Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 26, 2013

This B- list mostly movie actress who rarely works anymore and is a D list when it comes to talent but is A list when it comes to name recognition gave an interview a couple of months ago where she said she would never get plastic surgery and that she loves her body. Makes me wonder what she was doing then going to see a plastic surgeon last Thursday to discuss getting a breast augmentation and lift because she wants to continue to be the sex symbol she is.

Jessica Alba


  1. Jessica Alba is B-List? This isn't 2007, Enty. Alba hasn't been relevant for years, she's C-list now.

    So over...

  2. Duh, for research! She's an ACtor! Yay, new boobies for Angel!

  3. So she wants to look like Kate Upton? She's nuts.

  4. No, she's a mom. And she totally gets a pass. Thats on every mother's wishlist

  5. Breast feed two children and you discover the body doesn't just bounce back. Good for her.

  6. Post baby, a boob lift gets a pass. It wasn't my preference, but they are never the same after kids, breast feeding or not. Yawn.

  7. Makes me wonder what jerk medical office worker would leak that information if it's true. Pretty specific there. Watch the temps!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It didn't have to be a medical office worker at all. Maybe she told a friend, who told a friend. Get off your high horse.

  10. 7of11, you stated an assumption, not an opinion. Cee Kay is (for 2 sentences) pointing that out.

  11. I'll give mommy a pass on this, she is an actress and needs to have her boobs in the near vicinity of her upper chest.

  12. All these Jessica's are a snooze.

  13. I agree with everyone defending her saying she is a mom. I don't really dig implants, but if a woman is past having children and does them tastefully, you'll hear no complaints from me.

    Any chance she is the answer for the actress that is only offered roles if she goes topless and this is prep work? Cause really, like Fugazi Enty stated, she don't really have acting talent, she aint a bankable star, BUT Jessica Alba's Tits on display in a halfway decent movie would bump the box office.

    Anyway, 2 kids, lift and fill the flap jacks? Go with it girl.

  14. Shes only in the biz because of her looks and shes not the teenager running around in her bikini looking at Flipper anymore either and the 2 kids sure don't help thingys.

  15. It is amazing how much boobs start to sag after having a kid or two. Her career, what's left of it, relies on being hot so of course she's going to get work done. Give it another ten years and she is going to have a lot more done than boobs.

  16. Speaking of high horses...

  17. Didn't she also say she lost her baby weight by chain smoking? Fits well with her all natural image.

  18. Yep, some of us feel that the babies literally suck the life out of the boobs. I was fine with mine before kids, but after kids they were a little deflated, so I went for it. Best accessory ever; they go with everything!

  19. @Mistang: Do you mind some questions, to give the audience members considering an augmentation some info?

    Starting bra size, how many cc's were the implants, current bra size?

    Saline or Silicone, and what swung your decision?

    Placement: Under the muscle or over the muscle? Tight together, so the cleavage looks good w/o a bra when clothed in a low cut top, or did you go for the "natural when nude look"?

    How long after augmentation until the pain and swelling subsided? How long until everything "settled"?

    Have you lost sensitivity in your nipples?

    If you find these questions too intrusive, then a "piss off" is a fine response, but I'll offer a "thank you" in the event you entertain them.

    Thank You.

  20. I had such a bad side effect after my last surgery, I almost died. If not for that, id love a reduction and lift!!!!!

  21. @Count - It does not bother me at all to answer people's questions.

    I was a small B. I had a a tall but thin frame, so they worked for me. It was about 7 years ago, so honestly I don't remember the cc's, but I am now a small D large C depending on which Victoria's Secret worker measures me. I tend to stick to C bras though.

    Saline - they were still not letting everyone do silicone yet, so there was no option for me.

    Under the muscle - Again I was a little small, so under was highly recommended.I will be honest and say they do not look natural when nude, but my husband doesn't care. They don't look bolted on, but you can tell they're fake with no clothes on. With clothes, it is difficult to tell. They fit my body well.

    I healed pretty well. I had some discomfort, but only took some basic over the counter stuff the first couple of days and I was fine after that. It was probably a couple of months before they felt like they'd settled.

    Nipples are all good. No issues there.

    Everyone is different. My friend decided to do it a couple of years ago. She went silicone and through the armpit. She was in a lot of pain and had drains and everything for a little while. Her doctor even had her wear a band over them to help them go down. She is also much bigger than me as her natural size before kids was a D and she is now at a least a double D.

    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

  22. I work in the operating room and assist in plastic surgery all the time. I never cease to be envious of the women on the table in front of me. Having kids is a beautiful thing, but the body a woman can be left with once she is done having them can really beat up a gal's self-esteem. Personally, I think my boobs are still pretty damn great, even if they do need a bra to be where god intended. But my belly? I would LOVE an abdominoplasty!!

  23. There is no secrets in hollywod and if there is it simply means someone is paying some big money

  24. What Alba needs is a zipper for her big liberal mouth. I don't want to hear political thoughts from either side coming from Hollywood doofuses that have no clue about the subject matter.

    1. She is pretty funny, in that she's really ignorant. I kind of enjoy reading political/world event from Eva Longoria, Alba, & Kerry Washington. Such pretty ladies, but, wow. I do not get why any of them do this.

  25. Don't care for her but I can't hate. If it helps her self esteem after two children go for it.

  26. Assumption and opinion are 95% of this site. The other 5% are people complaining about other people.

  27. How sad that women feel that having children ruins their bodies. This is constantly being perpetuated by our youth oriented plastic surgery loving society. I'd love to see some comments from women who love their bodies even if not considered magazine perfect. There's more to life.

  28. How about posting one of those comments, tiger, instead of telling a bunch of grown women how we are supposed to feel about our very own bodies. Some of us were never going for the plastic surgery ideal or to look "magazine perfect" but rather to get the boobies off one's knees.

  29. Because human beings have a right to an opinion, whether they are a liberal actress considering getting their tits done, or some conservative ignoramous who posts their shit all over comments sections on the internets. Why do ya'll do that? Some poor girl got crushed by a semi this morning on her way to work and your ilk was right there, wondering why she didn't just run out of the car like some fucking fictional John Wayne-type character, and blaming Obama to boot. Jesus Christ.

  30. Let me be clear, I don't want to hear political from either side, environmental, animal extremist, global warming, religion, Pro life, Pro choice or anything other than entertaining from any of these Hollywood "entertainers".

  31. They can say whatever they want, it just isnt any more valuable or important than what anyone else says.
