Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 13, 2013

This C list celebrity of A+ list offspring went to the emergency room this week. He burned himself with Nair while trying to remove all the hair in his genital region. Guess his older B list celebrity girlfriend likes him smooth.

Sean Stewart


  1. How do you "burn" yourself with Nair? Its a crème and its not heated....

  2. @hothotheat - Nair can cause chemical burns if left on too long, fairly common.

  3. He probably didn't trim the hair first. Nair doesn't work on long hair, it works on short leg type hair. So he left it on, or worse, he did one application and then a second application when the first one 'failed'.

  4. Wasn't his gf Adrienne Maloof? She's such a nutjob.

  5. I can't hack Sean but rod is cool

  6. NAIR is the worst!

  7. My cousins girlfriend did this once, also "down there".
    It blistered up and got infected.
    Just say "No" to Nair...VEET works wonders downstairs, ladies

  8. What's with over grooming?? I like a little manscaping but it looks funny bald. Boys that ain't the prettiest part of your body anyway. Leave a little shrubbery. And NO perfume on it. Hear me Count?

  9. Trim the junk, yeah, but bald wrinkly bits? Hell no.

  10. @Sherry: When I manscape, I leave a lil eye brow or Hitler stache above it, so I can put a dab of cologne on it. When I suspect a lady may be visiting the region, I like to make it as hospitable as possible to ensure many happy returns.

    Is Sean the one that did celeb rehab?

    1. @Count J...

      Yea, that's him.

    2. Anonymous5:53 AM

      @ Count : Sieg Heil? We all know the real Hitler suffered from little man complex.

  11. No. No. No. It's supposed to smell like man. Shower and soap is just fine. You wanna smell pussy or Enjoli? AND tasting cologne is yucky.

    1. @Sherry..

      Agreed. Mr. Happy should smell like man, not cologne, which tastes gross

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Ha ha Sherry! I like a man to smell like a man / sweat and diesel!

  12. Nair causes premature aging of the skin. Just saying...

  13. Sherry, my husband has been informed by work colleagues that pretty much everyone under the age of 30 has hair free genitalia, men & women. They don't get laid otherwise. The world has become so homogenous & intolerant.

    1. @feraltart i'm 24 and i do not have hair free genitalia ;) i have no interest in my lady parts looking like they did before puberty, it's quite disgusting, imho

  14. About a month after I had my first baby I used Nair on my legs, it was only on for a few minutes but caused a allergic reaction. I broke out in hives from head to toe for almost a year cause I couldnt take a medication strong enough since I had to take care of baby not passed out. It took that long to go away, the most miserable I have ever been. The dermatologist says they see people in there all the time from hair removal cream problems.

  15. Listen to Sherry! Manly bits should smell like clean manly bits, not Axe Body Spray, and your manscaping looks better trimming rather than weed-whacking. Shave and a haircut, two bits.

  16. Axe Body Spray is THE WORST smelling stuff ever

  17. Axe is for Europeans who don't bathe often.

  18. Jennifer, I'm pleased someone is bucking the trend.

  19. Wax your stick - not nair ...

  20. Ugh. I agree with @Sherry. No perfumed bits. I wouldn't be able to breathe down there. Man should smell like man. Also, say no to Axe. My younger brother and his friends would drown themselves in that stuff. While preg with #1, I had a wicked aversion to many smells. I'd puke anytime he'd bring them over.
    And what kind of woman wants a pubescent looking partner? No thank you.

  21. I used NAIR without trouble as a tween. Except when I decided to NAIR the area between my eyebrows. I wasn't plucking yet, and thought I was getting a unibrow. The hair came off, but my skin was discolored. That spot was way lighter than the rest of my skin for weeks.

    I tried it again a few years back, on my legs. I couldn't keep it on. My legs instantly felt like they were burning, and itched for the rest of the night. That shit can be painful.

  22. If you click on the date under the blind, it takes to the original thread, which was very entertaining that day. Also, it was guessed correctly on the first comment.

  23. Thanks for speaking out ladies. That advertising is convincing young and old we want overt fragrance or they're not sexy and it just ruining their real chances. Let the majority speak. Men, nice has the best scent ever. (And clean. That smells really nice.)

  24. @Rach: well fancy that, in some sort of strange coinky dink, my cawk suffers the same condition.

  25. Adam Levine once tweeted that one trimmed bush deserves another. Note he said trimmed, not stripped.

    I prefer neat and clean, not waxed, bald, and juvenile. Glad to hear that not everyone under 30 is falling prey to this ridiculous trend.

  26. I started a new job so haven't been on here much lately, but I know this was already revealed. It's still vom-inducing.
