Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 25, 2013

This Academy Award nominee from this year with A list name recognition walked up to a woman at a party and asked her, "Do you want to f**k?" She replied, "What is my name?" He said, "How should I know your name? We are just meeting." She said, "We had sex last year." She then walked away. Not knowing when to quit, the nominee turned to a group of two or three people who had witnessed this encounter and said, "Well, I guess she was not very good then."

Bradley Cooper


  1. HA! You get it, bro! If she was any good, I'm sure she would have got a second shot.

  2. I can't help it, this is making me laugh so hard. If he is this much of a cocky super douche, I would probably love hanging with him.

  3. At least she walked away instead of letting herself get treated like sweater meat. We've seen enough of those stories on here in the past.

  4. Eh. Sounds like she had it once and didn't want to again. She could have jumped on that a second time if she wanted to.

  5. True, but if she wanted to be treated as sweater meat, that is her prerogative.

    Doesn't bcoop have a notoriously small peen? Probably why she didn't go back for seconds.

  6. If a guy I knew or didn't know walked up to me and said that, I would walk away too. Don't care who it is.

  7. The girl probably didn't want to hear Bradley's mommy yelling for him to take out the trash while they were screwing again. Such a douche

  8. LOL Leo.

    He's definitely compensating for something.

  9. Doesn't "sweater meat" mean boobs?

  10. Blogger Harry Knuckles said...
    Mr. Cooper is gay.


  11. Well this certainly is consistent w the Datalounge post from a guy who said BC walked up to him in a locker room and grabbed his crotch as a come-on (he didn't take him up on it). I think BC is bi.

  12. He must not have been that good, either. Otherwise, she would have said yes.

  13. The Coop, the Coop, the Coop is on fire!

    Sometimes it works.

  14. Ladies, ladies, if you have to ask if they remember you, they don't. All I would be saying is "ding ding, round two!"

  15. I'm not buying this. There have been so many conflicting rumors about BC, and all of them negative. First he was gay, then a violent wife beater, then had a small peen, then a mama's boy and now supposedly a douchebag. I've thought this for years, but it appears to me that someone has a big grudge against him and is planting wildly exaggerated stories about him to anyone who will listen.

    1. Or... He really just is that much of a douche.

  16. Can't stand him...

  17. Stupid slut to think he remembers you and then try to act all high and mighty like you aren't the slut that you are.

  18. I'm with Basil. There's just no consistency.

  19. I'm with Basil. There's just no consistency.

  20. The rumors are pretty consistent. Enty has never said he was gay. Other blogs have.
    Connect the dots...he's heavily rumored to be gay and yet he obviously sleeps with women. Sounds like a bisexual man to me.

  21. This is such an old line... Didn't Jack Nicholson use it in one of his movies?

  22. Wow, he's really working overtime to seem like a het hound. Isn't taking, actually. Too obvious.

  23. Ha! This is actually pretty funny.

  24. This guy sounds like so much fun ...yeh, a REAL winner with major mommy issues.

  25. Cooper is KING!

  26. Guess he wasnt any good since she wasnt interested in tound 2!

  27. No one has ever thought Bradley Cooper was gay.

    The parts of him being a momma's boy, having issues with violence towards women, a small penis and being a douchebag all fit together, since they're all overcompensating/insecurity relating things.

  28. I'm with the folks who aren't believing this one.
