Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 22, 2013

The neighbors are starting to wonder why this A++ list mostly movie actor keeps showing up in the neighborhood when he is in town and spending an hour or two with the single mom who lives in the very nice house with the two year old boy who is a dead ringer for the actor. The mom kind of looks like the actor's wife. Just way younger.

Denzel Washington


  1. Uh-oh, this could be a classic case of all blacks look the same - or love child.

  2. Now I have The Supremes stuck in my head.

    "Love child, never meant to be. Love child, born in (non)poverty."

    1. The child will not be poor but with such shining examples of moral aptitude, no doubt the child will have the odds of a decent stacked against her/him.


  3. Looks like MAC got this one! Interesting the recent reveals about Denzel. He pissed someone off. I would also love to see a fff pic...he's referred to as redi-whip.

  4. Did it get revealed that he's the father of Sanaa Latham's child, or just suspected? Because this would be nĂºmero dos, right?

  5. Oh well. Its not like the woman didn't know he's been married forever.

    Once again, innocent child put in the middle.

  6. At least he's spending time with the kid, I guess! Hell, his wife may know about this.

  7. I suspect Denzel has a few love childs out there.

  8. Hey maybe its a relative. You never know

  9. @V, sorry, but MAC can't claim the credit - named 5 possibles over two posts.

    The first poster to pinpoint Denzel was Lauren!

    I'm just still staggered that VIP didn't get it first! With the usual "evidence" pic with it!!!

  10. I get the feeling Denzel and pauletta have an understanding. She only gets pissed off if he causes her public embarrassment. Which he has been doing lately.

  11. How many bastards does DW have out there? One with Sanaa and now this child, so that's at least two...

  12. @singblue you are right, true credit to Lauren!

    If we are keeping track, this is revealed baby #2, possibly 2 of 3 if you include the rumored Sanaa baby. I think Pauletta must know.

  13. @V, what's the Reddiwhip joke? Do we want to know? LOL

    I used to adore Denzel. Now, not so much. Rumors of him being a rapacious asshole, then the cheating scandals have dimmed the lights.

  14. Put a SOCK ON IT you eedjits!!

  15. Sanaa doesn't and never had a baby. Ever.

  16. @Seven...word in the street is he has one of the biggest cocks in h'wood, about the size of a reddiwhip can. And apparently he is really good in bed. Supposedly a couple of the reasons pauletta stays. Not sure how true this is, but I would mind seeing the photographic evidence

    1. V: I would love to see the evidence as well. Denzel is hawt but the rumors of him being a jerk have kinda taken that away. Damn you,V, now I'm intrigued again.

  17. Denzel mini-mes could be a cottage industry.

    Paula be pissed if it starts affecting her spending limits.

    Large and diseased not so appealing if homeboy is not wrapping his gear or not very well.

  18. I think it's terrible when parents pop in and out of a child's life. But I can't decide whether the kid is better off with or without Denzel around...

  19. Being a huge dick doesn't necessarily mean you have a big cock :)

  20. Anonymous1:28 PM

    oooooh.... I totally thought this was Brad

  21. @sandybrook, touche, though I believe in this case denzel would/be both!

    @sherry, I know what you mean. But since he is A++, he must know how to keep you reeled in...haha

  22. Okay, someone needs to produce a picture of Sanaa Lathan pregnant or with a child, otherwise why do these rumors continue to be perpetuated? I've been on many red carpets with the woman and numerous events and I've yet to see her pregnant.

  23. I'd still do him--wrapped up, of course.

  24. Hes such a good actor, and so good looking, its a shame he's a playa.

  25. All you need to do is google Sanaa and pregnant and there are plenty of (only) early pregnancy pics....on one of the black gossip sites, it says she has a son, and named the supposed father (no, they don't mention Denzel) .....BUT, the consensus seems to be that it is in fact Denzel's son.

  26. The neighbors are "starting to wonder." Slow neighbors!

  27. Pauletta will NEVER leave

  28. So two known children outside of his marriage. Maybe that's why he works so much. Gotta pay for child care, food, clothing, shelter and lets not even talk about schooling.

    If Pauletta hasn't left by now she isn't going anywhere. When I saw that cover of Ebony Magazine I would've laughed but I thought it was so sad.

  29. I'm sure his wife knows......

  30. Wasn't there another BI reveal in the 4th of July set or sometime this year mentioning the Denzel love child thing?
