was a great guy but i guess i was hoping. And I think miss second wife knows exactly what she got herself into. He took forever to marry her so she must have finally said, fine do what you want.

  4. Wasn't she with Johnny then?

  5. Kevin Costner is a legendary man-slut. Will bang anyone anytime. Also a huge, tantrum throwing asshole - especially to PA's. You can really tell the quality of a person's character by the way they treat people they don't need to be nice to. He is a low-life.

  6. Exactly clatie.

    I find it interesting that Amber didn't have any issues with Johnny or Harrison having partners when she also had a girlfriend. Kevin Costner just isn't as big a box office draw and, of course, warrants the buzz off.

  7. Yeah she hit the lottery with Depp. It's like the girlfriend excuse was her defense until she hit the right target.

  8. Yeah, plenty of bullshit to go around. Isn't he the guy who hassled everyone he could think of to get free stuff for his big grandiose wedding? I hope his wife is enjoying the perks of being married to a star, cuz' being married to him can't be fun.

  9. Is Amber out of the closet or did Enty just out her?

    1. Totally out. She gave an awesome speech about being gay/bi, and I was so impressed. Her antics of late, and REALLY horrid street style have turned me off.

      For a bit she was my fantasy 'if only I was gay' grrlfriend.

  10. Did he grab his junk and say, "There's plenty of thisssss to go around," or is that just something Bieber would do?

  11. The few times I've breathed the same air as Kevin, he's been nothing but friendly and polite. Then again, I wasn't on his payroll, nor was he trying to get in my pants.

  12. @nemesis Amber was already out

  13. Virtually every female reporter that spends even 60 seconds with him during a promotional junket gets hit on by Costner. Every one.

  14. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Nemesis- amber has been out as bi forever. Don't ever think she was in

  15. Bullshit Durham got old 20 years ago

  16. I can't believe Kevin Costner was ever a heartthrob. He looks old and grumpy and he has the whiniest voice i've ever heard. But I guess things were different in 1992.

  17. I remember reading somewhere, that his first wife said "done", after a weekend in Haiwai where he had zero idea of who or what he had "done". She showed up in the hotel room and it looked like it had been the site of an orgy, but he had zero recollection. We really should have guessed this.

  18. Isn't Amber with Johnny because he looks so much like her girlfriend?

  19. I used to like him. Just, yuck.

  20. Oh. Ew. Ick. He was hot back in the day, but not now after all the skeevy stories.

  21. Good for Amber. Is there any definite proof that Amber and Johnny started hooking up while he was still with Vanessa or had they been over for a while?

  22. Yeesh. Loved him in "Bull Durham". Too bad he's nothing like his character.

  23. If you build it, they will cum...

  24. He always the gentleman card to the media. He must be a good actor to cover up all of that skeevieness.

  25. Yay I got one right

  26. good for you, amber
