Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 26, 2013

This married always A list actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and still very good looking despite his age, got caught getting freaky in a dressing room with a seat filler at this year's Academy Awards.

Michael Douglas


  1. I TOLD YOU!!!
    Thanks, Kristin. that's funny I mentioned that earlier. he was totally on the prowl that night

  2. Holy shit, I was first on the blind too. WOW!
    I was ^^ talking about my comment on their divorce thread earlier today. haha

  3. It's your time to shine libby!

  4. Good job Libby!

    That said, Enty - Michael Douglas = Good looking?

    Can I get the females to way in here - I just can't believe this is true. Yeah, he's not the crypt keeper or anything, but that's a fairly low bar to jump over....

    1. Yep. Still do him

    2. Hell yes. It's the voice and the confidence. Plus, if you came of age as a young woman when Romancing the Stone was on reruns all the time...*cough* maybe that's just me. Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction...guy is the king of the sexy thriller, with Prince James Spader at his side. Also still sexy as hell.

  5. Hes so f*cking tacky! And borderline pathetic. Oh michael b

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Knew he was done with Zeta for a long time...during the last round of awards you could tell he couldn't stand her anymore...very different from how he looked at her during the award rounds for when she was in Chicago

  7. Lol Meatros, the crypt keeper!

    I don't think he's good looking, but I didn't find him good looking when he was younger, either. Scary and skeevy to me.

  8. He still looks good for his age. And it is nice to know that Chicken Cutlets got some action. LOL

  9. Very good looking despite the age to me is someone like Harrison Ford.... not Michael Douglas.

  10. Meatros: I had a huge crush on him for years, starting around the Romancing the Stone era. I was just a kid, but he was a hunk. Even today, hot tamale as far as I am concerned.

  11. Very good looking? Just no.

  12. Get it, bro. Y'all know CZJ wasn't takin care of biddness at the time. Was that right before or after she went into an institution? Dude gotta get relief.

  13. Their pre-nup included a cheating clause. She is about to make BANK.

  14. Basil, I read your comment like this:

    He still looks good...... for his age.

    Sort of like:

    Oh yeah, Howard Stern is totally hot...for someone in radio...

    TalksTooMuch - Really?

    I guess I can't relate to females at all. To me, he's always had a slight goblin resemblance. Like he could have been an extra in CHUD or something.

  15. Oh yeah. He was hot in the Romancing the Stone / Jewel of the Nile time fo sho. Sexy even. Even now he has the bone structure for good looking.

  16. I think he's still nice looking, but now all I see is Liberace.

    For some reason "getting freaky with a seat filler" made me laugh.

  17. Basil! Loved the chicken cutlet reference. lol!

  18. And CZJ is going to cash that check! cause he was an infamous cheater. so she is going to be rolling in the dough, just like his last wife.

  19. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I cannot in-service him asLiberace.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. For all you young ones, he was totally hot around the time of Romancing the Stone.

    I too can only see him as Liberace now. NOT GOOD.

  22. @Meatros
    You beat me to it. I have never found Michael Douglas to be an attractive man. Age + plastic surgery are not his friends.

  23. He was sexy as shit back in that day and he's still not bad-looking at all for his age.

    What a pig though. And kudos to those who spotted him wolfing around on camera at the Oscars!! Wish we had a clip of that!!

  24. CZJ won't be cashing anything. She will be very, very quiet. Watch and see.

  25. Micheal Douglas was very hot in Romancing the Stone. Beyond that, i've never found him remotely attractive. he would look a helluva lot better if he would put some weight on, fill out his cheeks a bit. he always look sickly to me these days. and he has been, but apparently he's past that. it's time to eat.

  26. @TalksTooMuch - Me too. Same...everything you said.

  27. Old man body, gross. I always think of that Sex and the City episode when Samantha dated the septugenarian, she said, "All cats look rhe same in the dark" but when he stood in the light of the doorway with no pants on, his butt looked like a deflated scrotum. Ewww.

  28. He had man boobs in Fatal Attraction...

  29. @MissMatador
    I agree- looks like he'd have saggy, flabby old man ass. Doesn't look toned anywhere at all- yuck.
    P.S. Loved that episode of SATC, along with the "funky spunk" one with Bobby Cannavale.

  30. Oh, yes. Michael Douglas was s-e-x-y back in the day, and he's still not too shabby now. And honestly, I very rarely find actors attractive.

  31. Michael Douglas reminds me of my childhood, since he did Streets of San Francisco. My family followed that show filming around my neighborhood. Back then, Douglas was extremely good looking. Now, too much booze, cigs, hpv, and bad plastic surgery. Does anyone remember how he looked Asian after one bad eye job back in the mid-80s? I sure do.

    1. MD was hot running around the streets of san francisco with Karl malden.

      MD was also hot in the game but it just went to hell quick after that.

  32. He is still AWESOME to me. He was so hot, and he just effervesced on the screen!

    Yeah, that may or may not have been me at the Oscars!

  33. Way to go Libby!

    Michael .. you skeevy scumbag.

  34. A seat filler??? Ohhkay.

  35. Count me in on "never found him hot" team...

  36. I SO wouldn't with either Michael Douglas or Howard Stern. BLECH!
