Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 12, 2012

This celebrity was pretty calm for a guy who had just been busted by his wife after he got into a car accident. He had said he was somewhere else. Obviously not true when there are photos everywhere. he probably doesn't care anyway because the marriage is on its last legs. There is only so much of the drinking and womanizing she can take.

Robin Thicke


  1. Like father like son.

  2. Reading this every day is starting to take its toll on my psyche. Are there no faithful people in the world?! *sigh*

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This guy is such an overrated douche.

  5. Hell... Just look at his latest music videos... Smh... I used to cry when I listened to his music, because I knew Paula was his muse, and that she is the one who cared when no one else did.... I guess true love really doesn't exist, just lies,sex, and conveince.....

  6. Enty and everyone else needs to stop the Robin Thicke is a douche campaigne. He and Paula have an open marriage. The man all but said on Stern that they engage in thresomes. If his wife don't have a problem with it why should we.

  7. There is a difference between threesome and cheating...and enjoying threesomes =/= having an open marriage

    1. Um she sleeps around too; Denzel was one of the men she slept with. So why do you have a problem with what they do in their marriage?

    2. @never...yes. Because clearly pointing out the the difference between 3somes and cheating means that I "have a problem with", or, more likely, that I "don't give a shit" about what they do, in their marriage or otherwise. (as does making one comment in any of the myriad Robin Thicke posts... :stares pointedly:)

      You, on the other hand, seem to be very concerned that everyone know Paula is okay with anything he does.

    3. No Lola I'm saying why do we give a fuck. Why are you so invested with what goes on in these two lives. You read these blinds a lot so I'm sure you heard the rumors about their open relationship. I 'm saying if that is true why should you, me or anyone else give a fuck about what these two do in their bedroom. Who are we to judge.

  8. I agree with Lola.

    Also, all of us that are grown have been or known that woman or man getting openly played by their partner. Which is so obvoiusly the case here. I can't help but feel for Paula Patton. If she really is unhappy in this, then hope she gets the strength to wise up and gtfo. Her new movie that is coming out at the end of next month looks good too.

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  10. From an interview in June:

    He was also very open as he talked about the arguing and fighting in his marriage, while also revealing that he’s experienced insecurities and that they would never venture into the open relationship territory.“We have the most emotional relationship, the biggest fights. Stuff gets broken all the time. That’s what a lot of my last album “Love After War” was about, all the fighting.”He also talked about if Paula has ever giving him a pass in their marriage to hook up with someone else. “She didn’t have to. We had some great party years, she knows how to party. She might tease the idea, but I know she doesn’t want that. She may make it seem like that, but I know she doesn’t want nothing like that.”

    I'd say that as far as Paula is concerned, by Robin's own admission, they do not have an "open" marriage.

    1. And you believe everything a celebrity say in interviews. Maybe he was just trying to save face with the public

    2. Um, using that argument, your own (re: his Howard Stern appearance) is null and void. Yeah, I took a Logic class in college.

  11. Open marriage or not, womanizing so openly and pathetically is disrespectful to his wife. He just screams insecure to me.

    1. Pretty sure he wasn't trying to get caught. Why do you care so much?

  12. Anonymous10:20 AM

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  13. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Wow...i think this was a well established rumor alreadybut he shouldve known you cant get away with shit in this day and age. Dumbass. Good luck to him when he finally realises he lost the love of his life for the hollow rush of banging cum dumpster groupie starfucking sluts

  14. It's just crazy that he has Paula Patton who, in my opinion is a likable person, gorgeous, moderately successful in her own right, yet, he still needs all the skanks to keep his ego going.....i don't get it. Threesomes are one thing. But lying is quite another. If she's involved, totally their business. But obviously this is not the case here.
