Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 20, 2013

This former B list actress who would never make anyone's list as a best actress contender got paid way more than she should have as an actress. She never spent any of her money, but now that she is married she is spending her husband's money right and left. In the short time she has been married, she has spent almost $1M.

Jessica Biel


  1. She gets on my nerves.

  2. BS. Jessica Biel is probably slightly less rich than Timberlake.

    1. Timberlake has made hundreds of millions. The top in the music industry make far more than the top in acting and Biel is nowhere near the top.

    2. Ian while Jessica is certainly rich, she's nowhere near Justin's level. What has she done? 7th Heaven and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake and uhh... what else? Some straight to DVD bomb? Justin has money from his Nsync days, plus his solo music career plus a much more active acting career than Jessica!

  3. If hes okay with it, so be it. Prob part of their prenup.

  4. She knows its not going to last

  5. What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine. Her and Lively should start a group, the First Twunts Club.

  6. Wouldn't Blake be Ryan's second "twunt"?

  7. Timberlake has estimated net worth over 100 mill she is just around 20 million.

    You have song writing royalties and you have hits, you are rolling in the dough so long as your music is relevant. And the merchandising for tours and artists are another huge source of income, something that most actors never get into, not at that level. Not to mention the big bucks touring and endorsements.

  8. @Leo: Point to you. He was actually married to Scar Jo, huh?

  9. @Leo: Point to you. He was actually married to Scar Jo, huh?

  10. Yeah, so my question is, who will be his third twunt after this fizzles?

  11. $1 million is less than 1% of their estimated combined income. What did she spend it on? Are they furnishing a house? Investing in something? Buying a fractional ownership in a plane? If she's had money all along and wasn't a free-spender, she probably didn't spend a million on clothes and shoes all of a sudden.

    There's a lot to be said about Jessica Biel for some folks, but she has enough of her own money not be called a gold-digger.

  12. I actually like her as celebs go. She doesnt come across as a bitch to me and seems pretty grounded compared to most actresses. Is there some horrible rumor I'm missing? If she is bi or lesbian or whatver, who cares. Justin isn't some amazing creature by any means but they make it work.

    I could see the money easily going to furnish a new home. Is she the most talented actress? No. But she isn't starving herself to get roles and has a fantastic body. Anyone remember her in that Adam Sandler flick? I would kill for her figure.

    1. Dat ass most def! Shame on me but i hope the rumors of her being gay are true!

  13. I've never heard the phrase "right and left" but have heard "left and right." Regional? Canadian?

    Agreed, @scallywag. 7th Heaven has been in syndication for years, and she'll get residuals from that.

    Regardless, this is soap opera gossipy, much more fun than the pedo blinds.

  14. She is clueless about her level of talent. As gorgeous as she is, she cannot seem to put an outfit on that fabulous body that flatters her. She is just weird.

    I did see one modeling stint that blew me away. She can emote really well in a well-defined editorial suite of fashion photos. I think it had a Southwestern feel to it. Awesome.

    But other than that one thing, and that magician movie she just smells like wet cardboard in her acting attempts.

    I think $1million is a small amount to spend if one's husband is a world class doucheroonie like JTurd, and I personally would not stop spending his money til I stopped being bored, which would be never.

  15. I believe she is furnishing their home...and no it won't last.

  16. What the??? Yes, saying "spending money right and left" or saying it "left and right" are both very common. I find it bizarre that someone even noticed.

  17. Be fair, folks -- you may remember that JBiel was the answer to a blind a couple of years ago about the actress who bought her celeb bf a $10K diamond-encrusted cock ring! Makes me wonder what she spent that $1M on, that he doesn't seem to mind her spending!

  18. Don't think 1 million is going to impact their bank account much. They seem like such an odd couple to me, but I never hear bad things or drama between the two so I hope they're happy.

  19. As long as they both agree on the purchases, who cares?

  20. Justin also has other business ventures - he's a partner in William Rast Jeans, partners in Southern Hospitality (restaurant in NYC); also owns a golf club in his hometown. Wouldn't surprise me to learn he has other investments.

  21. I don't see a problem. Not being sure of her future earning potential , she was frugal with her money. Now that she knows her future is financially secure, she is spending money.
    Besides, Biel has one of if not the best a$$ in the world along with an overall phenomenal body gets her a pass on darn near anything.

  22. What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine.

    Don't like her but I don't have a problem with that as long as she's invested her money well so that when this ends, sorry if this ends, she'll be set for many lifetimes since I'm sure she'll get something for "time served".

  23. I think she gave an interview several years ago in which she commented on being unsure about her money. At that time everyone tore into her (" If I had her money I wouldn't complain" etc.) Personally I suspect that she didn't walk away from 7thH set for live. It had a huge cast, she was probably paid as a child, she was conflict with producers etc. When she didn't have much success after 7thH she probably realized what she threw away and that money didn't grow on trees.
