Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 7, 2013

This almost A list mostly movie actor said that when he was filming one of his latest movies with this A list tweener turned actress that she would shake with fear when she knew her A list celebrity boyfriend was going to turn up on set. "Literally shake and tremble and start crying."

Ethan Hawke/Selena Gomez


  1. Good thing she broke up with him. Hopefully, the asshat will start to fade away.

  2. I'm glad she broke up with him because he will be a laughable has-been in a few years. If she's gonna become a legit actor as an adult, she's going to have to craft a better image that that being the gf of that diaper-wearing doofus.

    1. As usual Barton you are spot on.

  3. she got back together with him recently. girl does not learn...

  4. @Barton Fink He's a laughable has-been now.

    I want to like Selena, she's making it difficult. Girl, get some self-esteem.

  5. so on top of being an immature douche type kid, he's also an abuser??

  6. i guess she put up with his abuse for the additional fame and publicity of the relationship

    was it worth it honey?

  7. Poor Justin, he's fading and fading fast.

    Selena will not be around for much longer, but at least she has some credible teen movies that are watchable.

  8. So, don't allow him on set! This girl is her own worst enemy. She seems like a spoiled brat.

  9. Dude, Beiber got this bim thoroughly pimped. If the bim is shaking, then I bet he smacks her around.

    I wonder if he has ever traded her for sizzurp or steroids?

    I'll do some Dr. shopping and give him 2 bottles of codeine cough syrup for an hour with her. 3, if I can go backdoor.

    1. I don't understand dudes who have a fascination with chicks and anal. It always seems a little Gay to me. As any man that prefers a shit hole over the glorious vag, definitely has some sexuality issues and is in denial. Trapped in the closet with Tommy Boy. As your dick is not meant to go there, so why would you when you have a choice?

    2. think about it. a butt hole is tighter than a vadge. I see why they want it. on top of the fact men who like asses a lot generally just want to be in and around them as much as possible. did it occur to you maybe its not a fascination for the guys, women like it too-not everyone is in to vanilla sex. I bet you think men who like a little asses play themselves are closeted too....even though its been proven their gspot is directly linked to the prostate.

    3. Spot on Chloe!

    4. Yep, I totally think men that like assplay are in the closet. As do all of my WeHo out and proud Gay co-workers and homiez. And how unimaginative of you to assume that sex is vanilla unless there's ass play. I guess we have to agree to disagree.

    5. Hahahaha! alright, just quickly, as a fellow Angelino, you using your homiez in WeHo to claim that this gives you some advantage over my experiences means nothing to me. I don't care if your gay friends are WeHo, the Castro, or Boise Idaho. I have many gay, lesbian, trans, and every walk of life friends areand out know what my gay friends tell me? a. that they hate to be used as "token" friends and lumped into groups and spoken for. even amongst the self identified gay community, sexuality is a spectrum. I wonder how many of your gay friends have had complete casual heterosexual experiences? probably more than you realize. and they aren't always struggling with it. but you using the people you know to speak for everyone says it all. if that's not how it is maybe you should reread the way your phrasing comes across. if you stand by your unwillingness to accept that its not black and white for everyone I will happily agree to disagree.

    6. and you know what they tell me*

  10. What an ass balloon

  11. Then why is she back with him? They are back together, right? I don't understand why anyone would date Justin Bieber.

  12. i'm confused....she gets back together w. him every 4 freaking seconds! not only that, joins in his stupid instagram pictures looking like a idiot child bride...

    i'd shake w giggles if i ever saw that penis of his.....

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Wasn't there a blind somewhere that he had gotten her hooked on coke? Maybe that's why she keeps going back.

  14. This blind is about as BS as it gets, and as always, the Enty knows it. Selena and Lil Shithead started out as PR and then became genuine friends. That's all they've ever been: a PR couple that are friends for real. No sex. It's all PR for the cameras. The hugging and kissing and vacations are all just fakey fake PR. But Lil Shithead kept messing it up for Selena by sexing other girls. She had no choice but to dump him, but then lo and behold the dumping and getting back together schtick turned into a PR bonanza for both of them. It will continue for some time.

  15. Bieber? Really? he's a pipsqueak. But doesn't she go back to him all the time? She's more popular than him, right? So... why??

  16. Sounds like she can't really escape him. She's very young and probably hasn't had experience with how to deal with this. On top of that, if he is abusive, it's already hard to get the guy to stop just showing up (and get everyone you need on your side to block him when he does). He's super-famous -- is there any set or stadium or group of bodyguards that wouldn't step aside and allow him access every time he decides he's going to just show up?

  17. Sorry, this one sounds real to me. It's too descriptive of how these things actually work.

  18. Last time Ethan Hawke was anywhere close to A-list was Dead Poet's 1989.

  19. I was looking at some early Linda Ronstadt performances on YouTube and in the late 1960's she looked spookily like Selena Gomez does today.

    1. @lazyday you're right...I never realized it until now. Linda was a much better singer, though....

    2. Add in some of that New Girl actress ZoeD plus Pippa, the oh-so-squinty sister of Waity Wales, and you have it nailed!!

      Yikes those PR pics were so awful then, and they are awful now. Bleggh.

  20. I want to nip something in the butt that I've seen posted in a few places: there is no way that Beiber is using steroids. Unless he's complete moron and is using them in the poorest way possible. I say this because women who use Anavar (a mild steroid, which is why women use it) have more pronounced delts and traps than he does (these are to areas in particular that tend to grow when using anabolics - they start to look "full", or kind of balloony).

    Beiber may act like a roid-addled toddler, but that's probably because he's a spoiled jack-hole Manlet with a tiny pecker, not because he's juicing.

  21. @Meatros, Manlet! LOL!

    @Harry Knuckles, I don't believe that for one second. You don't treat "real friends" the way he's treated her. I believe Selena is young and being manipulated by those around her to keep going back to the Manlet for pr purposes, even though she doesn't want to. The entertainment industry is a meat grinder.

    1. Seven, wasn't treating her in any way at all. They were a fake couple. They split the first time because his sexing other girls was becoming public. If Selena had stayed with him her their credibility as a couple would have been shot. But when they split the blogs and the fans went nuts. Huge PR score. It was an eye opener that they have been exploiting since, particularly with Selena's new CD and tour.

    2. I need to start proof reading before I hit publish.

    3. Apparently "proof reading" is now one word.

  22. @ Amy.....I am not buying Gomez is this shaking little mouse getting brutalized by the big, bad bieber. Watch her on Letterman:

  23. @LazyDay: Good call. I bet Selena would fillet kittens to ever have a song as memorable as that one.

    @Shinobi: Sorry to burst yer bubble, fella, butt no gay here. It is a different feel in the hole and the different angle gives a different feel around the hole. If your only experience with the anal is via porn, that aint the entirety of it. They do it a certain way to give the camera proper access. Once it is warmed up, I enjoy the woman laying face down, me on top and grinding, not stroking. The soft and lovely butt cheeks pressed against you in that manner is delightful.

    @Meatros: I don't know if he juicin, I have heard other people say it, so I threw it in there. Do remember, different juice accomplishes different things, though. Like a Winstrol I believe adds mass, but a Boli (like A-Roid used) produces lean muscle, and I believe cuts fat. UFC fighter Josh Barnett has used steroids for recovery and to help cut weight also.

    @Himynameischloe" First, everytime I see your name I have to take a second look, because I think it say "hymen".

    Second, well said. Anything is only "gay" if another person of the same sex is involved. I hypothesize that people who find the "gay" in everything are just trying to avoid finding it in themselves. "I don't like da buttsecks, so's I can't be gay." Uuuuuuuuuh, OK......

    Thirdly, in the past I have stumbled upon a chick whose snatch was tighter than her balloon knot. It. Was. AMAZING.

  24. Babypants can be tough? Im sorry, but i wld be cracking up! Lol

  25. Count Jerkula - yes, various steroids have various effects, Winstrol is actually "dry" whereas Dianobol is "wet", the difference is that one basically puffs you up through water (and basically lubricates your joints). Both of these are pills (although I *think* you can get injectable Winstrol) and consequently hard on the liver. If Beiber is doing those sorts of roids and drinking (among other drugs), he's setting himself up for organ failure.

    You are correct that people use various roids for various purposes - you wouldn't use a wet roid if you were cutting, or instance.

    All of that said, Beiber's musculature doesn't really fit someone who is using steroids - he basically has the body of my five year old daughter, only in a five foot five (or whatever) frame; in other words, he's got a low body fat, probably from dancing around and constantly pulling his pants up. He doesn't look like someone who has spent any time under a bar.

    In fact the mental picture of Beiber being stapled under a bar, trying to ego lift, cracks me up.

  26. Also if Beiber were juicing, I would expect him to have a more masculine face (jawline, brow ridge, etc). His voice would also sound as though his "boys" had dropped...

  27. Ethan should have kicked the shit out of the little POS.

  28. @Meatros: Yeah there is injectable Winstrol. I remember hearing Bubba the Love Sponge talking about shooting it saying it is like a heavy weight motor oil and you need a huge gauge needle to get it to go in. I think that is why they shoot it in the shower, to get the shit warm and flowing.

    I guess the puffed up with water is why juice heads I worked with at the moving company weren't worth their weight in shit. All show, no go.

  29. A "moon face" (think Vinnie from Jersey Shore, I think) is another dead give away of roids. They also don't do Cardio of any sort. So, yeah, they could pick up a couch, but not move it very far. :-)

  30. @Meatros - You're absolutely crazy.

    Have you seen that little fucker with his shirt of? He's more fucking jacked than half the atheletes I see, and utterly shredded.

    There's no way you get that much lean muscles and no fat unless you are either working out with a trainer daily for a few hours and you have a perfect diet with very little gluten and carbohydrates OR you're using a steroid.

    If I had to guess, I'd say stanozolol - He's adding lean muscle but not the bulk.

    Alot of UFC fighters use stanozolol during their weight cutting - It lets them metabolize body fats while retaining lean muscle (weight cutting is VERY VERY important in fighting sports).

    And Bieber happens to be a big, big UFC fan....

  31. Stanozolol's over the counter tablet version is winstrol, by the way.

  32. Also, if your 5 year old daughter looks like this, you should probably sign her up for the youth olympics ASAP.

  33. Okay that made me chuckle MrWolf. Good show.

    He's obviously also injecting synthol into his delts and bi's. probably taking HGH and insulin too, he's got dat dere GH gut going on...

  34. @count at least I'm memorable for something *sobs*
