Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 18, 2013

This B- list actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was at an event out of the country recently. As part of his contract he requested that a staff of 5 women be available 24 hours a day to have sex with him. The country where our actor was visiting has legal prostitution so the A list company said sure and had the women available to him. I'm guessing they don't want their very rich, female customers to know about this little transaction.

James Franco


  1. What's the last sentence mean?

    1. I would assume the company is GUCCI--Franco is a face for their brand.

  2. Wait, not Adrien Brody?

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    @reese I took it to mean the event was potentially a fundraiser for something to do with a women's cause?

  4. There was a recent blind suggesting Franco called his boyfriend to tell him not to blab about his new reality show or their relationshup. I'm conflicted.

  5. Lar Redd was the only one who got it.

  6. It wasn't 5 women, more like 5 Japanese body pillows.

  7. Wait, WOMEN available for sex? Just with each other?

  8. @ Meanie...I didn't understand the last sentence either. Can someone explain?

  9. La redd got it and said it was for a Gucci opening and rich females buy Gucci

  10. Anonymous10:55 AM

    It sounds like the event he was at was sponsored by or promotion for an a list company and the a list company has alot of rich women clients who they wouldn't want to know they acted as pimps. Maybe a jewelry store like Tiffanys or something???

  11. Okay, number one, once again, sexuality isn't a binary two-position switch. There's no reason a fellow can't have boyfriends and girlfriends. Everybody posting "But I thought he was gay" posts is just proclaiming their ignorance.

    Number two, the last sentence:

    The event, at which the subject was a paid entertainer, was paid for by very rich women. These women might, for any number of reasons, disapprove of the hiring of prostitutes, even in a country where Prostitution is legal. Therefore, Enty suspects that the organization that put together the event would prefer that the wealthy women who paid for it don't know that some of their money went to bring the subject hookers.

    1. I completely agree with you, @JAS. Same goes for women.

  12. Don't know whether he did or did not patronize prostitutes but JF was in Sao Paulo, Brazil for the opening of a Gucci store in November 2012. According to Wikipedia prostitution is legal in Brazil (although brothels aren't).

  13. Who cares? Doesn't sound like any laws were broken. He's not married.

  14. Get it, Bro.

    I hope he used the whores and not just watch em diddle each other. If a whore don't leave w/ jizz on her, then she didn't earn her money.

  15. looks like he has a lot to prove.....

  16. Is this you, New Enty?

    People from these horrible blogs came to my book party for Palo Alto last year. Normally I don’t care, but it’s like your worst enemy showing up at your birthday party, like, “Why are you here? Get the fuck out of my party.” But it gave me a chance to see that a lot of the people writing for these blogs are just people my age who are in the same writing programs I was—or trying to get into those programs. So it was like, “Oh, so you’re just one of my classmates who doesn’t like me. That’s what this is all about?”

    Playboy Interview with James Franco

  17. If I was single, was in a country filled with beautiful men, and had the option to make this a clause in one of my contracts...I would too. He isn't hurting anyone, the company is paying for it, the women sound willing (I know I would be), let him do what he wants.

  18. @Seven, the writer(s) of CDAN blinds haven't sniffed an accredited university writing program. Maybe they took an English as a second language night class at the Learning Annex (assuming it still exists - I have no idea). If they had been in a writing program with Franco the sentence structure on CDAN wouldn't resemble a phrase passed through 6 different languages in Google Translator.

  19. @lazyday, LOL! So true!

    There was something on this site a while back about Enty giving props to a guest writer who was taking a writing course or won an award, can't remember which.

    All speculation aside, James Franco still comes off as a douche. He once said he and a girlfriend ended a relationship over his "interest in education." She dumped him because he's a college junkie, right?

  20. There are more blinds about James Framco with women than men as far as I know. Remember the allegations that he was super creepy when he was staying in a dorm somewhere ... Trying to get with some young college girls?

  21. "@Seven, the writer(s) of CDAN blinds haven't sniffed an accredited university writing program."

    They're flacks, at least a couple of them. Flacks are notoriously poor writers, and just feckless in general.

    Sounds like Franco was using his per diem for some free and legal bearding. He probably dropped a dime on himself about it to leverage the exposure.

  22. I dont buy all these Franco womanizing stories. Complete fiction.

  23. I agree Jade The Girl - I'd think the wealthy women might want their own services from the company. Just sayin. Might be mad they weren't offered.

  24. IF it is true what does this tell us? That Franco has an amazing libido? I might be in the minority but I'd do him. And I loooove a super smart man. drool

  25. Was it in Russia?

  26. Anonymous7:53 PM

    oh well, not like thought franco was a decent for or anything.

  27. Lucky betches. Get it Franco, Do what thou wilt!

  28. Well, he is Track Three, after all...

  29. @Robert- What is Track Three?

  30. James Franco never gave me a gay vibe at all.
