Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 18, 2013

This almost A list mostly movie actress who does not deserve to be that high, but somehow keeps getting leads anyway, is so paranoid about any tabloid finding out about her personal life that she has her house swept for recording devices every other day and her friends must turn over their phones when they walk into her home.

Kristen Stewart


  1. So she's paranoid about people following her personal life ... but somehow you know she sweeps her house for bugs?

  2. She has friends?

  3. Seems her paranoia is well founded LOL

  4. is she really a lesbian or bi?

  5. I'd be paranoid too after seeing what the paps did to Mr and Mrs Cambridge while they vacationed in France. No place is safe from the ravenous tabloid press.

  6. She's constantly papped. Coupled with the bi/les rumors, the Sparkles rumors, the Twi-hard fans... I'd be paranoid. Remember when she betrayed Sparkles and twi-hard fans were calling for her blood on Twitter and FB? Actual death threats from those lunatics.

  7. She's a tacky actress, can't watch her, she sucks.

  8. So she doesn't even trust the friends she invites to her home.

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

  9. Can't blame her, there are a lot of shady people in Beverly Hills.

  10. I normally like to have a cock in my porn, because then I know at least 1 person is having a real orgasm, but I'd love to see some 1/4 mile out paparazzi, lesbo action through her window, or her date gets her all loaded on booze and drugs and takes some hi def cell phone video of the box munchin.

  11. Also don't blame her.

  12. Cmon @ Count we already saw her in the car getting some. She probably gets some pretty infrequently she probably never got near Pattinson hes so filthy.

  13. Simple solution - when you're offered the lead in a movie series based on a hugely popular teen/young adult book series that has the potential to make you one of the most recognizable faces in the world, just say "no thanks". Better yet, when your agent tells you about the audition, tell him that you'd rather focus on more "artistic" endeavors and retain your privacy.

    Or, you could just do us all a favor and leave Hollywood altogether and go be the star at some crappy Junior College in the midwest which is where a sullen dumpy mess like you belongs anyway.

  14. I don't blame her either.

  15. @Tyger Lilly, co-signed.

  16. I don't like her, but I don't really blame her, either.

  17. -"Just because you're paranoid. Don't mean they're not after you!!" - Joseph Heller

    I don't think her personal life is as eventful as the public thinks, but after what Liberty Ross & Co. tried to pull to raise their own profiles on her scandal, then yeah, I completely get it.

  18. So she's smarter than most of the idiots in Hollywood. Good for her.

  19. I don't blame her; in fact, in her position I'd probably do the same thing. You can't trust anybody, and the richer and better known you are, the more that's true.

  20. If this blind is real, I don't blame her. The source is probably one of her "friends" who knows about this, and has to turn their phone off.

  21. Anonymous4:47 PM

    This is not totally true, her friends are constantly instagramming photos of her house, what parties they are with her.

  22. She had no problems letting the paps catch her having sex with that married director.

  23. @Melissa's right. Her friends are constantly posting pics of the inside of her house or parties that she's at or thrown.

  24. After her cheating scandal with a married man in a parked car was revealed publicly, I'd say she would be paranoid. Kristen Stewart will forever be the cheating lying homewrecker. Her friends will continue to sell her out for money and publicity. Couldn't of happened to a more deserving selfish bitch.

  25. What Tyger Lily said.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. self important much?

  28. Her friends seem to be fame whores clingers to her so I dont blame her not trusting them. She has also been seen taking her trash out of her house and dumping it somewhere else. My real question is what does she have to hide that she is so paranoid about

  29. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Screw's "friends" are famewhores, they only are with her because she buys the drugs...they also all tip off the Paps constantly about her...they all have IG accounts where they have all posted pix of her, her place & have slammed her

  30. Her friends are all on instagram posting pics of her house, her yard, her dog, parties & concerts they've gone to with her, and when she was still friendly with Rob they posted pics from his Los Feliz property as well. That's how the obsessed Twihards have been able to keep track of their beloved couple. Kristen must know all about this because she's also on instagram on a locked account. But she's right to not trust these friends of hers.

  31. LOL her friends take pics inside her house and post them on their public Insta. WTH are you talking about,Enty?
